General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips to gain MMR Lower 4k?

Any tips to gain MMR Lower 4k? in General Discussion

    Its quite impossible to play at this mmr, this is my smurf and i cant pass this trash. 5k+ is another game, for god sake.

    What to do? players at this point are even more cancerous than 2k for sure. They come into game and say "mid or jungle", like wtf. So you took the first spot and won the "mid race pre game on mini-map". At that time you are lost, cause u goona play at mid with no support, no tp, no romaing and even with a jungler cleaning your shrine. My last games prove that, quite painfull.

    Do you guys know how to pass this mmr? any sugestions? im bad support myself, but i can ez play romaing or off if needed.

    What hero do you span at this cancerous MMR that everyone think they are good when they arent. What to do? Quit maybe lol, i cant raise 5,2+ at my main too atm


      Spam TA, SF, Storm, Ember, etc. Any hero which could transition a teamfight won to a tower push/rax because I think that how you win games in this meta. Or any mobile carry heroes which could easily get out of harm's way.Good luck!


        welcome to hell my friend.

        4k is the worst. Everyone thinks they are 6k gods trapped in a 5k body and will fight to the point of throwing over going anything other then support. IF you get lucky, one person will concede mid/safe for a jungle role which sometimes can be ok , or worst game losing.

        I think you answered your own question, you go offlane/ roam and fuck the other lanes. If you can ruin the safe lane farm or mid laner you will probably win. Just remember that while your team was just having a flame fest over who got mid, the enemy team is doing the same thing.

        If you gank that mid alch, 3 times in under two mins. He will throw and feed. same with invoker.
        people that pick those heros are actual assholes and are the most toxic of the lot IMO

        Offlane heros, timber, axe, abbadon, cent,nyx , magnus
        Roam MK, riki, SB pudge.

        goodluck in your games!

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          ^yeah, but what to do when your cores are bad, like put your soul on a noobish hands. hahaha

          Its quite hard to make that decision, seems it are working for you, good wins at last matches bro, will try it myself! Thanks for the help,

          My question, are u stuck in that mmr too or are you trying to up your smurf like me?


            Just play the remaining position.

            ez Art

              I'm playing this bracket now. and it feels like everybody knows what to do. But still they come up with some weird AF decision making like, Ganking their jungle with no map control or wards. They don't realize their team are taking care of eachother all the time so they left you playing 4v5 or they feed 1v5. They farm jungle when enemy creeps are hitting their tower ( No minimap awareness at all ). They don't TP to TFS.

              Also there's this weird ''Rule'' on lower 3k aparently that says something like PUSH IS FORBIDDEN. you don't push until min 40 or smth on lower 3k


                ^thats why Im telling to pick heroes which could transition a won teamfight to tower pushes because there is an unwritten rule in >4k brackets "Thou shalt not push"


                  I feel sad for 3ks


                    low 4k is dogshit, to escape just spam a role that your good at. Play only on mornings to get high mmr average games. Dont flame or add fuel to the flame since your teammates might throw or intentionally feed since most players there are pu55ys and toxic asf
                    Never play if you are tilted, and keep a pma.


                      as an advice try not to take away core position from the highest mmr. I recently dropped 400 mmr or so, and it's just plain annoying when your 4031 mmr player insta locks core (yes there are exceptions, and you might be one, but normally they do kind of suck)


                        I'm sorry that I suck at this game.


                          i dont complain about that, if someone takes core role, i usually won becuse i do everything i can to destroys enemies cores farm/map presence/etc. And when i play core, i never get ONE gank, a ward and some saving ass tp at mid, thts quite painfull becuse my best role is mid/core, my games prove that.

                          I just dont know what to do at this MMR, i wish i could have at last +500MMR, seems like it would solve a big part of the problem. My main is 5,2 atm. Thats a nice game to play, is from people that watch professional games, know the meta, know what to do... They jusst dont play as a team btw.

