General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 4K

Road to 4K in General Discussion

    Anyone here who wants to do the challenge with me? Im currently sitting at 2940 mmr (idk why my dotabuff tells it is 3140 ill
    Try to discover how to fix this). Anyone up for the challenge? Cheers.


      let's go


        ^ lul u will get it naturally

        TheDoctor (HTPG)

          its kinda hard when we are different server
          you gotta admit having weird ass team would take a gazillion years to reach 4 or 5 k


            go xd i am spam magnus and axe win xd.


              once u drop to 3k u can never go back to 4k, keep that in mind, i've been stuck in 3k now ever since i dropped 5 months ago, most of the time my teammates are retards who pick meepo as offlane, first picks invoker and last picks lc as the 4th core, btw i'm spamming support but ends up with better KDA ratio than my cores, it will take u a year perhaps, im currently 3.8 with 49% win rate


                @Standin.The DocToR we are both playing at SEA Server.

                ^maybe i should prove you wrong


                  let's go SEA server lul


                    Update: Gained +125 MMR with 5 consecutive wins spamming slark. That's all for today


                      Gained 100 mmr for today. Won all my games

                      Player 404335202

                        I wont discourage you but u ve to be mentally strong to get 4k ! Only in sea cancer ..


                          Already gained 225 mmr in 2 days playing 4-5 games a day. I started 3 days ago. And I guess I'm on the right track. I usually try to tilt my enemy before my team starts tilting. Just keep a positive mental attitude and you'll win most of your games.


                            lul u didnt mention u already were 4k here


                              And yes. I was 4K. Lol. Just grinding this account to 4K because I don't have my 4K account anymore. :(


                                i would contest u but i wanna put my pc away in like 5 days and come back to doto 2 months later so race to 5k then lul


                                  have fun

                                  Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

                                    whoah cookie still active


                                      @Sia yeah sure, i dont even know if i can reach 5k. My skill level is stucked at mid 4Ks for a long time since I quitted. But that would be the main goal after hitting my skill level. For now, I'd set my goal to 4K first.

                                      @Cookie thanks bro. I want to play with you when miraculously I hit 5k but you are playing on EU server and I'm from SEA so that is impossible.


                                        I'm in with 4k race even though I know it's impossible but I just wanted to try it once.


                                          Let's hold the 4k race using the same formatting with Salza's race?


                                            I don't know the format. Can you enlighten me

                                            ✪ Ben Dover

                                              im in aswell. used to be 4,5k 2 years ago, but i quit. 2671 mmr atm

                                              Short term goal:
                                              - getting 50% win rate (+8 wins)
                                              - not getting triggered after a bad game.
                                              - no more intentional feeding.
                                              - playing more pos 4/5 if needed, instead of being 5th carry

                                              Medium goal:
                                              -high skill

                                              Final goal: VHS!!

                                              and ye, mental strenght is the most important to succeed. i get way too angry/toxic compared to my previous climb.

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                ^You do not get triggered, you trigger the enemy team that's how you win games. Rofl.


                                                  I still don't understand. They just posted their starting mmr and end mmr. I can't see any format there.


                                                    It go like this

                                                    A starting MMR
                                                    URL to A profile

                                                    B starting MMR
                                                    URL to B profile

                                                    C starting MMR
                                                    URL to C profile

                                                    D staring MMR
                                                    URL to D profile

                                                    A current MMR (You put a number of difference of their current MMR to their starting MMR like if you start with 3450 then you are at 3750 then it's +300 or if you start with 3200 and you are at 3017 then it's -183 in here.)

                                                    B current MMR (+ or - Difference between starting and current mmr)

                                                    C current MMR (+ or - Difference between starting and current mmr)

                                                    D current MMR (+ or - Difference between starting and current mmr)

                                                    People who bet on A:
                                                    People who bet on B:
                                                    People who bet on C:
                                                    People who bet on D:

                                                    ✪ Ben Dover

                                                      mental attitude can change 1 lose into 6 lose streak. you have to accept that retards happen and keep going forward. if they flame you, just mute and mind your game, even you lose. if they play bad, shit happens, not your problem.

                                                      this is what wins you mmr. eh, and ofc being better and having game impact xD

                                                      i like singsing's streams. hes so calm, even when his team sucks. he had a 8k first pick NP that went afk after 10 mins, and all he said was "what kind of player does that, wtf". i cant do that. im more of rtz guy.


                                                        So whoever hits 4K first thats when the competition ends? Okay, now I think I understand.


                                                          need more ppl to be fun tho

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            5k race everyone betting their bugattis and lambos on salza bogi boi won but got tilted and left the game. dunno bout malfitty guy

                                                            benao still benao. good thing yeah?


                                                              Let me in 4k race please, I know I'm not going to win this but give me a shot for once.


                                                                Let's start then. (I'll use my current mmr even though I started 3 days ago)

                                                                STARTING MMR
                                                                Doomed: 3167
                                                                HBNN: 3277
                                                                MUTHAFUCKIN STARBOY (i'll include you since you want to be included): 2696

                                                                To my fellow grinders, updates should be given daily.


