General Discussion

General DiscussionDota community vs CSGO community

Dota community vs CSGO community in General Discussion

    TL:DR CSGO community > Dota community imo

    Well just as the post say, I personally find CSGO community a lot - to put in better words less toxic than the Dota community.
    I've been playing Dota since the first TI and notice that the community is toxic af like really toxic specially on MMR games.

    As competetiveness go i really like how its done in CSGO, like you actually communicate with your teamates using voice chat to get things going, something pretty rare in Dota solo MMR's and the general matchmaking.

    Only downside I could think for CSGO compared to Dota is you gotta pay for the game whereas Dota is free.

    So whats your take on the Dota community rn?

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      Pro > most of your games people actually cooperate and use their mics
      Con > Full of racist suburban teenagers who think they're top shit because they are C- rank on ESEA or got to LEM before the ranks got reset/shifted

      Pro > Most of your games people know what they have to do to win if they are actually trying
      Con > the downside to that is players refuse to work together if the game isn't going their way sometimes

      I like to play CS more but I love Dota more. D2 is a mentally stressing 40 minute game someone risks when playing. CS is more straightforward and sometimes I mess around in it more.

      Does this help?

      PS - I can't stand that it's 2017 and people still don't use their mics in Dota.

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      Story Time

        mics in dota :D lol, i would not like to talk there, and also i mute everyone talking, coz useless distraction


          You havent visited hltv then


            Please note that CSGO is not a free game

            white boy summer

              csgo, i dont play it anymore cause only one competitive game for me at a time (thats why i left dota for 2 years) but games are more calm even though there are a lot of shitters only going p90 or rush b cyka or some shit but you can communicate with the majority, even 12 year olds can say something in english which is impressive
              dota, no one uses mic until the game becomes a shitshow and they would plug in their 10 year old intercom-quality microphone to flame the guy who actually does something to stop cause he doesnt want to play this game anymore/feed cause he doesnt want the other guy to win


                I forgot to mention that (also don't know if it's true) but CSGO community seems to be upset that Valve pays more attention to Dota. I heard that it doesn't compare to TF2 though lol.

                Anyway, what I'm trying to say is CS community complains about not enough updates then when Valve makes changes the whole community goes up in flames whether it be guns, maps, or operations, whatever the case. Granted Valve does fuck up sometimes like the R8 Revolver update and the useless HTRF Audio (whatever it's called but idk maybe some ppl like it) but most of the time my friends who play CS immediately get upset because of one small change.

                I guess me as a Dota leaned player welcome some small changes and am actually open to CS changes as well. Keeps the game fresh.


                  The good thing about CSGO not being free is that you filter out uncultured peasants from the get-go. well, at least most of them.


                    all the uncultured swine in na have mommys credit card so that doesn't work
                    however ive often had much funnier and enjoyable times on cs and tf2 when people are saying some funny shit or we r memeing or smth.
                    dota is more intense, tho I do have fun in it.


                      i get 2 ppl using micro out of 4 in my team on average, often even more than that.
                      (and id really prefer these ppl to not use mic tbh lul)


                        dunno I never hear anyone talking in cs go or dota, cuz I have all chat muted in both games LUL

                        Dark Hunter

                          Never played CS:GO but boy do i find the dota community toxic. You ask if someone's going to support and they're already tilted xD Honestly, I enjoy playing dota. Weither I win or lose is not THAT big of a deal. If i find we played well thats good enough for me. If you get some people talking of the mic that are actually understandable that can really change the mentality of the game.

                          Example: Sven tells my team to stun pudge for example. He jumps in get an ultra kill just by telling them to initiate. Else that gank couldve gone a lot worse for us.


                            CS:GO con - There are actually a lot of scammers (I personally know one scammer and got a big payout of it) and a lot of people getting scammed.

                            Dota Sea con - Everybody think they are hot shit and auto picks mid or POS 1.


                              both lost.


                                I think i've muted more people in csgo then I have in dota. To put it into perspectiive i've played dota for a year and a half and I've played less than ten games of csgo

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Dota 2 has longer games and presents a harder grind because of the fixed reward/punishment system. I calibrated SEM and climbed to MG1, just because I played and won about 30 compe games. Most of the time I even get lucky with my teammates, more often than not there's smurfer in my team, the good kind of smurfer, not retarded smurf spam for higher rank. Besides, all you need to do is hit your shots better than the enemy and you can win. Just that

                                  Basically, there is more stress involving Dota 2 because of the game's nature, has more intricacies and interactions + longer match times.


                                    I would play CSGO if it wasn't due to my game's alt-tab being broken. I crash my laptop everytime I alt-tab from CSGO


                                      But the only reason I play csgo is it's actually rather relaxing, you don't really have to care about people screaming at your ears that much when you know that you are a complete trash, rather than being egoistical about having mid-trash tier MMR in dota. So instead of arguing or muting with people, you can self-criticize and agree with them screaming about you sucking.


                                        csgo has more english speaking players, and the matchmaking is SO much better.
                                        People communicate in that game as well as compared to dota which you never get


                                          Dota Sea con - Everybody think they are hot shit and auto picks mid or POS 1.

                                          The retards who follow up with 4 more core picks including 2 junglers are the real cancer


                                            ^ exactly, you are a hypocrite if you scream at people first picking core and proceed to mark and pick jungle LC.


                                              999999 years since my peaceful safelane