General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the mindset of a carry?

What is the mindset of a carry? in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    Hey, I have already made a post few minutes ago about an opinion of mine and got sime nice replies, thought to also ask about another topic

    Alot of people love playing the carry in my game, and I csnt get them?of course I am appreciating them for that, they doing an important job, it would be hard to close the game without a scaling hero

    That is a question for a more core-dedicated players specifically the pos 1

    But I would like to understand, what do you find in that?
    I have played few games as csrry, and never had farm
    You relies so much on your team, you don't make plays, just being usually static and farming, constantly in think of whether you should contest in fights or use the space the fights create to get farm and objectives. Of course that is hero and game depending, but generally the carry farms more than the other

    That's really boring imo, it's doing the dirty repetitive job

    So while I really appreciate such dedicated players, I can't but ask, why do you do that? Isn't that boring?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Again, sorry for grammar


        Every role has the same mindset, the only difference is when theyre farming and how much.

        Thats why the position system is superior.

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          I meant like, why do they love it? I cant stand playing the carry, it is SO BORING

          I do understand the priority system :) I find the fifth position the most fun and satisfying position to play

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            Because the game, without an guides, teaches you that having lots of kills gives lots of items, which in turn gives more kills which gives you the ability to push.

            And counter to that there's the support role, which never has much farm, kills or tower push power.

            Meaning they learn the role wrong so they feel like it's useless

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            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              Support is not useless, without support the carry will have delayed farm because of the need of dedicating time warding, counter warding and ganking (stacking generally is a part of farming for them i guess, since you pretty much going to take the stack, you are the carry after all, unless you need to get farm on a tempo controller such as bat or sk), you can't simultaneously do all those things without sacrificing efficiency of each of them

              Also carries generally lack utility, And have a self centered kit, cc of carries are generally lackluster and team utility as well

              And there is no nearly enough farm to let 5 people simultaneously farm for maximum efficiency, it better having some that scales less and can sacrifice their farm to interrupt the enemies farm, and also brings utilities that doesn't need too much farm to the table

              I simply find the carry role really boring, and in the end not satisfying at all, it's a dirty job imo

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                Snowballing out of every single opportunity


                  Carry position is just different, it is not boring, takes time to understand small detalis, it is not easy to exploit every little bit of farm and xp without understading the game deeply, and stay cool enough to make right calls. You should respect good carry player, he invested lot of time into it. There is lot of invisible dota in carry role, maybe you can't just understand enough to appreciate it. Maybe some of higher mmr players can go more into details.

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                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    No doubt it's not easy, easy=/=boring

                    And as i said, i definitely respect them, i just can't understand them


                      People love playing the core position mainly because they're flashy
                      That's all


                        Personally it's fun to see the enemy team desperately trying to hunt you down spinning the entire map with no success and gets shred to pieces 25 minutes in

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          Oh that so fun to do that with a tranquil+Stick slardar ^.^

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            Mindset of a carry ? Try to your best to get top networth in the game . All carry heroes have different gameplay & power spike thus the mindset is not the same every game


                              But slardar doesn't remove heroes or towers in 3 seconds 🤔
                              But then again it's up to people's preference

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                I know i carry is the same and no game is the same, i meant that generally a carry focus more on a more selfish playstyle

                                And slardar doesn't remove heroes, but he can juke alot, I love playing slardar so much with his sprint

                                In fact, I max his sprint first

                                Usually my build goes around crush-sprint-sprint-crush-sprint-amp-sprint-crush-crush-talent-amp and then get bash

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                                  Slardar carry? Did I miss out something? GG boys...

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Emm i speaked about support slardar

                                    I can't stand playing carry


                                      It's definitely more selfish but also more reliable, well, not exactly more reliable, but applying what you see from high level gameplay in your games is easier on core position


                                        Ok. Please be more specific, since we started to talk about mindset of a carry, not mindset of slardar with sprint. About that 'boring' = Slardar...

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                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          @Seatard.bws well what about biver? Doesn't he play like... Almost exclusively support?

