General Discussion

General Discussionfor +5k

for +5k in General Discussion

    is that hard for support player to rais hes mmr to 6 k or more or it too hard and it need almost lucky team and good carry . cause i think playing carry is easy to get your mmr and win . support do all shit and it all about carryy that can throw or 24 h farme and the worst rage and flame and feed . when you can do nothing as support not even push !!!


      its easier as support than as core
      pretty much cores are all as good
      but supports are mostly bad so if u are the good support u whould do great

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        easier as support. But first you need to be good enough. You're not gonna reach shit if you're shit... aaaand... you have to have the right mindset.. calm, etc


          supporting isnt just buying wards as well. As you need lot of games in learning how to farm/kill/carry same is for support.

          also jdf8

            im a bad support player sadly

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Support Hard to rise?
              Have you tried jungle?


                no way you'll get anywhere by supporting below 5k
                you might as well throw yourself off a cliff

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                casual gamer

                  sounds like some trench to me


                    because it is one


                      it matters all the less in the current patch as in lower mmrs people dont know how to play and all you need is to slowly and carefully build up lead just so a retard with magnus uses his ult on two people and you experience 6k gold and xp swing

                      suddenly it doesn't fucking matter what you did in early game because enemy support who spent his time contesting his carry's creeps and running in circles suddenly has more items than you


                        i swear the only times when i'll play support in pubs will be when i random it after cores get instalcoked

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          looks like some1s ANGERY


                            He's right though.


                              It's not easier or harder than with a core, you gotta tilt less, but you dont need to be so good mechanically. But when you get a game, that averages below you, you're gonna have fun time with support. I got to 6.9k with 95% support games, but the tilt part was the most important thing. If you play 6+ games daily, you eventually get tilted by your cores, so you gotta be aware of that.


                                He's right.

                                13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                  omw to 5k as a support

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    hes not right
                                    raising to 5k is mb longer with support than a core(provided a similar skill on core and support) but not harder that with a core


                                      it's definitely easier, but it's just slower


                                        no its totaly possible

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          I feel powerless starting 20 min. mark as support
                                          After a few complete babysit and ganks, it's mostly up to the carries.
                                          And a lot of them are seriously good throwers.
                                          I only contribute very less in late game as pos 5, and easily dead. It is as if flipping a coin but having like less than 10% psychic power to make it your guess but then your opponent has 10% psychic power to change the game too


                                            cus you play baby sitter instead of support