General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy randoming isn't respected?

Why randoming isn't respected? in General Discussion

    I always thought randoming is something a confident player would do, but when I random and mark a lane, others often criticise me and try to drive me out of the lane. Wtf?


      You expect egoistic cucks to adapt and draft properly? xd


        Dude, youre the one who just posted something about your gf lol


          Not in your bracket. Its an ez GG if you dont know that hero. No matter how confident you are, skills is the number on basis on winning games. Almost all 4K below have no clear grasp on the true potential of a single hero. You may spam a hero to get a clearer image on what's the true potetnial along the spamming time. How much more if you random? You're decreasing your chance on winning. Let's assume you random then get a hero that you're not familiar with like Visage. Nearly all 2Ks dont grasp on how powerful visage is. He is a mediocre mid hero but its still viable in a very situational draft. Visage is good when partnered with Drow or any good burst safelaner like slark and ursa cause his slow can ensure that these safelaner's skills would hit properly. This would make the offlaner's life miserable. Visage is good against an aggressive tri/dual cause it help his 2nd skill stack. See? This knowledge can easily be researchable but in your bracket, casuals makeup of the majority so they dont even care on learning dota. so randoming is considered bad cause 80% of the time you dont know that hero. Even you get your fave pretty sure you didny unlock its true potential yet.


            The most triggering randoms (apart from last pick randoms of course) is when the fucker randoms a rock solid support but insists on rerandoming for a core.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              I randomed io one
              I calmed my team lying to them that i had 200 io games
              We won.


                because people are cancerous


                  I also randomed Kotl once and re-randomed io lmfao. So i started supporting and we won. I also earned some commends guess


                    Random 1st or 2nd Pick and I wouldn't care, Random 3rd or 4th I might share a few words with you.

                    Oh and if you can't play your hero please don't re-random, just pick a support.

                    I don't think you will have gain respect in Dota, the player toxicity is on another level from the general society.

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                    mentally handicapped

                      i randomed a lot and my life was okay. still kept winrate at 60%

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        because it fucks up lanes for ppl even if u know how to play that hero, it sure sucks giving ur pos to some moron who probably has no idea how to play the hero they randomed(being able to press all buttons =/= knowing how to play)

                        mentally handicapped

                          well in hindsight i only randomed when no one first picked in my team. i wouldnt know what to play and each -2 in my team is like a stab of a needlepoint 0.1 mm into my heart, going deeper each time


                            -Random often fucks up draft when it's not 1st pick
                            -U can also random a hero which no1 in ur team can play (E.g. Chen) or random smth which is easy to coutnerpick (e.g. broodmother)
                            -Ppl become mad when they put an icon on mid and then smb randoms invoker

                            I would make randoming prohibited in ranked

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                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              What if you randomed Techies, Razor and all


                                Random = Epic respect


                                  Just recently in an international ranked game someone second pick randomed a treant. He then re rolled and got Chen. I think you already know the outcome of the match. I gave him my precious report.



                                    As soon as game starts, I mark safelane because Im a position 1 or 2 player (I suck at support), then someone randoms Spectre, forcing me to pick another lane (which might be marked by rest of team). Now instead of me spamming my favorite heroes which i have played alot, there's a YOLO person playing position 1 with hardest carry in game. i don't report anyone because of their pick but I know who I'll be muting


                                      Composition is like 40% of who wins, people who think dota actually takes micro are turboshitters, and these are the people who are usually """confident""" in their "micro skill" so they get a trash hero like AA and are generally deadweight through the game.

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        If fucks up the draft. Even if it's a decent hero, most teams won't pick around it cus some guy already wants to mid, someone else wants to safe lane. Only time a random works well is when it's a support and a meta one, not some shitter like aa or pugna or ss or something not in meta.


                                          1st pick random is good coz either parties could adjust


                                            my experience from people that random:

                                            randoms good support, re-randoms and gets a core he cant play.

                                            literally 99% of peopoe rerandom when they get a supp. why even random then? just very dumb people in general

                                            team fuck sucks

                                              The question is why does the randomer get super mad when you random after they did.


                                                Randoming is legit. Just don't understand why people rerandom when they get a good hero.


                                                  Don't random in ranked. Ruins games tbh

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    It just ruins games.

                                                    They almost always random a hero they can't play, or can't play well.

                                                    Even first pick random has ruined games from my experience. What if you random SF first pick? All that's gonna do is tilt the guy who had mid called first with his icon mid on TA highlighted, now he has to go support cause all other lanes are called, all because you randomed SF, and you hid behind the phrase " what? It's first pick random, so it's okay. "

                                                    It honestly needs to go to balance ranked more. People also random supports, then reroll everytime.

                                                    Believe me, no one thinks you're a bad ass for randoming.

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      I lost many games because some idiot randoms a phantom lancer (or any other easily countered core) and the other team instantly counter picks then we have to play with a shut down safe lane carry ...


                                                        Actually it is more than 40%. There is (or was) a website out there that can predict the result of matches based on the draft - has a 70% success rate with pubs.

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          hey guys i hit the random button:

                                                          1. i gave up the ability to pick intelligently and raise my chance of winning
                                                          2. i introduce the possibility of getting a hero that is worse than my best

                                                          additionally, either i

                                                          3. FP random and risk randoming/rerandoming a core and getting countered (yay we have am against sven lmAO or worse yet meepo against 5 counters with a shitty meepo player)
                                                          4. Random second/third phase and risk fucking up team comp by getting something super dumb like roam cent + offlane ds or generally just make draft weaker to certain heroes due to having 2 supports with no cc or similar stuff

                                                          nobody can play every hero at their peak proficiency. randoming feels like announcing that you don't care about winning and you dont give a fuck if you screw your teammates over. if i could report every person who randoms in MY ranked games i would


                                                            if u make it obvious that ur randoming and that I can pick around u its ok.
                                                            but if its halfway into the draft and u random and fuck up the whole draft without anyone knowing what u were going to do ur an asshole. also if u random into a role someone was looking to play, ur basically dicking them, or at least their idea of fun.
                                                            also if someone is trying to do a quest and u random that hero its also rlly triggering.