General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for Playing against 6k players?

Tips for Playing against 6k players? in General Discussion

    In our party, im the the only 4k player. the rest are in 5k mmr, i play position 4, what should i do to help our team if i'm playing against 6k players, its so intimidating, so i find myself struggling against them.


      You just think "ememer iz juz numbar". Funny how relative this is but my 2k bracket friends look up to 4ks like they're gods while i only see them as normal players. It's a mental game after all.


        It's not like there is a way to make a player play bad. Even if you kill them twice in the early game they can easily recover and still have a good impact. I think that as a 4 position all you can do is gank efficiently, try to win all 3 lanes. Try to give ur 5k cores an advantage big enough to compensate the skill and game knowledge difference.


          I got so intimidated back then, we ended up losing because of me, because i ended up dying everytime i gank their mid lane, along with their support, i was earth spirit back then, i was way behind in experience, their supports were level 12 and im only lvl 7, whats the best thing i could do as a support(pos 4)?

          ILC - Lethal Ninja

            4k and 6k there is not much difference if you play your best hero. the 6k knows how to draft better, they knows how to team fight better..

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Just play.

              There really is no big difference btween 4k & 6k.

              I get slammed against 5k & 6k players myself.

              Many factors kick in (e.g. did they eat? Are they sleepy? Are they tilted? Are they stressed in RL? Are they having a bad day? etc.etc.etc.)

              Like, seriously. Don't let it intimidate you. Remember Dota is a team game, not a solo game. If you're mid 4k you're in the 8% of a million or however many unique players are on Dotes.


                Yeah i got so nervous that i started to miss most of my rolling boulder when they had an early lead and i ended up in a dangerous position that killed most of our team.


                  Was i right that i helped our struggling offlane batrider against slark, he was getting dived a lot by slark(lvl 6) while bat was lvl 5, so i left our safelane rubick and jugg, who then gets dived by pudge,cm, and nyx but my tp was on cooldown.


                    Honestly, there are MAJOR differences between 5k and 4k players and between 6k and 5k players let alone between 6k and 4k players. The fact that some people think there is not is the main reason they are stuck in the 4k brackets. Too ignorant to accept this and you will never learn/improve


                      x D


                        There really is no big difference btween 4k & 6k.

                        x D


                          how can there be no difference?


                            even between 5.0 and 5.5k players theres a huge difference

                            Riguma Borusu

                              play like a 7k player

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                4ks talking about how there is no difference between 4k and 6k...

                                >Easy Money.

                                  Try not to feed lol. Ive been in that situation. And really focus on map awareness at the higher lvl--it'll keep u alive


                                    I do feel you are thinking too much about how good they are, and I think it ruins your gameplay. Just focus on your gameplay and try to play the best dotes of your life???


                                      4ks talking about how there is no difference between 4k and 6k...

                                      well, maybe that's the reason why he's still stucked even after playing 1K+ Riki matches. Lmfao.


                                        "not much difference between 4k and 6k"



                                          you shouldn't be intimidated, they're human also

                                          try to shut them down if you can

                                          as good as a 6k is, if he gets shut down early then he's useless like the rest of his 4k teammates


                                            play normally
                                            they're godawful

                                            ur best bet is sit on his lane in 3 people like complete morons but that's fine because none of his teammates will have much clue what they're doing and you'll get items anyway thanks to the stupidity of this patch

                                            or just dig highground and wait until they fuck up

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                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              no worries, 6ks are also just human. In party they usually tend to not give that many fucks as well, just stop being nervous and play ur game, all gud.

                                              If you play int ranked and want to win against 6ks. Just afk mid, it will make him tilt.

                                              Ragezeus knows what I'm talking about

                                              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                i have said it again and again and i will say it again. 4k and 6k differ by how well they play dota and not how well they play certain character. if you only play your best hero, there is not much difference. only the 5-6k think so because they want to feel good being 5-6k. yeah. the troll kids will come bashing me.


                                                  Hehehehe. He's stucked and yet he's stating that there is no difference between 4k and 6k. :thinking:

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    go on their dotabuff and see what they pick then ban and counter them

                                                    Player 368673122

                                                      this applies to me moreso than i think it would you but i get in the exact same position as you a lot of the times in solo ranked, i realise i'm tending towards the lowest mmr considering average - i have been 5k but i admit i struggled to keep it for long and am still the cruisin in 4.

                                                      1. entering 4k avg games im always confident, even if their highest is a 5+ which i love to vs mid regardless or counterpick their safe, i won't tilt cause i know that only means there are at least 2-3 lowest 4ks or even 3s on his team which makes A HUGE difference
                                                      i'll happily go against 6ks mid knowing that there won't be 5man snowballs by 7mins in the lane cause again, no one really gives a fuck bout mid or watches it in this tier until asked upon, and if not asked then theyll have no execution plan, leech exp, just be a deadweight for a lot of pro mids "trying" to help them
                                                      2. when i realise im the lowest/lower mmr of the team when avg is 5+, out of respect and just bein courteous i'd mark mid/safe but ask if anyone if they'd rather play pos1/2 cause ... selfexplanatory. so i go to offlane position (preferrably core) and in worst case, i pos4/5 but only know how to at a cm LOL but this is when i kind of realise fuck. i need to stomp 4ks as this position more often, knowing how to play it is one thing but trying it against 5-6k players also makes me a huge huge liability
                                                      3. now i don't budge and am very confident in my usual roles even in high avg games, i'd keep to myself and play any game normally and do ABSOLUTELY FINE, even love it when 6k players are wping me and go "wow hes actually 4k" after the game

                                                      Player 368673122

                                                        also not too sure bout now after 7.06 patch but the 6k players to be afraid of are the ones that are playermaker core heroes, a lot of them will be mid which will not let you abandon lane without realising he's going to be a huge, huge problem so they force your mid to feed/need help makin space for his team just be absolute fucking gods at playin heroes (ember duly noted), oh my god 6k embers seem to be both mind readers and fucking bruce lee reflexes - but back to the point, if they aren't playmakers (storm, invoker, lina etc) and the more generic mids like zeus, sf, ta and they're just too good for you - ABANDON LANE it's ok cause they're flash farmers anyway, they're only baiting you to come mid over and over again to stomp, let em take tower without a fight fuck it then play defence of the ancients and be boring mofos for th enext 30 mins, i think someone even previously mentioned this above but they tilt. i can't deal with sf/ta 6k+ stompers and do this a lot, they get so so so bored and frustrated and idk i feel as if it just works LOL


                                                          6k just liek 4ks
                                                          In pub ofc :v

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            go on their dotabuff and see what they pick then ban and counter them

                                                            I picked axe against cutnpaste's antimage, got raped and I liked it

                                                            beast player

                                                              mmr is just a number

                                                              Story Time

                                                                if u are the lowest mrm player in a party, then ur main objective is to "not feed", that is all. And maybe buy some auras or vision, whatever is useful. 4th position doesnt even has to hit much in the battle, just give your speelcasts on hero ur high mmr players are hitting.. :D isnt that hard?