General Discussion

General Discussion1year no playing and still VHS player lol.

1year no playing and still VHS player lol. in General Discussion
Onang Angas _123

    A fuckimg alot game change in dota 2! I think i need 120 total games again to calibrate . Still 5.5k max mmr calibration after of this dota3?


      Level 20 is game duration dependant, so it can be any number between 100-150

      Ranked calibration is capped at 3.5k now


        Well you're unlucky my friend because the Max limit of calibration is capped on 3.5k now

        Onang Angas _123

          Ow cookie u still active i know u b4 when i stop u r like finish your tbd and got like 4.5kish and spamming sk hero and now u r a god user of arc grats! I hope i have own computer so i can play again dota i back playing bec. Of clutchs gamers lol



            Onang Angas _123

              Its ok i thnk i still can refresh my knowledge in dota and adopt the game changes road to 6k . I sell my 6.4k b4 and quit i hope still can reach 6k i feel the game is more better bec. Of talent tree