General Discussion

General DiscussionSo i was thinking

So i was thinking in General Discussion

    I was thinking about the concept of "MMR" and came to conclusion that "MMR" is not a direct indicator to your skill level :
    you gain MMR when you win games and lose MMR when you lose games so we can call it your ability to win pub games.
    winning pub games are affected by many factors other than skill level like:
    1- your mood
    2- If you should be doing something more important than playing data
    3- synergy between your team mates
    4- picks and counter picks
    5- skill level
    those are the factors or the keys to win more games if you have 3 of them you can win quite easily.
    the thing is I don't have anyone of those
    1- My mood is always shit
    2- I think we all should be doing something more useful rather than playing DOTA
    3- I am really bad when it comes to communicating with strangers
    4- Spamming Meepo every single game even tho I suck with that hero
    5- I feel ashamed to be 3k after 2k+ matches and 3k+ hours into DOTA in +2 years

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    one syllable anglo-saxon



        yes MMR is direct indicator to your skill level because 1-4 change for everyone over extended periods of time.
        Everyone at some point:
        1) has a good/bad mood
        2) Should be doing something more important/procrastinating
        3) has shitty synergy/or clicks with certain teammates
        4) gets counterpicked/or counterpicks himself

        so yes they do provide for some fluctuation or MMR swing, but overall your skill level is what keeps you in your bracket.
        Say I am on a huge loss streak (downswing of my MMR range) at some point my skillset that is somewhat better than that of lower MMR players just won't allow me to fall further into the pit. So yeah in short run 1-4 may affect your performance, but they affect everyone's performance, while SKILL levels is what matters in the long run and provided that each game is only worth 16-30 MMR it is what matters.

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        Shikanoko Noko

          So you wanna to say mmr is just a number

          Story Time

            mmr is there to make sure that you will not reach 9k, and will not bother Miracle with being his random teammate.
            Honestly the system tries to keep you within your bracket for a reason.

            Shikanoko Noko

              I was thinking valve will make some change mmr will be given or lose in every game base on what role we play.

              For example:
              Support role is most hardest role in game and its should be given +25 mmr if win and -15 if lose
              While core role mostly easiest role in game and its should given +15 mmr if win and -25 if lose
              How to count what role you play in that game?
              Base on how many ward you buying and how many last hit you take.

              Yeah should do this I think

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Mmr = ability to won game = Skill


                  IceTea saying:
                  Ability to win games = MMR = skill level + the the other factors I mentioned.
                  is more accurate


                    By far, amount of games played has better accuracy of what your real skill is than this MMR bullshit. MMR is for smurfs not to ruin
                    L ow mmr players games imo
                    U're better than most 4k players in my opinion. At least you can play meepo and thats something some professional players have
                    No guts to try.
                    Thats why i have more respect for some <4k players than fake 6k> players.

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                            @toxic i dont think so. I can boost my mmr from 4100 to 5k in max 10 days by spamming my fav heroes. MMR is innacurate way to show skill of a player

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                            Dire Wolf

                              MMR is a system to create even matches similar to an elo system. It ranks players with an arbitrary number so you are matched against people around your skill level.

                              Originally it was hidden cus it can still work it's magic while being hidden if the only point is to evenly match players. BUT players want to know how good or bad they were at the game so it was revealed. Also it creates an addiction effect cus now you can feel like you are accomplishing something when that number goes up instead of just winning games to win games.



                                i follow Jesus.

                                  my experience at smurfing is pretty much this:
                                  "mmr" is how well you can explore the game in a match. it doesnt matter if you are miracle or whatever - if you play well you'll get more mmr - that is how unranked or 'hidden' mmr works. i had a 6k average game on that xd (
                                  then, when you rank... it's all about if you can win. yes, it relies on RNG to get a decent team, yes you will lose because of them, you will lose because pa will crit thrice in a row and take 1.4k gold out of your 15 killstreak. mmr only matters if you ranked up. if you ranked 2k and got out of it, you're good; if you ranked with 4k and never played a ranked game again in your life, you might be good, who knows: thats more like how it works, not about being good but about winning.

                                  if you REALLY care about it and just cant get out of elo hell (crappa) just spam a hero you're good on unranked and when you get to VHS bracket just show to everyone that you're good but mmr is just a number


                                    It is a measure of your ability to win games. Of course there are a lot of external factors that can influence this aside from pure skill. But put it simply, if u are 9k inside (rofl) but can never win a single dota game because other factors overwhelm you, then you essentially have no skill. If you can't perform, for whatever dumb reason (mood) you don't deserve the "skill" you think you have.

                                    Let's look at what this means. as kr has pointed out, those external factors are likely to result in your mmr varying by ONLY around +-300 mmr. And not +-9000mmr. So think about how important those factors you poInted out really are.

                                    Then if u consider your best and worst hero, it is possible that your mmr fluctuates +-1000 even. But difference is that the latter depends on your own personal choice of what hero u wAnt to play. If u play a hero you suck at, then your mmr rightly reflects that you suck at that hero. So it is not inaccurate. It is really quite accurate measure of skill. Stop giving excuses for yourself. If u have a lot of psychological issues preventing you from performing at your best, then you just have to make up with it with more skill.

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                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      all factors other than how hungry/sleepy/whatever you are at a given time are factored into mmr



                                      ^ are the 5 things that can effect your game. But this +- 300 ratio seems about right.

                                      Have you ever played Dota stoned, and horny on a bad mood while hungry and sleepy from a shitty day in RL? Probably a bad time to play ranked since you will not be on your A-game.

                                      Have you played Dota stoned, with a nice sleep's rest, full belly from a few hours ago, got laid 10 minutes before your game, and some water to keep you hydrated? You'll probably win more due to being in a good mood.

                                      Mood/Energy I say have the biggest impact.

                                      Some people starve themselves a little which is not good since a hungry belly can distract you a little.

                                      Aside from the outer factors, skill is definitely involved.

                                      the difference between 3200 & 3600 insanely shows.

                                      The difference between 3600 & 3900 shows a lot.

                                      3875 - 4140mmr can be a bitch to get out of lol

                                      Just play your best heroes if you want higher mmr. If you want to go pro/amatuer just look for small private tournies online to form or look for teammates and build your pro-profile that way.