General Discussion

General DiscussionTy Jacked

Ty Jacked in General Discussion

    The only reason why i do folow db forum is that i can sometimes learn something about meta or whatever.
    I saw youre winning with troll and recommend the hero as i know youre player kappa i knew it could work and me and my meme friend played yesterday 4 games i have been supporting him, we won all of them. Copy your build as well i think vlad, say, diff or sb, crits or tanky item.We will spam that a lot now with my io i think take us to 5k to see Cockie and, thanks

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      The only reason why i do folow db forum is that i can sometimes learn something about meta or whatever.

      dont trust this community too much, its mostly shittalk ,false information, trolling etc.


        ^I wud agree
        also crits on troll sounds pretty bad and I'm pretty sure jacked doesn't approve unless ur rlly rlly rlly ahead.


          this community has different kinds of people. and many respond well to sincere questions.

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            Troll is free mmr.

            I got tired of losing to trolls, so now I spam him. That's how I learn things.

            Just pay attention to yourself to improve (yes, we all get those shitmates and trash-tier players where we question them but IGNORE THAT SHIT. Focus on yourself).

            If a play kicked your ass, and you are honest to yourself and got outplayed, research that player, see what they did, how they did it, pay attention to them, and if it works. DO IT, and keep doing it!

            also jdf8

              theres people to listen to and people to read so u can laugh. they both bring value to this lovely forum


                if u hate it then ban it, why wud u become what u hate?
                it means ur a gutless bastard with no foundation, I hate troll and will never become troll because I hate him.


                  theres people to listen to and people to read so u can laugh. they both bring value to this lovely forum

                  T H I S I S W H A T W E N E E D P E O P L E T O S E E

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    ur a troll


                      just ns stuf


                        Half your build is not something I recommend luuuul


                          But yea enjoy your free mmr

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            If something stupid, works, then it's not stupid. Amiright or amiright my fellow PA Echo Sabre bros??


                              In dota it's hard to tell if something works because so many factors go into winning a game. U only see its effectiveness in really close games. Let's just say it's not optimal

                              Stop echo saber pa. It's suboptimal :x

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