General Discussion

General Discussiontroll or spec

troll or spec in General Discussion

    which is better to spam ^ ^

    troll weakness is just if he's so underfarmed within the 20 minutes he won't do shit later on, plus disables fuck him up real bad and he is so easy to kite >.< without supports on safelane on a hard tank offlane he is shit.

    doc joferlyn simp

      Spec but you'll have to have superior overall game sense compared to both teammates and enemies, since you'll be outplaying the enemies and outfarming teammates. Troll is more self-sufficient and can solo Rosh very early on, and his global ult gives him assists to kill by teammates. Spec can do that yes but on a much longer CD.

      After you get Vanguard/Phase/Urn it'll only be a matter of time before you get Radi and pop ult once and kill any support on the map lul


        Troll. Because he has no obvious weakness. Spec farms and lanes like shit. And u can get shut down hard. Can't really solo rosh or hit buildings. But u just press r and win.

        So troll


          I agree, but so too is Spectre if underfarm. Troll become quite menacing when you buy blink + bkb and jump on top of your choice of target.

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            ^ ^ he has weakness Man , wrong picks like this ruin games , Lol Rubick support ? I mean he didn't do anything no impact or anything Coudl have been lion or magi , and of course the abandon fucking bara useless too . troll suffers from poor laning stage without help but when he has his items he's so Op

            doc joferlyn simp

              Fuck you Jacked

              I trusted you. You betrayed me


                Pick the more dogshit and less braindead hero to climb to git gud


                  You need to adapt to the game first, what was the reason for the SB pick up vs Zeus? were there any worth while passive you could break with it by upgrading it to silver edge? they have Omniknight which mean you need to pick up Diffusal for Guardian Angel.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    Any carry suffers from poor laning stage to a certain extent. But troll is not that bad like am or spec or slark where poor laning stage is absolutely game losing.

                    If troll can't hit things of course it's bad. But usually that's your teammates fault for not picking good heroes :p


                      Although troll may not want to get diffusal it's actually pretty alright. Helps with the kiting too


                        What's with the sny pickup against super ferrari club and SB against zeus?


                          Diffu is not that bad on troll actually, although not a must buy
                          I remember that one time I played against diffu troll and he just removes people's mana like a goddamn antimage


                            ^spectre is more brain dead lul. I dare you to learn troll noob


                              lets start with what u think is more enjoyable to play


                                I think I'll spam troll jungle now. I am already bored playing TA.


                                  troll is so strong laner, why the hell would you jungle him?


                                    Becuase 3K bracket wants a jungling troll?


                                      You basically didn't touch him until he became broken anyway
                                      Meta sheep


                                        Talk to me when you can actually win with troll when he's kicked out of the meta


                                          I'm a troll. Are you trolled? Lol. Nah. Seriously though, you see 3Ks pick 4 man carry lineup right? If the game tells me to go jungle I'll jungle but most probably I'll lane. I'm just trolling you. Rofl.


                                            i was spamming troll before ppl knew he was broken, and i was telling all u tards to spam troll if u remember.
