General Discussion

General DiscussionOG vs VP Game 3

OG vs VP Game 3 in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Can someone please tell me why the fuck did they pick dusa? I don't understand.


      wait till he buys rapier


        was timbersaw the right pick , VP are almost all str heroes


          rapier incoming boys


            medusa damage was impressive if you know what i mean

            Dire Wolf

              I think it was a reaction to axe/to protect egg. If you pick a high dmg hero axe crushes them with taunt and blademail. But no tail went a stupid fucking build, linkens, skadi, manta, where's the dmg? He should done casual yasha and maelstrom or something into rapier rush. And he sat on brown boots! 35 attack speed and 10 dmg on treads for very little gold. Really bad build. Wtf is linkens for anyway? Doesn't block taunt, blocks dk stun I guess.

              Giff me Wingman

                Even if different items, I doubt dusa could do anything useful. Dno feel the pick was game losing.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  1) He didn't get Manta. Only Yasha. He upgraded into Manta much later (after Linkens and Skadi) at 39 minutes to deal with Open Wounds/NS silence.
                  2) Literally every single Medusa goes for that build anyway.
                  3) Storm was supposed to do damage, but they can't kill Lifestealer or DK even with Timbersaw.
                  4) Solo just rekt them in the draft, baiting Phoenix pick again then just shit them on the lane because Phoenix is a garbage lane sup.


                    casual yasha and maelstrom or something into rapier rush.




                        his build was good except for brownboots imo

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          That second pick Axe really ruined them. Totally counters Jugg and Troll, two carries who would have actually been good that game. I don't know, I think they still should have picked one of them.


                            but seriously medusa was a bad pick , one of the weakest lane ever (dusa+phonix) vs a strong snowbally line up is like asking to be rode on .

                            hs/vhs senors , if you would pick a different pick what would you draft?


                              dusa isnt a weak laner

                              Siiilver Surfffeeer

                                Medusa is a legit pick against 4 melee heroes, she just needs farm and stats to tank that is why the build was linken, manta, skadi..

                                It's just notail died a lot in the early game.

                                By the time Solo picked Lifesteal, Fly was forced to pick Storm because he don't want a Storm/Lifesteal combo.
                                Fly was planning to pick Invoker IMO but the 3rd pick Lifestealer was the real deal in the draft that ruined OG's planned draft.


                                  cz they r gays and they like sit behind a gay

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    no the build was awful, why does medusa need to dispel anything? she can sit and tank, if they silencer her it's a win cus all her supports can get their casts off. They lost cus they had no damage. Skadi is fine, linkens + manta + skadi is bad. I know many medusas rush manta on her but it doesn't do dmg.


                                      why dont ppl pick axe more


                                        dusa is good agaiinst those but in that game it's not good with line up with dusa

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Okay man I'm sure you know better than 90% of the pro players.



                                            dusa herself is not a weak laner ofc , she can dominate mid and she can secure her farm but with phonix they both actually didn't do much vs axe and nightstalker


                                              Okay man I'm sure you know better than yawndotes the legend*


                                                it wasnt bad but they didnt execute it properly i think

                                                also jdf8

                                                  man im trying not to flame u rn

                                                  if ns spams fear on dusa and she has no dispel the game becomes a 4v5 they dont have to focus a tank with 20 physical dps and no spell


                                                    TERRORBLADE DOTO

                                                    Siiilver Surfffeeer
                                                      Этот комментарий был удален

                                                        what are you talking about ns silence gives like 80% miss chance with ~4 second downtime at night i believe
                                                        how do you think that medusa is going to fight with that