General Discussion

General Discussiondo you sometimes feel good, even if you lose?

do you sometimes feel good, even if you lose? in General Discussion

    like when the game was fun

    doc joferlyn simp

      The only time I feel happy when I lose is when I'm meme-ing with friends on party MMR. If it's solo although there is some satisfaction for a good game I'm still bothered by losing


        Sometimes it feels good even if you lose. Good banter with your teammates helps a lot.

        Just some people playing some dotes and having fun :smile:

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          idk i almost-singlehandedly managed to make a guaranteed-lost game at 20 minutes drag into 80 and almost megacreep comeback as faceless void... the creeps broke our throne but it still feels really good to have such a huge impact.


            If the match was really good then I don't really mind even if we lose, its a real Good Game Well Played.


              Yes, sometimes a game is either very funny or a close match where your team mates are actually playing together




                  losing sucks but if your team are sinners then its a yes to me.

                  *if your a pro and you made your team improve and all they do is disgust you with words that aren't helping and steal kills from you, then I turn it againts my team and started feeding them giving them 400 gold assist and the killer 1500 gold then feed again 350, 1000 then againt 200, 750 and they easily get advantage*.

                  or I just push the game and end it because I don't want a long game where they comeback or kill steal me back.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    Never feel good to lose for once because whenever I lose, some shithead will lash out at me for the obvious reason but inevitable that costed the game. I'm already a sore loser to begin with and being subjected to a gang-report by that one loser who get triggered over a loss of a two-digit number make me want to write that guy name down on the list and beat the living crap out of him if I have a rematch with him again.

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      I've had some really healthy good games before, but they're rare, unicorn rainbow rare.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Many wins are not that fun, so some loses can be as fun, certainly better than not playing at all. But many loses are just frustrating and I wish I didn't play. So it just depends


                          1/10 of my games this happens like no toxic everyone's a good player with nice flow of game