General Discussion



    wew, angry much. Seriously you should listen to the song of Daniel powter entitled "bad day", maybe your lose will lighten a little. loled


      who said i was angry? wasnt the one to lash out to other people was i :o

      hey, people from 12 years ago called. they want their music back


        we can talk all day and you still punch like chick..people are laughing you know


          which people? the people you made up so that youll fill the void of not having the social skill to reach out and make real friends, and live in a twisted fantasy? gee golly sure am glad im making them laugh

          aside from talking with the patient who has the mental illness, i take it upon myself to let him live as comfortable as he can, in fear of damaging his already delicate emotional state


            you sure? you are devouring yourself already, you are self destructing you know. bleeeeeeh


              you should watch now the new hero, it's pig..just like you..wew wew wew wew


                why would i be self destructing. this is an average talk with an average retard on an average night, why would i tread this differently, treat you differently than the other retards


                  nice insult, out of nowhere. its hard to think with your head right? easier to just say anything that comes to your mind in the hopes of making any semblance of an argument

                  thats okay, im used to dealing with children of delicate constitution. carry on, whatever makes you happy and makes you forget the pain


                    what you talk sometimes describe yourself not the other people you know. the way you talk suits you, a retard?


                      oh ofcourse, the person actually making concrete arguments is the retard, what an interesting way of putting it good sir


                        you started it


                          you are now broken man, you lose. sorry, sad.


                            awww, pointing fingers are we? are you gonna tell on me, and make your mommy scold me :O

                            pls dont :)


                              you burst, you break and you lose


                                trying to close to argument so that you can leave with a sense of triumph and maintain a little sliver of your pride now. ha. is it just me or does every argument with a retard progress the same way? the same baseless insults. the same frantic name calling. always coming back when he says hes done. the same desperation at grasping at anything that wouldnt make him look like a total chump

                                do some more thank you


                                  lmao i burst? is adding more words to enrich the meaning of my sentences something called "bursting"? if you arent used to handling more than 10 words in one paragraph you should make your nanny read more bedtime stories to you, just so you can feel whats it like to read many words at a quick progression


                                    what's the used of continuing the truimph, I already win the day there's no sense to continue. That's what's this all about, winning. Victory already.


                                      hahahahaha you just stuck your head in the sand and closed your mind so that you wont feel bad about yourself, feel bad that you cant reply anything than overused internet insults and repeat the same things over and over again

                                      go finish your coloring book and then comeback


                                        dude what the fuck how the hell you got vhs if the max calib now is 3.5k OMFG


                                          no need for me bruh, I'm still superior to you. that's it, I win


                                            you can still play at vhs with unranked games, but when you start to calibrate the mmr cap is at 3.5k


                                              oh so I'm the one acting like a kid? wew. sad indeed.


                                                if thats what makes you happy, youre free to think that :)


                                                  I still win


                                                    keep thinking that man, at least youll be able to live with yourself hahahahahahahahahaha


                                                      that moment when you laugh and have tears of sadness running through your nose


                                                        why would i be sad? you just made my whole evening. the ability of retarded people to just straight up ignore everything around them and still think theyre right is astounding lmao. no sense of shame, just close-minded, primal thinking haha

                                                        god is this how people argue with trump supporters xd


                                                          I still win


                                                            oh god my sides are bursting hahahahaha. how can an individual be so bullishly and blissfully ignorant? do you know im an oracle? i can tell that....

                                                            your next reply will be "i still win"


                                                              good shit


                                                                ^u have no idea


                                                                  that's why you can't climb up because you didn't know you are being played.


                                                                    climb in what? being played by whom? the simpleton masquerading as abeing capable of intelligent thought? haha i thought your whole life as the best joke ever but this is the best one by far


                                                                      you are sick man, you have to see a doctor sometimes. I'm worry at you here(just keep putting some hot chilli in his asz and it will burst at any moment now).


                                                                        why would i be sick? if you think a person being able to talk fluently and actually have some sense into what he says, is sic, then you yourself is sick bcs you dont have the mental capacity to understand xd


                                                                          you two should get a room, with flowers and candles.

                                                                          gaear grimsurd

                                                                            I like Bacon :D


                                                                              the whole page 2 is our room xd


                                                                                whut?? you are perfectly describing yourself. omg.(just a little and it will burst)


                                                                                  all the bacon ive ever eaten is too tough to chew, so weird with tough meat but soft fat. never took a liking to it, i like burger patties with rice a lot better

                                                                                  gaear grimsurd

                                                                                    I like LC jungle with midas build :)


                                                                                      you know, regurgitating the same "insults" over and over makes you sound like a parrot; equal in ability to speak and mental capacity

                                                                                      gaear grimsurd

                                                                                        1v1 !!! 1v1 !!! 1v1 !!!


                                                                                          there you go he burst again. wtf moment.


                                                                                            burst? by stringing a few dozen words you call that burst? omg are you seriously mentally retarded, cant handle simple sentences without feeling the need to retreat into his safe space of "bursting" hahaha


                                                                                              Whats happening here boiss?


                                                                                                ok I will stop. You can redeem yourself now.
                                                                                                But seriously you need to see doctor man, you really is sick. Apply cold water to burn areas. bwahahahahaha

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                                                                                                  lmao what would i do with an actor hahahaha my god. thats sad, i dont have any burnt areas :o you can use my water for your entire, scroched body tho :))


                                                                                                    lmao what would i do with an actor hahahaha my god. thats sad, i dont have any burnt areas :o you can use my water for your entire, scroched body tho :))


                                                                                                      Cookie, can you use his respect to you to tell him how calibration work? i think cloudrain need that