General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW SHOULD YOU DEAL SEA SERVER TOXICS???(Only for normal skill players)

HOW SHOULD YOU DEAL SEA SERVER TOXICS???(Only for normal skill players) in General Discussion
in and out

    Ive been dealing alot with 2k cancers from 600 mmr up to 2k and if you are having a big problem well it is easy as you can see my last recent game as morphling vs timber mid,I really had hard time to get lasthits cus 3rd skill timber is too retarded and a pudge and WR VERY TOXIC Sh## calls gg mid,fail mid,gg morph,quit dota u fail,end now,etc. I was about to giveup and throw but I realized im road to 3k so 1st thing is 1st follow these steps and I am sure you will win with a toxic team(VHS cannot relate to this just dont read it hahaha)

    STEP 1:Trashtalk back against them(Use your most painful trashtalk line) Example:Your just a garbage and no garbage can kill me u son of a dips###.
    STEP 2:Inform everybody in the all chat the you are going to mute them and how rude they are(do this ASAP after saying your most painful trashtalk line) -Mute or Unmute is optional it is hard without communication-
    STEP 3:Try hard to farm in every possible minute you have available before a clash begins
    STEP 4:Map aware always check the map esp. you are farming in your jungle and you only have tier 3 left.(because 2k never wards if you are losing they instantly farm for their item and go for the def)
    STEP 5:If a non toxic player feels the thrill of the game and is nervous tell them to ''relax everything will be fine trust yourself imagine you are miracle :D''
    STEP 6:You can unmute them only if you break the barracks and say(WHAT NOW PUDGE? IM NOOB? U SH## I CARRY THIS GAME SHATEFUKUP and they will not reply since you proven you did not fail and have the guts to carry YOUR game)
    STEP 7: Most important thing in late game save buybacks and buyback at the RIGHT TIME!

    Ok im just sharing my experience in 2k toxic SEA servers I hope this help for lower brackets. ty byeeee

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    doc joferlyn simp

      Your just a garbage and no garbage can kill me u son of a dips###.

      if this is your most painful tt line you are a fucking insult to the great culture of the SEA server and should be castrated so that your pathetic beta genes cant pollute the gene pool. only the strong survive kid. you wont last a match

      doc joferlyn simp

        step 1: queue into game
        step 2: insta pick core
        step 3: steal farm from everyone, including your teammates
        step 4: win game and enjoy 60%+ winrate on heroes ez

        in and out

          buder SEA players never want to lose in a trashtalk battle lol ^^^^

          in and out

            and im just giving an example hahahahaha


              yeah SEA is noob