General Discussion

General DiscussionWho are some good/ popular carry offlaners

Who are some good/ popular carry offlaners in General Discussion

    When I say heroes like legion and bs who kinda hold their own against the safelane and get good farm. The reason is I've found that the lane is usually a competition to have and offlaners can be very fun, so suggestions please.



      Cheap Laugh Guy

        BS as in Bloodseeker? No way man better just jungle BS.


          yes bs as in blood seeker I just dont like jungle because the build takes a little longer to come online


            offlaner is not a carry role,

            yung griphook

              i like your picture


                Well theres my problem I guess, and thanks


                  Pos 3 is not pos 1


                    axe! One of my favourıte core hero. Strong offlaner, and Jungler.

                    Monthly wınrate: 54.78%
                    " pıckrate: 24.14%
                    Source from

                    no doubt, axe ıs one of the most popular hero wıth hıgh wınrate ın DOTA 2
                    Good to fıght agaınst melee hard carry lıke PA, Jugg, and etc.
                    Core ıtem : Dagger, Blademaıl.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      First off: Understand the difference between carry and core.
                      Carry is usually your safe laner, who deals physical damage, and farms for the major part of the early game.
                      Core could be any one of the position 1,2,3 heroes. Safe laner, mid or offlane.

                      To answer your question, axe and legion commander are some of the best heroes to deal with melee safe lane cores because they build blade mails and make the enemy attack you. Axe doesnt scale as well as LC but can stay relevant throughout the game with the right item choices. Thats for the pickoffs, as for teamfight, enigma is one of the best, simply because he jungles faster than most when his lane is too hard. Just dont rush blink first, mek might be way better in most cases.'

                      Heroes like Timbersaw, Abaddon and Dark Seer could stay in their lane literally forever and just keep the pressure and push but ideally are very good in teamfighting.

                      A special mention to Puck, does great nuke damage, can survive the offlane, can farm creepwaves like a lina, but needs some skill and experience to pull off in any situation.


                        ^ lul puck is shit offlane, he cant utilize jungle camps
                        id say its a VERY niche pick


                          If your looking for offlane heroes that are going to be able to kill things your looking at like axe, lc, centaur. These heroes can roam the map and find solo pickoffs pretty easily in the mid game. Bloodseeker in theory could work but you would have to be careful of the matchup.