General Discussion

General Discussion3k problems

3k problems in General Discussion

    in 3k mmr solo. sometimes i notice players when theyre fat. the game changes.
    they will solo 1v5 even pushing solo


      Because 3K lack coordination.


        Irrelevant comment but that is actually a really good combination good ol Bulad, suka and sili ^^


          Or is it the other 4 people's fault for not noticing his fucking pings at tower?


            yep. because he is fat. and the rest of his team doesnt understand they should take objectives. 3k dota for you.


              Thank you. this is my first time lol


                There is always these retards who just doesn't want to enjoy the easy 25 mins win I fed to their mouth and proceed to afk farm the jungle while we could've sieged highground easily no matter how much I ping the structures and the supports get random crap like dagon or SB instead of buying sustain/defensive items which would've made the game way cleaner surgical stomp


                  etits big

                  Potato Marshal

                    That doesn't change in 4k, in fact, I think it happens more often.