General Discussion

General Discussion7.05 patchnotes

7.05 patchnotes in General Discussion

    so tranquils is better on roaming supports/gank oriented heros like pudge and lion, since it gives more mov speed and you buy windlace anyway so you it basically costs 325 less gold?

    maybe worse for offlaners like CW and axe? less armour but more regen, not sure if better or worse?

    I summon bluestar player to give me insight! thanks :)

    also razor is viable again, viper went from ok to good?

    cant wait to finally pick treant in CM...champions cup finale here i come käppa

    Этот комментарий был изменён

      I play techies and I'm sad D: not with the sound but with the talent switch

      explosion explosion explosion explosion explosion explosion explosion

      in and out

        7.06 patch valve need to give me free 3000 mmr by giving me retarded enemies hahahahaha

        Erase Humanity

          Where is the Tinker nerf? Where is it?

          Story Time

            lich! Gonna spam some lich! (bb lifestealer)


              centaur, pudge, phoenix winrate drop ~1% due to tranquil change



                First casualty of 7.05 in apoop's game

                whats really amazing is how they actually memorised recipes. like im pretty sure i would not have known the recipe for tranquil boots after 1000 games because i just fucking put it in quickbuy.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Quick buy didn't work?
                  or 1K are too noob to use it?


                    Rofl apoop xd

                    also bois is invo still getting that midas? Can we just get to dat lvl15 xp talent ad skip midas go for euls/bots instead?

                    Johnny Rico

                      whats really amazing is how they actually memorised recipes. like im pretty sure i would not have known the recipe for tranquil boots after 1000 games because i just fucking put it in quickbuy.

                      ? like knowing the recipes, and the best order to buy it for the game is like basic doto.

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        yea, not really. as soon as the thing lights up i know something is ready to be bought


                          Patch barely changed anything, just the 2 valve employees sitting holding each other's D***s smashing their keyboard and you get "gameplay patches" like this.
                          This game won't be around for much longer

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            ^ you are a damn fool.


                              And @1-icetea.
                              Lord knows you've spent your last 5 years playing this game and you haven't made a penny off of it. Yell out noob while you work getting minimum wage is south east Asia of all places.
                              Maybe that's all the good you have there lol feelsbad

                              Dire Wolf

                                game won't be around much longer, idk why these snobs keeping posting ridiculous shit like this. Where are the players going to go? Overwatch? There are no other good mobas unless you become a league fanboi, so no one is leaving.


                                  Dota has lost over 100,000 players since last year. I'm sure that if this game was really going to stay for a long time, it's playerbase would continue to grow, or maybe you don't understand how these things work.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    so many irl friends switching over to league bcs they said they cant understand dota anymore (makes sense they were 1ks and 2ks when i was 1k, and theyre still 1ks and 2ks now) but damn. i just started playing dota bcs my friends were lmao


                                      @Dire wolf this game is practically league at this point.
                                      I'm not saying this for a random reason, it's according to stats.
                                      Cry all you want, thinking this "Moba" is going to continue to be relevant lol


                                        ^why tf do u even go to these forums?
                                        Like actually, u just seem to hate dota so either stop playing and stop posting or stop whining.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Average players has been declining since Jan 2016 so to say recent patches are ruining things is just ignorance. Players are leaving for who knows why? It isn't cus latest patches have been bad or anything cus they were leaving before.


                                          And I don't give a shit what you think, my queues are still under 3 minutes and I never play with the same people twice so it makes no difference to me. When it dips to ~100,000 or my queues end up over 10 minutes I'll worry I guess.

                                          Erase Humanity

                                            All these patches are based on pro scene behavior. Unpicked heroes get buffed, contested and abused heroes get nerfed and so on. And they make really big differences sometimes. Patch 7.00-7.02 was heavily early-mid game oriented. Then patch 7.03 came and all of a sudden it's a 6.88 meta again with epic +60 min games.

                                            Johnny Rico

                                              The decreasing playerbase its valves fault, they dont put 1 cent in adverts, they expect the players to do everything.


                                                Also they dont believe in removing features they only add. It's like we had to read a normal book which was the basics of dota then learn tactics and concepts later on but newbies now gotta rape themselves to get all these complex basics! Then start learning all the hard shit. Too much work for a game just to chill. Pfc they'd rather play ow


                                                  @dire wolf
                                                  Dota is all you got huh lol

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I don't understand your question. Dota is the only game I play right now cus of time. I have a lot of other hobbies/commitments. But there is no other game like dota so people will either have to leave for other genres or they'll still play dota. A lot of people don't like cod or overwatch style games, and want a multiplayer experience like dota so they won't leave for single player stuff either.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Someone said razor is back, I really don't agree with that. For one the move speed buff vs 15 agility is a joke. People are taking that agility every damn time. Cast range and hp weren't really buffed that much and they don't fix razor's issues that he farms way too slow and is irrelevant without link dmg and his ult search radius sucks.

                                                      ✪ Ben Dover

                                                        shadow shaman is so strong dayum


                                                          void is the next cancer in pubs esp. if played offlane. dunno what icefrog is thinking buffing this hero.


                                                            player base is dwindling cause DOTA is a huge time sink, one of the most toxic environments in gaming and people just grow up. Eventually you have a job/ family, life and those are all more important then that EPEEN.

                                                            I enjoy playing right now but in a few years I won't have time anymore. It was fun, but people move on. Some people are moving on, maybe to different games maybe in life. Who knows

                                                            Savvy Cat

                                                              Razor is still awful played in the conventional standard way. 15 agility is superior to the movement speed, as right clicks are his primary farming method; and that is without building UAM or other farm enhancing items on him. Cast range never mattered because Pike countered him no matter what. See Razor, pick ranged damage dealer, build Pike. You can take the cr talent, build Aether, and you will still be countered by Pike. The break range is unfair vs Razor Link. Link and ult need rework or you'll have to play him in an unconventional way to have similar impact to other heroes that could take his spot in the draft.

                                                              I'll tell anyone that will listen: Treads, Aquila, Hood of Defiance, Shiva's, Refresher, Skadi, Butterfly.