General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the heroes with most utility in dota right now?

What are the heroes with most utility in dota right now? in General Discussion

    Looking to learn some high utility heroes like earth spirit, preferably would like them to be support as that's the role I'm playing atm

    doc joferlyn simp

      stop learning to play high skill cap heroes at 1k MMR and instead learn to win with the basics




          just play cm she is the support imo that's easy to learn but hard to master.

          Fee Too Pee

            Witch doctor have everyhing , stun , damage , heals , decent zoning with ward

            ♏mikeeCS ツ

              "decent zoning with ward"

              Well, that ward is his ulti and have quite long CD.
              "Zoning" is not correct phrase imo.

              Just watch Dotabuff blog. Abbadon is nice to try :)

              Farm then Carry

                Jakiro I think


                  up to like 5k its centaur, since you need 1 click to save any teammate. i always ban that fat fuck


                    no answers damn good post

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      as far as utility goes treant is the best i think. solid defensive capabilites + harassing and zoning with invis bash and an oov. even if you are caught out in early levels ur relatively tanky as well

                      Ramtin H

                        Imo abadon and cw are the best but recent nerfs actually wrecked cw aghs upgrade but abad just got opier and his 25 talent is just so huge 500 damage/hp 5 s cd? yes plz


                          Rubick support has a strong impact and presence at every stage of the game.

                          His nuke is too high impact, needs nerf, I believe.