General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Shadow Fiend first pick material in this meta?

Is Shadow Fiend first pick material in this meta? in General Discussion
Super Senko-san Time

    Planning to ride his dick hard for a while


      it depends, he is definetely okay as first pick if you know how to play from behind (which sf is pretty good at due to his flash farm capacity). And I feel like in mid 3k supports are less likely to camp you mid, on the other hand if they do, your other lanes are less likely to use that to their advantage. So overall, not a bad pick if you can comeback without you or more importantly your team tilting.

      Dire Wolf

        Sf can be ganked mid which is pretty much his weakness. So I don't think there's a reason to hold the pick, every opposing team will have some sort of ganker. Unless they just go crazy and pick bh or riki or some shit to ride your nuts all game.

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          Do it , no pu55y


            as for 3.5K it sucks. every time i see a SF he either do massive shit or fall hard late (wich is a joke cause his late is suposed to be scary bit welcome to 3.5K)

            Lina is better for me, i'll spam her for a bit.


              AM is first pick material kappa


                If you want to get good first picking whatever you want is a good way to do that

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  ^i tried first pick am . Lost all 3 game


                    ride mine

                    Dire Wolf

                      AM is an awful hero in pubs just don't pick him first or last pls.


                        I see sf first pick im guaranteed picking sb to gank the balls out of you.

                        yung griphook

                          CCnC does it


                            No he's not.

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              ure definitely gonna ride some dicks if u firstpick sf


                                Say hello to spirit breaker and Riki

                                basement :)

                                  Getting ganked middle only works pre-level-5. Once he gets level 5, he can just Raze the creeps and go farm the jungle, which he should be doing.

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    The hero farms so fast


                                      So does anti mage, but you don't pick him first.


                                        yea rushing linkens on sf against spirit breaker is pretty cancerous


                                          Nope, the only close to guaranteed wins in this meta are getting Zeus and spectre on your team at the same time.

                                            Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                              Lmao murranji. Still harping on that shit. Send an email to the 7ks. Once they start spamming that combo it will cascade over the other brackets

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                                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                    If you go midas on spectre how do you sustain? Or do you just rely on midas income and don't jungle much/at all?

                                                    Russian Roulette ✇

                                                      If SF is prone to getting ganked in mid, would safelane SF be a better choice?


                                                        So does anti mage, but you don't pick him first.



                                                          ok actual question

                                                          what are the heroes you dont pick sf against (if he is bad for 1 pick)?
                                                          slardar? spirit breaker? what else?


                                                            Gl charging me when i triple raze your sb while you dive my tower


                                                              A good TA will rek a SF, its possible to win but whenever I see a SF on the enemy team I just pick TA.
                                                              Pudge is pretty difficult to deal with if hes roaming because of the MS. But otherwise you should be fine.
                                                              Even against SB you can just run back to the tower and raze him a few times