                                                                  Let's make a bet on who will win this race.

                                                                  Doomed: ???
                                                                  HBNN: ???
                                                                  MUTHAFUCKING STARBOY: ???

                                                                  Edit: Should we add one more person to the race? It might look better if it's a 4-man race.

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                  Goblin slayer

                                                                    Can I join?


                                                                      You cant lose mmr if you dont play mmr :)


                                                                        @HBNN yeah. I think so. But who would it be

                                                                        ✪ Ben Dover

                                                                          DAY 1 2671-> 2744
                                                                          got triggered this last game, so im not playing anymore. meepo picked mid after i did then proceed to scream russian, feed and suck all game.

                                                                          need +5 wins to get back to 50% win rate. lowest mmr ever 2375

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                          Free Palestine

                                                                            i try to doing to for long time, i hit 3400 and going to lose and got 3k and going to 3100-3200 and back to 3k i cant move on

                                                                            GYATT SKIBIDI RIZZLER FRO...

                                                                              Hey bro, i am like 3.2k+-, 6 months ago i was like 2,1k solo so keep it up, i was spamming Slardar and Timber to 3k, now just Magnus

                                                                              Скуф Пивасович

                                                                                Use Slark or Spectre, they can win solo


                                                                                  Im cutting my dota time soon. Summer classes will start next week. I might only play 1-2 games per day. It would take a little longer to hit 4k but it would still be my goal.


                                                                                    IM CLOSE GUys


                                                                                      Update for today's games. Lost 2 games(50MMR). First game, I played nyx to counter dusa pick because I wasn't able to pick carry. Problems i saw with this game were: snipers item choices, we could have been able to defend high ground if went for mjolnir rather than going deso and bloodthorn. Carries were constantly caught late game which led to our downfall. I believe we could have won the game if we only played better.

                                                                                      Second game got me triggered af. As you all know I'm spamming first pick slark to rise fast, I was able to do it this game but the problem was, no one wants to support. No one bought courier. No wards. No shit. I laned with Arc Warden who doesn't know how to control the creep equilibrium, he just keeps auto attacking the lane creeps. I left lane since we weren't getting any farm. He stops-attack a dying creep and we were both losing gold. I decided to go jungle at level 2. Bought the freakin courier because no one would want to buy it. I even bought wards for my team the whole game. I know before the game starts that it is already a lost game but i tried my best to at least try to win. Mirana keeps flaming, things like "fck u slark, hunt sniper". How the fuck would you even hunt a sniper without your core item? How the fuck would you be able to farm your core item if you, as a carry was warding? How the fuck would u hunt a sniper if they were 5 manning? After the game. He keeps telling "fuck you noob slark report". Got me triggered af. Warding for team full of stupid fuck while I should be carrying. Trying to hunt down solo kills. Idk how the fuck can he tell that while Im trying my best to win.

                                                                                      I stopped playing after because I don't want to ruin my next games. Sorry for the long post. Up til now Im fuckin annoyed and triggered at that guy.

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                        -1 MMR: Being support in this period suck when carry are playing Dota like Street Fighter and had little TD even playing AGI carry.


                                                                                          lol if u dont get to 4k till next 2 months i'll join you rofl hope u do tho. i got a tbd 2 games left to get opened and is around 3.3k


                                                                                            Im cutting my playing time too. Summer classes coming. Maybe I wont achieve it in 2 months, but hopefully I do. If only I can play 8-10 matches a day that'd be great.

                                                                                            ✪ Ben Dover

                                                                                              my day is going bad aswell. im triggered af. bunch of insta mid-lockers that proceed to suck.
                                                                                              new game: 0/6 insta lock invo vs solo ursa min 10 xdxdxd no gangs
                                                                                              edit: 1/8 and abandoned xd

                                                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                I win hahahah

                                                                                                ✪ Ben Dover

                                                                                                  weekend dota sucks. guy insta locks sf mid, goes afk for 15 mins at lvl 2, comes back to feed. ez game
                                                                                                  playing vs bs mid, team decides its a great ideea to stay 3 ppl low hp. bs dives me, then gets a big ass streak on both lanes. ez ggwp


                                                                                                    I'm gonna give you guys an edge by starting from 2.2k first picking AM


                                                                                                      What a shitfest day, If I don't pick Necrophos, I will lose so hard that I want to do this:

                                                                                                      1. Import a face of DAT one enemy fed-carry player who always got all farm while my team couldn't, use that face to replace a NPC in GTA V, steal a car and run over their ass, then back it up and drive over their ass again just to make sure a car did its job beating that NPC down to the ground for being "better" than me.

                                                                                                      2. Remember how those enemy wronged with me by trashing me and team so easily then gloated over it as if I'm supposed to kneel before them and how a teammates that always get away with their game-throwing by feeding just because the courier is killed once, keep the anger inside, "Nice guy finish last, isn't it?", Time to go cruel and tell a commander-wannabe teammate next game that's been bossing around for 10 minutes that I will build & level up a skill in my own way and tell him to fuck off because he couldn't tell me something I don't know at all.