General Discussion

General DiscussionHow are you supposed to play vs alchemist mid

How are you supposed to play vs alchemist mid in General Discussion

    When he goes jungle should you try to push down his tower etc


      Gank him


        Burn him at lvl 1 hard while he doesnt have his acid, you have 2 waves of denying him everything, harassing his balls off and getting your farm, after that just pull aggro of creeps to your side so you can LH outside od acid, deny him as much as possible and sooer or later he's forced to go jungle, dont wait for him to get runes and do his stacks, instantly push his tower as SOON as you see him leave the lane.

        But for this you have to constantly push the wave towards him because if you dont he'll acid and push it into your tower while he can jungle.

        Source: i have more wins on alchemist than atoms im the observable universe


          did you like buy an acc or something



            Pick a laner that beats it then pressure his jungle when he goes to it.

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              I love playing tb against him he will have a hard time getting lv 6 . All you need to do is keeping him out of exp range since lv 1

              O A S I 5 is Back

                Storm max skill 1 & 3 > alche

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  ^Good way.
                  maybe constantly gank him also will do,if Alchemist have bad early-mid game he aren't gonna come back


                    SF > alche


                      have a spirit breaker in your team.

                      he will break alches


                      badum tss

                      Player 404335202

                        Get ursa mid . . . ez


                          i once played (cant remember if i was ember or od) but i rekt destroyed him in lane and then went to farm his jung and he got like 25min radi
                          So dont let him jungle, i guess

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                            Agree with Cpt.Trance.


                              And this is why i dont recommend reading suggestions from players lower than yourself.

                              These ns answers are ridiculously stupid

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                Sf needs to clear wave asap and rotate jungle himself! Smh

                                Optimus Drip

                                  Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient though

                                  Optimus Drip

                                    That usually stops the alc from farming


                                      Sf has less base dmg than alch and is almost as weak as him lvl 1. Just pick something like ursa mid and have a salve plus oov to dive his t1 early and salve under tower if ur gonna die. I think jd said this in another thread. Otherwise early roamers, ur mk's and earth spirits. Ive been considering jakiro mid against alch cuz dual breath can rlly zone him out and u can push his t1 tower rlly early with liquid fire. Idk if its good enough to consider but an idea, though not too serious.

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                                          In laning stage mid? There are better mid heroes


                                            I think timbersaw is the best hero against alchemist mid. Its like hes designed to counter him. He can even burst him down even when both reach their level 6. He can stand the acid spray with reactive armour/regen no worries.

                                            Player 368673122

                                              tinker tbh - laser from lvl 1 to deny whole waves, sit outside acid and if he runs up to attack you make sure you save laser till he reaches melee distance and save your skill points till bout lvl 3-4 where you'd quickly put 2 rocket or 2 laser 1 rocket when seeing an opening/break healing salves or bottle.

                                              if there are no openings and his acid / lane control is too risky for you to be playing aggressive put 2 in marches and start marching every wave and lasering him at his tower, you'd rather start doing this at 5 though when you have 3 points to directly put into march given that there has been no openings where rocket or laser would've secured kills


                                                CK is like "born to lose live to win"

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Get a hero who can push the lane and kill the tower. Some heroes can farm very effectively and safely mid especially against an alch but a passive mid will lose cus that alch will just acid spray cs and go farm jungle. Like sniper cannot spam shrapnel enough to wave clear, doesn't do enough dmg early to kill the tower.

                                                  SF has razes to push wave, much better tower dmg early. Dk same deal, probably need a bottle though to spam fire, then level 6 kill the tower. TA pushes pretty easy. Idk about drow, really weak til 6, but then pushes pretty hard. Other mids like that who can clear waves fast and push tower hard. Then once tower is down either keep pushing to t2 and force alch to come out of woods or go ganking and get your team to take over map while he still farms.


                                                    Drow wud lose the lane before 6, so wud sf, and ta, tho ta can use psi blades to harrass the shit out of alch.


                                                      You're just need to zone him out and gank him before getting his ultimate. That way he'll farm almost all of the mid game. Consistent ganks is key.

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                                                            Yo kitrak

                                                            let's say ta and sf do good against him. But they either gonna sacrifice the jungle farm or leave the free lane alch has given them to push. So is it like better if u got an axe farming jungle when u @ lane getting only lane cs and just pushing with a ward? And if the lane is free, isnt a "tower hitting without need of sf/ta farm" kinda hero better?


                                                              It doesnt natter sia, if you create that early advantage, once he goes jungle you take his tower

                                                              Now your whole team gets super gold, so you dont need your own jungle that much in that scenario


                                                                Best counter


                                                                  Aight informative thread tnx