                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            I gave slardar as an example of a hero i have fun juking people as, not as a carry

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                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              Well I see i opened a can of warms

                                              Sorry didn't mean to offend anybody or something, i appreciate carries, i just dont understand how is it fun, wanted to see other people opinion >.<

                                              I have nothing against carries, just i can't play it, the need of playing selfishly simply bother me :(

                                              Again sorry if someone was offended ❤


                                                I don't see what biver have to do with this discussion


                                                  I already said why I enjoy playing pos 1 lol
                                                  Chill out no need to be overly sensitive


                                                    Carry is not selfish, has more priority and more means to translate gold and xp into advantage.

                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                      I didn't say that the carry player by himself is selfish, but generally as you go up in the priority you dedicate more of your actions towards yourself

                                                      Of course carries can have utility, look at necro for example


                                                        It's quite selfish to some extend

                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                          @Seatard.bws i guess you'll just have to get used to me :)


                                                            What kind of lineup we talking about? I'm lost. We talking about carry as overall term or safelane carry?


                                                              Is there any other carry other than safelane carry? xd

                                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                About carries in general, no lineup, and yes I specified pos 1 (well he doesn't have to be in safelane, mid and agro offlane also viable)

                                                                While I usually play 5th,I love playing 3rd ad well, which is a core

                                                                If I mean core I say core, not carry


                                                                  I enjoy it because it's the best role if you want to mute everyone else and win the game alone

                                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                    Well win and alone USUALLY doesn't go together :/


                                                                      You guys trolling me. I get the joke. Got work to do. GG


                                                                        nah, you quite literally can solo 1v9 this game at any bracket

                                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                          Well you don't HAVE to discuss, but if don't see what do you mean by trolling here


                                                                            p.s there are also midlane carries and offlane carries, safelane isn't the only role that can be a carry


                                                                              Well win and alone USUALLY doesn't go together :/

                                                                              Why rely on unreliable people if you can get good and rely on yourself 🤔

                                                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                I just said it @RIKI

                                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                  @Seatard.bws maybe because if yoy are in the trench you are unreliable just like them?


                                                                                    Then I find out why I'm unreliable and fix it and keep trying to improve to become reliable
                                                                                    You can"t fix your teammates but you can fix your own gameplay


                                                                                      The reason why I play hard carries is I want to scale to late game because I enjoy long games and the other thing is I don't want to rely on other players.

                                                                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                        That fair ^.^


                                                                                          WHEN WE SEE GOLD IT MAKES US HAPPY


                                                                                            HI Riki nice guide Btw helps alot

                                                                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                              That repetitivity is part of what annoy me on playing carry @RIKI :)


                                                                                                They love to play carry because they want to be praised when they carried / won the game specially pinoys


                                                                                                  "You relies so much on your team, you don't make plays, just being usually static and farming"

                                                                                                  That's simply wrong. The art of playing a carry is to not rely on the whole team. I believed in what I have you quoted for my entire dota playtime. RIKIs mmr boosting guide and the last games I played recently have convinced me that the opposite is true.

                                                                                                  A good carry can get his farm nomatter what his teammates do. Sure it's nice to have people create space and harass the enemies in lane. But it's not necessary to get your farm when you're left alone. So this means in the end the other players rely on you. Yeh sure, they can start to end the game before you get active but maybe this is possible because you create space, split the enemy by pushing lanes etc.

                                                                                                  And being static is as good as staying only in lane "freefarming" creepwaves is effective; HINT: It's not. Not saying I can master this myself yet but even when I lose games as carry most of the time I can figure out what my mistakes were - in 90% of the time it's staying at one place for too long or being at the wrong spot while only 2 or 3 enemies show on map.

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                                                                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                                    You can read the other messages i said :)


                                                                                                      I'm totally with you op. What op is going to say (imho) that if, say, you're playing Rubick and spot an enemy in their jungle, you try to do something to distract/kill/harass/engage him (at least steal his spell) whereas if you spot an enemy playing, say, AM the first idea that pops up in your mind is to run away before someone roots you and kills you before all your team calls you noob. The first 40 minutes of most hard carries include nothing but farming (of course there are PA. Slark, etc who don't obey this rule). Op wants to say why limit yourself to directly affect the game only during the last 10-15 minutes when you can do it throughout the game.