General Discussion

General DiscussionNew calibration mmr

New calibration mmr in General Discussion

    Hye Guys! I've learn that you'll be able to recalibrate your mmr with battle pass and play on the international rank. I wonder how does it work ya? Can explain more details to me please? If it's really work, then I guess I'll buy compendium to recalibrate my mmr

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      what is this abomination

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        u can replace ur normal ranked mmr with ur int ranked mmr after ti ends


          Well, about those words it's nothing, I just found that's interesting so I use it as my steam profile pic xD


            Is it really work out? Because I've read a lot of forum and commends and most of it are negative. Some said it was a bug or its never work


              didnt play ranked in a while - calibrated seasonal solo mmr above regular - trying to get to 40 games total so i can replace it after TI