                          low 4k is so different and cancerous. What a trash MMr to play

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            I don't know man,I only play jungle and easily rise pass that mmr,maybe you really suit your name?

                            Kappa 1-ice-3
                            Anyways,read below

                            Just sharing a jungler experience : yesterday played 5 matches lose 2.
                            1)Teammate timber feed courier intentionally while my morbid mask is in,and middle match feed it again because he being chased by 4 enemies and I refuse to save his death ass.
                            He take all creep put all item in stash and feed alone,despite he delay my item so much and keep feeding,I solo took down enemies 2 lane while we lose 2 and in the end just left last Melee barrack to Megat creep.Was able to play 47minutes game with this feeder and almost won.
                            2)Teammate went solo hardlane SD after I marked/said I jungle.
                            Didn't feed much but I guess he trash talk in team and all (I muted him) He afk in fountain and control the courier stay there so no one can use.Our SF tilted,feed and abandoned.
                            Still I rise my mmr.Don't post you met bad teammate or throwing mate,I been through the worst,spamming worst place and rises mmr.
                            Hope this motivated you


                              Can you send meh a reply of your match^^ how to play jungle and win with ease


                                biggest random, you cant win solo, if you pick roam, 4 other will pick 4 cores include jungle, and you safelane carry (imagine its slark or am) will need babysit for sure, same story with offlane, you will be in 1v2 scenario, which sometimes you cant win
                                and btw this junglers is cancer, most of times you leave your team in 5v4, suppots gang your mid/safelane, every line is fucked if enemy dont have jungler


                                  You're 5k and annoyed by how bad 4ks are
                                  I mean, they're not 5k for some reason

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    If you able to play lane,don't jungle,unless you confident that you can outplay enemies on your bracket like me.

                                    I can't recall any matches that teammate accept me going jungle,at least recent 100+matchs easily tilts them and put them in NagativeMA

                                    But if you want you can check
                                    Have fun

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      I play in 3K and i try not to be selfish, but everytime i play support, i lose. I personally think i can play core better, but there will be too many cores in my team.

                                      So what i do : I play bloodseeker and take jungle, instead of mid of safelane. I keep jungling until lv 6, then i gank mid with rupture. I keep doing so everytime the cooldown is off. From then, keep the advantage rolling. With this strategy i managed to win 10 times in a row

                                      The point is, its good to ruin up other team's lane, since they lack of support to back up their lane too. I will also try to use other hero.
                                      Keep calm and keep ganking


                                        buy more 4k accounts, ez


                                          look at your scores, you are trash bro, don't blame, "no roaming supports" or junglers, your skill is whack, you fuckin suck, admit it first then you can improve.


                                            Unless you're a booster, playing support properly is the easiest way to climb 4k
                                            All cores are as bad, supports are terrible
                                            And no, you aren't better core than other 4k core. You are just as bad.
                                            Also getting your beh. score to at least 9k means you are positive enough to climb easily

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                                              I definitely agree with inx4c, if you wanna get out of 4k, just spam support, its super easy.

                                              I did it with pos 4 sandking jungle roam, pos 4 crystal maiden jungle-> ganks, and pos 4 dual offlane lich.

                                              The lich was the easiest, just instantly ask for a combo in the offlane, something like mk + lich, doom + lich, axe + lich.

                                              You get the idea, strong harasser core which can do well with the free gold you provide

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                4k is the point where people are still terrible, but not terrible enough that a decent player can 1v5 the enemy team.


                                                  Quick reminder that it took me a week to get out of low 4k to get to high 4k and low 5k.

                                                  Using pirates sk and dual offlane lich.

                                                  Everyone in 4k wants to play core, none of them can play it, they just need that little push to give them space to do shit

                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                    >i'm 5.2k and cant play in lower brackets hurr durr



                                                      @1-Icetea at what point you start pushing ? When u get necronomicon?

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        ^Anytime after get Vladimir and Ulti is good enough for Lycan