General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this normal mood ?

Is this normal mood ? in General Discussion

    Sometimes ( right now) i dont play heroes team need in ranked just pick what i want now i spamm invoker silncer Od BB if i dont get to play invoker and i rly want i will just go jungle and get midas 20 min

    i just cant play every time normal and care about pick too much tiring and boring for me
    anyone feel same i hope im not alone

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      same if I dont get a hero or a role I want, I just don't care about the game and I want to leave and go next, that's how I lose shit ton of games, just cuz I pick something useless then and tab out afk or some shit.

        \\ _C
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         レ ノ   ヽ_つR
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       ( (ヽ S
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       | 丿 \ ⌒)
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      ノ )  Lノ__PLAYER

      Этот комментарий был изменён
      死の恐怖 Haseo

        same if I dont get a hero or a role I want, I just don't care about the game and I want to leave and go next, that's how I lose shit ton of games, just cuz I pick something useless then and tab out afk or some shit.

          \\ _C
           \( •_•) A
            < ⌒ヽ N
           /   へ\ C
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           レ ノ   ヽ_つR
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          / / U
         ( (ヽ S
         | |、\.
         | 丿 \ ⌒)
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        ノ )  Lノ__PLAYER


          same if I dont get a hero or a role I want, I just don't care about the game and I want to leave and go next, that's how I lose shit ton of games, just cuz I pick something useless then and tab out afk or some shit.
            \\ _C
             \( •_•) A
              < ⌒ヽ N
             /   へ\ C
             /  / \\ E
             レ ノ   ヽ_つR
            / / O
            / / U
           ( (ヽ S
           | |、\.
           | 丿 \ ⌒)
           | |  ) /
          ノ )  Lノ__PLAYER


            Now I see why all of your recent games are LP

            doc joferlyn simp

              You're retarded


                bro ur 2k after 1k games idk what retard u have to be or low iq to have so low mmr after 1k games ...ur just missing some part of brain sry

                @ greg i dont play on that acc anymore i give away

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Maybe I actually grinded from 1.4k to where I am now instead of smurfing then steadily losing MMR when I calibrated high and consequently ruining the game for the other 4ks trying to get 5k and greedily pick the mid role, while claiming to not play anymore to maintain some semblance of my superiority over other players who have lower MMR than I do. Which retarded person would do that, right?

                  Oh wait...


                    i have played my games and no more take this game serious nor have time nor nerves
                    i smurf cause i love doing that ( right now i smurf 3500 mmr ) many people smurf alot like me
                    and i have given alot 3k 4k mmrs to people much lower rank to actually learn something in dota and it helps
                    i dont ruin games ,my games mostly got ruined by feeders acc buyers vry comon in 4k and i dont owe nothing
                    the game is just the way it is system is bullshit

                    i replied cause u started but i wont go on idc for u

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                    doc joferlyn simp

                      Yeah so somehow serial smurfers are now benevolent godfathers giving the gift of MMR to little kids so that they can improve? Yeah tell me more. For all I know you just want a bigger epeen. Trashtalking NS people participating in the threads 'cuz you think you're hot shit with 4k MMR. I don't give a fuck if you smurf and get high MMR but if you're a dick about it I'll be a dick to you as well

                      You've dropped close to 500 MMR since you started *shit*posting in the forum and you're now rotting in LP, the funny thing is you're still as big an asshole as you were before except you don't say those nasty gore thing about beheading my mother and fucking her neck or some fucked up shit only a retarded smurfer like you could have thought up

                      Edit: Yeah Renshin smurfs and give accounts to people as well but the main difference between the two of you is that one is an asshat about his MMR and the other isn't

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                        xd ,iz tru i love nohed moms fetish u got me :(


                          u want 4k acc now ?

                          old man

                            ^very tempting actually for me. i always calibrated at 3k (except for this one) and i guess im fine with that. but yeah, we ns know we suck but you guys dont need to point it out. thats just being a jerk.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              I have my own account close to 4k, thank you