General Discussion

General Discussionhow the fuck is it possible

how the fuck is it possible in General Discussion
-DI- TheDrengr

    in the last 13 matches 48/52 of my teammates were feeding like 1-9 or 3-10, I counted so dont debate it.

    wtf kind of match making is that. were 48/52 people im matched with are fucking doing 0 building dmg, and 1-9, wtf man. while on the opposite side 40/52 enemies where postive kda and did around 2k building dmg

    anyone who doesn't think the matchmaking doesn't compensate against smurfs is a sub species of human and has no fucking brain.

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      Really makes you :thinking:


        If it does compensate against smurfs then it's doing fucking fine.

        -DI- TheDrengr

          well yeah it would count it as concidence but if you fucking look, its like the last 20 matches only 5 or so of my team mates broke positive k/d ratio, while almost 90% of all the enemies in my last 20 matches where positive.

          The building dmg is also disparingly obvious

          yeah i can get 100% winrate just by having like 800 gpm every match and ending 30 minutes, but that limits my play options,

          -DI- TheDrengr

            the other consideration i had once was that if hidden pool exist, it is tracked to your IP , for example on my main acc I have like 12 reports and 2 abandons, if it tracked that to ip and then smurfing wouldn't remove hidden pool.


              Are those on Int ranked?
              Lately on international ranked I've run into some weird things too like these rounds:
     (see enemy Sven)

              I have gained 200 MMR since International, but I doubt I'll play it again due to all the feeders.

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              -DI- TheDrengr

                nope just normal ranked

                Riguma Borusu

                  its statistically viable

                  but what matters is that you don't feed and you can still win

                  Lets do Science

                    i took a quick look around to get a general sense of the guys mmr, he's being matched with 300 mmr players and he's bitching about his teams being shit. Kinda funny how you're deliberately trying to get the game to rate you worse than you are and then whining when your allies aren't as good as you.


                      Im sure i have a mental breakdown. Last 5 games in 3 matches there has been some shit carry that feeds or afk farms until lvl 25 and when he starts to fight he has no bkb.

                      -DI- TheDrengr

                        @lets do science this acc is at 1400 and the avg per match is 1400. winning is not difficult. its easy to win at this mmr.

                        But that doesnt change the fact that if you actually count 48/52 of my previous team mates were all negative kda


                          putties. their dumb and gets baited easy (or goes instant retarded and starts to go near enemies thinking they can't kill them then they do much burst damage and heals up or have a team to help then they coward back and runs away or suicides taking one of them with him/her *huskar* then dies then it repeats that's what feed is.)


                            bear in mind that the opposing team has the same odds as yours

                            >Easy Money.

                              ya i feel you man, i'v ehad this happen--not sure if it's to this degree, cuz I havne't counted before, but i've had 3 games back to back where i had feeders and still mobbed myself.

                              not sure wtf accounts for it, just shit luck imo, perhaps coinicidence


                                What do you expect on 1K MMR?


                                  How your team performs in your game could have nothing to do with matchmaking but more to do with how the game goes. And this is influenced by how you play. I can easily go into 1k games and create such scenarios for my team where they die a lot but I get a lot farm. Doesn't mean I'm being matched with idiots. It could just be your play style is forcing 1ks to do stupid things


                                    cookies playstyle of basically forcing ur teammates to fight 4v5, will obviously result in them dying.
                                    the whole point of the split pushy, 900 gpm farmy, ignore team playstyle is that u use ur team as an expense to get fat, but cutting off their farm patterns and forcing them to fight, not always teamfighting, ratting, and afk farming hard will obviously lead to ur team suffering. its so fucking obvious. its a great method for winning the game if ur good at it, but it will clearly lead to ur teammates having horrible stats, that much isn't too hard to understand.


                                      its fine