General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother needs steroid buff

Broodmother needs steroid buff in General Discussion

    a random meepo is better than picking broodmother

    General Asim Muneer

      Meepo is autowin dude wtf u talkin bout


        A RANDOM meepo
        Brood needs to be able to have the old jungle respawn time. Her talents r completely absurd so thats not her problem


          I think the hero is actually OK is you know what you are doing, people aren't used to playing against it and if your opponents don't have heroes to deal with you can just ruin the game. Also brood has disgustingly good talents, 70 attack speed at level 20 is batshit insane.

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            i player her twice and won both games...normal skill though

            do you still just sit in one lane for like 30 minutes, forcing at least 2 heros to stop your push, thereby creating space for your team? or did tat change


              @Thanks i do sit in a lane to push 2 towers or get racks but team flames me cos i don't join team fight


                Quick reminder that while you complain how the hero is bad bipdongoe has 90%+ winrate with her from 0 to 6k.

                And bulldog memes wins with her in 7k like its a jokr


                  Brood does not need a buff. There is no other hero in this game than can solo end the match at 15 minute mark with no help from teammates. Watch bipdongoe if u dont believe me. He is boosting accounts by spamming broodmother.

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                  GRANT MACDONALD


                    At 30 mins you are already 10 mins past your power spike. Run her midlane and there's no reason why you cant get a level per minute or at least be level 25 at 30 mins. it really isn't a secret anymore but with all the ancients clustered in the middle of the map, brood has the ability to flash farm them at 5 mins, kill the enemy mid twice and take the T1 tower more or less at the same time.

                    I actually like to leave the T2 in place since it doesn't over-extend you and make you susceptable to shrine ganks, plus there is more gold and XP to be earned in farming 3 ancient camps vs in trying to take the enemy mid tower. if you can shove the wave and make the enemy mid sit under their T2 and try to CS, thats even better. They are getting 2-3CS per wave while you're farming ancients. GG

                    you still however need a cooperative team who realizes whats going on and wants to win the game. if you have an AM on your team, forget it as they will want to farm for 30 mins. You can furiously ping racks or other towers while the enemies are turtling in their base trying to deal with your seige at 22 mins and your AM will announce back: "Need 3280 gold: for Manta Style"

                    but yes, if you have a team who cooperates and gets it and has another pusher like a Chen, Lycan, or a NP that doens't go afk midas, you can win games easily.

                    Optimus Drip

                      Broodmother is in the same vein as techies. No wants to play agsnt them. Sure, buff brood maybe I'll spam her instead of techies. If you think techies is cancer, brood as a viable pick will make you scream in terror and you might want to start sacrificing children to appease the gods for awakening this monstrous entity that eats towers for lunch.


                        There is no reason to run an xp craving monster who can easily destroy safelanes 1v3, who doesnt scale as well as regular mids, in the midlane.
                        It seems lately that bulldog is having some trouble winning with brood, but he does meme and even then its close.

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          1v3 safelane is all good and great but if they have a couple of aids supports (Kotl, Disruptor, dazzle, wyvern) you are going to have a ridiculously hard time. Miss your power spike and you'll be compeltely useless for the rest of the game.

                          Brood scales incredibly well mid because she rapes towers, ancients and typical mid heroes.


                            Her talents are terrible, though.

                            Anyways, I'd like to never see her in my games unless reworked, so no buffs for this cancer, TY.

                            Optimus Drip

                              Her talant are freaking amazing.


                                I hate ppl who run brood mid. You are completely useless 1vs3 lane but if the supports leave the carry alone you will no matter what will kill the carry solo. Anyway the hero need a little brain to play in 1-2k and is a easy win in those bracket

                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                  Ive never done the spiderling damage and only the +200 HP talent literally as we are chopping the ancient.

                                  Otherwise her talents are insanely useful and valuable


                                    Her talents are terrible, though.

                                    her talents r absurd, 15% cd reduction and 325ish hp at 15 is insane, 70 ATTACK SPEED AT 20
                                    and the webs talent allows her to control just abt half the map.



                                      Mr. Jin

                                        Someone juz godlike with broodmother on youtube