General Discussion

General Discussionlycan guide

lycan guide in General Discussion

    how do you 4k and above play lycan? tactics?itemzation?


      U go octarine refresher for perma wolf


        I'm not 4k, but since you are 900 MMR, I feel I can respond and hopefully give value.

        Jungle a 7:00 vlads with no runes. In a game you might get to pick up a couple and thats a bonus. Your support may grab some, your mid might get some - dont count on it. With vlads and brown boots you should be ganking your first lane at level 7. skill your Ult at LV 7 and go 3-0-3-1. hit a shrine or fountain and join lane in your ult form either smoking in or Ulting from a position where they cant see you. Dont TP to tower, ult and try to run through a creepwave to them.

        In all likelyhood, its a least a kill for your team, maybe even a doublekill for you. Chew down the creep wave and start hitting the tower. This is why I hold off on Howl since you, wolves, and 2 of your laners hitting a T1 can knock it down pretty quickly anyways and you really dont need howl to win the 3v2 fight.

        After that, head back to jungle, clear it again and work on your necrobook. Rotate mid or offlane and more or less do the same thing. From there go Rosh and pick whether to play the ratter build (BoTs) or the deathball build (treads, AC, Deso, BKB) Im still not sure if HOTD is viable with the endless nerfs but lycan really benefits from Alpha Wolf, Can gank with the Troll Summoner net and the big satryr aura is like carrying a free mek with you in teamfights to help with sustain. If any higher MMR players have advice on how viable HOTD still is on Lycan, I'd like to hear that as well.


          skip howl? LOLOLOLOL


            You dont need it before 7 unless you have some chen/brood stack.

            After that, yes skill and use the hell out of it


              wait what

              skill howl lvl 1 if going lane this is auto win for all 3 lanes or skill it around lvl 3 if you jungle , you absolutely need it to push tier 1 fast

              also please skill ulti at lvl 6. assuming an equal game , by the time you hit lvl 6 their mid/offlaner 100% is lvl 6 and want to combo someone and they might gank you so you need your ulti to run

              edit:was late night when posting , i was wrong about skilling howl lvl 3 while jungling since it destroy your poor mana pool while jungling , i believe it is better to put 1 point in it at lvl 8 and then maxing it after wolves and feral

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              1-IceTea 🌟

                Ya,sure,whatever man

                Président® Salted Butter

                  Just watch Licetea NoKappa