General Discussion

General Discussioncan anyone higher mmr than me just analyse my last game and tell me w...

can anyone higher mmr than me just analyse my last game and tell me what on earth am i doing wrong in General Discussion

    i'm not here to bash my teammates, i know they're stupid.

    im just asking, what on earth am i doing wrong?

    like seriously, i've tried whatever jdf8 and the other blue stars told me, but i seriously can't get an advantage.

    answers only from higher mmr players than me will be read, not that lower players can't post but it's most likely that i'll ignore it.

    i was the lowest mmr in that game, and i had something.

    the enemy team has this insane teamfight but our team kept trying to beat them in a 5v5 non-stop.

    i had to join those fights but i could never win in them, i'd just manage to survive and not feed my advantage.

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      i suggest higher mmr guys to watch the game at least fast pace before giving the opinion : 3099975985


        right off the bat:

        1. u won 3 games before that, so losing one is statistically likely (u simply got a bad team, just play another game and see how u do)

        2. aw is awful (impact-wise) compared to other mids


          i now play arc safelane, i think he's way better safelane now.

          and this build has proven me correct in the recent games.

          but the thing is i keep getting from 5.4 to 5.6k and then this stuff just throws me back down to 5.4k

          so im pretty positive it's not just the teammates, there has to be a reason i can't get advantage in these games other than stupid teammates.

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            you're still playing sota in 2017


              You aren't destroying the ancient it seems

              i have 5 reports to use

                its because your playstyle is dogshit obviously

                white boy summer

                  what have you been doing all game?


                    maybe its just AW?


                      i recommend destroying enemy ancient


                        when cookie roast's people how to get higher mmr , this comments make me LuL and go crazy


                          You didn't have gold for necro 3?


                            Usually destroying the enemy anchient works. Go back to 1k to learn those basics.
                            No but fr it's you thinking aw is a safelane hero.
                            think of it this way.
                            You are carrying your games yes? But let's say you shit on the enemy mid, then the 5k shitters think they are good supports then they will waste time afk sitting mid allowing your safelaner to farm.
                            If anything aw can catch up very easily compared to many more safelaners so let's say they gank you hard, you can catch up and still have a hard carry farming.

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                              problem is, current midlaners counter arc warden in the lane, so its a waste of time to midlane him, especially how easy he is to gank and shut down like that. like this i get guaranteed farm and my supports can leave me alone with just a ward after 3 min


                                Have you tried destroying the enemy's ancient solely without the aid of your fellow teammates?


                                  HOLY SHIT, I just figured out the BEST way to get easy mmr.

                                  i can't believe i didn't see this already

                                  it isn't a solution to my problem, my problem still stands there, but it is something new that i won't tell anyone.

                                  if anyone of the highers answers my question i'll tell them what i discovered

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                                  Optimus Drip

                                    But have you tried destroying the enemy ancient- words of a wise person......well person who thinks he is wise but is really just another salty dota player once told me


                                      jokes on you, i just did.


                                      p.s you know i made a video once explaining that.

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                                      BSJ. LGD

                                        oh youre actually playing with your team for once? lol nice secret


                                          I know a secret that is even more valuable for gaining free mmr. Spam spirit breaker or abaddon. Free wins in this meta.


                                            Nah, i realized if you play during 4-8 in the morning you only get super easy 4k avg games.

                                            Like last game had all 4.4-4.5

                                            And people are super tired then so they cant concentrate. So its super easy mmr.

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                                              CUKI DISCOVERED MY SECRET


                                                that's just abuse
                                                i guess i could queue on na and get easy 5k but how would that help me

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                                                  Tbh expand your what seems to be extremely limited hero pool.


                                                    Haha, not gonna happen


                                                      (insert ancient destroying advice here)

                                                      jokes aside ( i am lower mmr so you are can ignore)

                                                      wouldn't it be better if you tell your teammate via voice chat that they shall try to delay the game as much as they can while you split push , or you can do like a filthy lycan player (totally not me) and rat whenever a fight happens

                                                      also i am not sure about higher mmr but i believe that mobile carry are the best for solo plays


                                                        Yo cookie there's this pvgna utube vid "rules of gaining mmr" or smth ik u might say pvgna lul but it's actually mostly nit about dota itself but the mentality as it was discussed in my analysing topic and i could assure u u dont do most of what it says u might catch something there


                                                          can you just list me the rules so i don't have to watch a pvgna video


                                                            Ye sure

                                                            1. If tilting mute everyone good or bad no comm at all dont say i can handle some tixocity but dont wanna miss out info cause when u get tilted u cant think clearly and any comm even informative may cause u to tilt more or even make others tilt.

