General Discussion

General DiscussionBrain fatigue

Brain fatigue in General Discussion

    This thread has me dying now this is great

    mentally handicapped

      omg mr. knight it is you. hahahaha

      edit: im happy for you josh. let the endorphin release cloud the fact that you blocked a windows view with a bush

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        It is me

        Giff me Wingman

          The bible is your favorite book. Holy shit, now everything makes sense.

          mentally handicapped

            lmao blunt do share sir hahahahahahahahahaha

            Giff me Wingman


              I'd kms if i'd think the bible is my favorite book.

              Favorite athletes Midone and miracle, oh, my, lord....

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                just look at this, first test on google:

                they're basically retarded pattern recognition tests, if i was this smart i wouldn't be spending my time on this forum i'd be inventing teleportation right now

                Giff me Wingman

                  I think all online IQ tests are bad tbh.


                    next will be the repeating yourselves like dogs, who only bark over and over the same noise.

                    throwing shit
                    haHAA cookies protégé turns out to be a raving egotistical animal with autism SeemsGood

                    mentally handicapped

                      omg right now ive got to go and and watch movies with the squad. unlike you josh, i dont leave my friends hanging when theres a meet up planned. i thought you went and had sushi with your friends lol. its been 40 minutes and youre still here "dying" because youre being made into a joke

                      nice have fun with that

                      casual gamer

                        I'd kms if i'd think the bible is my favorite book.

                        u probably wouldn't though


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                        Giff me Wingman

                          omg right now ive got to go and and watch movies with the squad. unlike you josh, i dont leave my friends hanging when theres a meet up planned. i thought you went and had sushi with your friends lol. its been 40 minutes and youre still here "dying" because youre being made into a joke

                          Honestly I think he made himself to a joke the moment he made a thread a couple of months ago on how he wants to "boost" his 2k account with 1k avg GPM with TA midas.

                          u''re right, I'dbe to stupid to kms

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                            omg right now ive got to go and and study physics by myself. unlike you josh, i dont leave myself hanging when theres work planned. i thought you went and had sushi with your friends lol. its been 40 minutes and youre still here "dying" because youre being made into a joke
                            nice have fun with that

                            casual gamer

                              omg right now ive got to go and and play video games until 11, then have to wake up at 5 am. unlike you josh, i dont leave myself hanging when i can fuck future me over


                                Actually I love this, I like roasting/teasing people and I love to be teased but people always suck at teasing/roasting

                                I love when it goes back and forth its a good game.


                                  ^there is just so much wrong with u we rnt even teasing u have a seriously inflated ego and some really autistic reasoning
                                  I seriously wanted to vomit sometimes reading ur posts, that's how disgusting ur attitude is.

                                  casual gamer

                                    im just alt tabbing back and forth and refreshing repeatedly


                                      wow u onli hev 1 big company? wow so trahs tbh.
                                      lmao he must be brainded haHAA xDDDDD
                                      im only a shity eggotistical animal who cant undersantd that iq isnt sumthing u judge every1 by, but i spout bs anyway xD
                                      respek me cuz i have so much suxess than u lmao haHAA.
                                      imma assosiate iq with personal wurth to inflat my dangerusly low self esteam so i cen look smart xDDD
                                      please, PLEASE wallow in yur submishun as i donimate u with my high iq haHAA.

                                      casual gamer

                                        i think intelligence/knowledge as a component of self worth is fine, but iq is a very poor thing to stake the basis of a claim to intelligence on, especially if you are trying to establish yourself as far more intelligent than the norm

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          This will be my last reply before I go to bed. Next time when you try to brag with something then please think before you do so. Honestly, there is literally no reason to lie about having money, because in the end, unless you buy compendiums or make giveaways for people on this forum, noone gives a shit. You cannot impress anyone here by lying about having alot of money.

                                          You're not ugly, you're no beauty either, even tho I would suggest you should work a bit on your presentation as a person, so far you haven't accomplished a whole lot ( even tho you did get some kind of start going). Instead of wasting time on dotabuff lying about where you want to be, start trying to actually work for where you could be. You aren't completely retarded but you have massive ego issues and delude yourself, so my advice for you is, try to stop yourself from believing you're something which u aren't and instead work for the things you want to be. You're honestly wasting your potential and you are making a complete fool out of yourself. You basicially lost all credability and respect by claiming you're a genious and rich.

                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                            haHAA suck my brainpeneis boys coz I got 322 iq haHAA



                                              classic blunt

                                              do I overuse the quote function?
                                              I just love it so much

                                              casual gamer

                                                credability and respect by claiming you're a genious and rich.


                                                casual gamer

                                                  damnit daddy beat me to it

                                                  his 132 iq at work wow1

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    And yet I never made a single statement about my net worth or my IQ

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      4am, having brain meltdown boys.

                                                      There can be no overuse of the quote function.

                                                      @jdf8: 134, fokken pleb


                                                        @danish Linkedin was just for my first company, Knight Media where I did a lot video production etc. for syracuse university and other clients. Mostly Educational facilities and some commercial work. What I run now requires no presentation of myself, just marketing my products which is what I am working on.


                                                          This thread has become pure gold. Special thanks to blunt And semdren


                                                            it is pretty fucking hilarous, it was a good time for sure I enjoyed everything, especially danish posting pictures of me that was actually well played and very hilarous


                                                              here roast a photo of me acting for my own product video:


                                                                where can i report this kid, pretty sure he's going on a school shootout (like a western) soon.

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  man why did this threadsquality go up precisely when i left to sleep


                                                                    Best thread of 2017 so far


                                                                      And yet I never made a single statement about my net worth or my IQ

                                                                      You may not have referred to ur own aii cue but u referred to it for everyone else


                                                                        Candidate for dotabuff hall of fame

                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                          yall go to sleep now for real


                                                                            Good shit


                                                                              Did i miss something last night damn


                                                                                @daddy and I gave everyone well above avg iq's , the same difference between an avg persons and retard, is the difference between most of the IQs I listed and avg iq. I never actually insulted anyone except the first kid who came out slinging shit like a ape with "weakness disgusts me"


                                                                                  this is a good thread, danish even left me a love letter at the end


                                                                                    Sem, you look like a GoT character in that photo.

                                                                                    Dragons Essence

                                                                                      1.3K + match and still 2.5 ish, im just 200ish match and get 10 points above u dude. JK


                                                                                        Ranked MM



                                                                                          Can you guys not try to kill this thread? I want this to be the "Banned Free Cookies This Forum" thread of 2017.

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                            Banned free cookies this forum*


                                                                                              People showing off IQs like it matters, IQ tests on internet are the most arbitrary shit. I have gotten scores from 148 to 108. You have to speak to an actual Psychologist to have one. And besides it shows nothing, IQ ALONG with EQ is a somewhat vague representation of itelligence.


                                                                                                IQ's, 1-2 friends, tl;dr, this just skyrocketed beyond normality of my current level of dotism...closing browser, good bye...

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                                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                                  I have never seen anybody holding down a real job brag about their IQ before.


                                                                                                    legend thread bump


                                                                                                      Hmmm, with the gold bounth nerf to jungle you need to farm faster to maintain same gpm. There was already enough farm on map for 600 lh in 30 minutes. So with more on the map you need to farm a little faster for it to be an advantage. Slight adjust to builds to support 2
                                                                                                      30% farm speed increase should result in the patch as a advantage. But if your farming the same amount of lh per minute as before your gpm is reduced by 15% avg.