General Discussion

General DiscussionRewatching "Lion King" after growing up

Rewatching "Lion King" after growing up in General Discussion

    I cried, I've never cried while watching a movie, not even first time I watched it. I got a entire different perspective after understanding life, death, love and pride, memories just flows to my heart, I can totally relate Mufasa as my father (except he didn't die), and myself as Simba, the harsh childhood, careless teenage years, and the responsibility of adulthood comes smoothly and turns into tears.



      äfter growing up means at the age of 19?


        I'm 18, but I consider myself a grown-up


          oh, i was actually close


            just couldnt think of an adult being so pathetic


              Ty for the compliment, great movie tho

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                I'm 18

                understanding life, death, love and pride

                and the responsibility of adulthood

                doc joferlyn simp

                  y u hafta be liek dis m8ies. let him enjoy his supposed air of maturity

                  < blank >



                      18 is nothing

                      you're grown up when you realise you're not young anymore


                        18 is like 8 i was just laughing and joking all time didnt had 1 resposibility wait thers alot to happen

                        watch American Beauty


                          You aint got shit on me boi

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            ^See what Renshin typed?
                            You aren't grow up if you haven't got the responsibility like him

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              woah calm down papa renshin, you might hurt your back xd


                                Watch out Triplesteal is so mature he doesn't even have emotional reactions to anything.

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  Rofl triple didnt become mature from start of ayy lmao he became soulless. Slowly but constantly till there was nothing left

                                  also if u were stupid fuks in ur 18s doesnt mean everyone is. 80% of the "mature" ppl act out to stuff exactly like little kids except they dont cry and call out their mommies their method is different.

                                  Have fun with yo maturity me me big boY

                                  ps. American beauty xd


                                    maturity dont mean not showing emotions
                                    it means u do things you have to do in life and move on if somehig horrible wrong hapens

                                    triplesteal i belive didnt do nothing special in life cant tell hes mature


                                      I was ofc jokin about triple but for real ppl call themselves mature only because they can grow beard.
                                      Even worse some think of maturity as getting enough fucked in life to feel the misery deeply because of their own wrong choices rofl


                                        calls themselves grown ups, still plays Dota, and belittles 18yr olds 😂🤗


                                          hey kids on dota buff, just wanna let y'all know that being mature has nothing to do with being like that soulless creature triplesteal.

                                          although OP, that is some funny shit. youre 18, you don't know shit yet son. if i watched lion king again, i would cry for sure. cried when i was a kid who didnt understand anything too.