                                                            2. Tryhard in solo queue no matter how shitty the situation like even if it's obvious u gonna lose to U, just give it ur best shot without thinking it's lost anyway in the moment (since if u dont think like that u gonna play ur best even if u lose l8er cumbak chance is higher). The good thing about is even if u feel bad after the lost game, u do feel good that u did ur best like u know for sure it wasnt you and that makes u not feel sick of the game for next matches.

                                                            3. Workout/do sports
                                                            adernaline rush, feeling good about urself, if u do workout u'd know how good u feel after u do it. And also it kinda makes u feel more aware and awareness in game? Obvious results.

                                                            4. Absulotely no distractions in solo q
                                                            close every massenger, chrome, silence phone, close room's door/window if there's outside noises. Dont check dbuff n stuff when u dead. Etc etc.

                                                            5. Dont just solo q tryhard 20 games in a row. Play with friends and have fun on unranked maybe try combo wombos do mmeme builds etc. Especially good when u feel like u just have to play but u dont have the hype for a solo q in the start neither the energy.

                                                            6. Never continue/start solo q if u had a real life issue, u dont feel good, u arent as energetic as the tryhard times (u definitely would know how hyped and energetic feels like when u start in some good days). Use 5 on those timea. Only play if u absolutely feeling great despite every bad thing that happened to u in last few hours. U'r not gonna climb faster playing 5 matches a day feeling tired in 2 of them after losing the 3rd one more than if u stop playing after the third and take a break. U actually can climb with less game. Ths concept of more games in a day » faster climb might be true if u boosting a 3k acc but not if u'r in ur top rank. Play less, but play ur best in those ones and feel absolutely great even a lot of things go wrong because u know even if u lose u played ur best and u gonna analyse the game later and add uo to ur knowledge so that loss is actually a win overall for a person who thinks like this.

                                                            7. Do a tiny meditation thingy in middle of the games or when u r tilting/not thinking clearly when u r dead. It goes like either close ur eyes or stare at something nearby that not monitor, start taking deep breaths and chill. Think only about the breathing u dp how the airs comes in and goes out so ur mind gets empty for a second. Now what this does is it takes pressure out that was caused by information overload. Do it for 20 secs then continue will assure u it's gonna work out prwtty well. Also do this if u r just feeling shitty it helps.

                                                            8. Solo q only between 5pm and 2 am in the region and server u playing at if u wanna play with the big bois

                                                            9. Lost 2 matches in a row? No way in fuckin hell u'r not tilting and are just like ye im chill. If u lose 2 stop dota related things. Dont even analyse loss afterward since information overload is insane actually. If u dont sleep well and q long, that info overload is gonna make u wanna pull out ur hair after a while. So especially after two losses stop playing and go take a nap/ workout, do smth with friends just anything that doesnt relate to tech since monitor makes ur brain go nutz. U gonna feel hyped after a while specially if u do smth social and with friends! Then u could get back on solo q with best mentality.

                                                            10. Dont blame urself for fucking up. It's an obvious rule that nobody's perfect and u cant b either. Even if the mistake was simple let it go. Cause if u dont that mistake is gonna haunt u rest of the game (like pudge misses simple hook at the start, feels disappointed of himself, loses focus on how he could play his best, fucks up every other hook)

                                                            11. FUCK what everyone else thinks of you. They dont have any position in ur life, ur dota, or anything. They cant hurt u and they cant do anhthing unless u let em get to u. If u in 7k avg game and fuck up as a 5.5k abd m8 starts trash talking. Fuck him he can lose focus by trash talking but u dont cause u already muted that 7.5k player bc u dont care u wanna in even if u'r not as good as them


                                                              Ps. I added up a few things cause i got the knowledge in these matters not dota related necessarily :P but it's honestly good guys DO IT


                                                                Shut the fuck up


                                                                  i already do all of this shit, except 9 because obviously when i lose i wanna analyse my games so i know why im losing, i know my mmr is different from others because i can maintain the same mmr within +-100 mmr of some x value regardless of how i play,

                                                                  actually i dont do 3 4 5 and 8 because i know they're counter intuitive for me

                                                                  actually, 2nd one is also coutner intuitive.

                                                                  a lot of these seem just tips to de-tilt a tilter, i'm not a conventional tilter as i know how to control my tilt by muting everyone and turning on music.

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                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    Recently I try left teammate 4v5 and I solo pushed everything and won the game,hope it helps


                                                                      Okay then just pointing out