General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying slark

Playing slark in General Discussion

    I know slark is one of the great hero and an easy one for some people but I need to hear some advice for this hero I played dota for like nearly 2 years so i'm still learning any insights would be helpful. Thanks :)

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      Have you tried essence shifting the enemy ancient's stats?


        Item and skill build = just check dotabuff guides section
        Learn how to purge off shits with dark pact
        Manage cooldown properly


          just what i saw real quick. you always follow the same build. silver edge into abyssal.

          but sometimes you might want to get a bkb or a linkens first

          Potato Marshal

            Stop getting midas on Slark


              ^ Yah I'm a bit comfortable with that build but i'll try, my problem is the farming thing what should i get first? hand of midas? my item decisions is not that great haha


                Midas is only good if u get it sub 7-8ish min AND (big and) if u dont actually need to help ur team early with a sb

                doc joferlyn simp

                  even if you can get it early the lineup might warrant for a pickoff-oriented team with something like a zeus and nature's prophet, to get a midas even with an extremely early timing is not optimal towards the game you want to play


                    Early Items: PMS, Aquilla, PT(learn to toggle agi to int when you cast skill then int to agi, not really a must but its for efficiency reasons)
                    MagStick or Wand, InfRaindrops(depends on you if you want to purchase it or if you want to block some magic burst) and

                    Core Items: SBlade to SEdge, ESabre, Abbysal Blade and Skadi.

                    Situational Items: Divine Rapier(I mean Y not right? hahaha just do it),
                    Midas(If you're having a really good laning phase like perfect cs and no harrasment, then go for it),
                    Orchid(If you want to silence heroes that have escape skill, up to you if you want to upgrade it),
                    Blink(Go for it if you are having a hard time getting to your enemies but its unlikely that this happens),
                    BKB(If there are just too much disables and burst then go for it),
                    Moonshard(You can go for this after SB if 4 or all of your enemies are squishy like very squishy),
                    MKB(Against Evasion), Butterfly(For Evasion), Manta Style(Illusions and for additional remove negative buffs),
                    SnY(Stats, Slow, MS and AS) and other Situational Items.

                    Also learn to abuse Dark Pact and how to efficiently use your ult, Skill build 3 1 1.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      no mention of butterfly what the fuck man


                        ^there's butterfly tho.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          lmao my bad the way you formatted it makes it seem like you are just mentioning items on each line, didnt see it beside sny


                            Is slark good in 2.6k bracket?


                              its not tht easy to play it though, in your proper bracket at least.

                              also i think midas is a comeback item, or not? i mean ive seen slark midas in 7-8k mmr game i think it was after an imperfect laning stage.

                              Player 153433446

                                Midas increases gpm by 114...dont buy it.
                                Buy aquila, powerthreads and talon for power farming and sustainability.

                                Then shadowB, echoS, silveredge, basher and its all easy from there.

                                Dont die...3 deaths is the max with slark, more and you will start losing.

                                Toggel boots to int for darkpact mana reduction and for strenght when darkpact is doing damage to reduce it then back to


                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                  Hero is aids once he gets his SB and linkens unless you have a permastun lineup


                                    slark is quite annoying, but hes super over-rated. 47% winrate in high skill brackets and 45% in low skill ones, and if you pick him early its so easy to counter pick. youre really just better off picking jugg or sniper or w/e.


                                      slark is super bad

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        He has to snowball as he is quite weak once you can survive his pounce pact burst and live through his ult.


                                          He's so bad right now, even antimage is a better pick than him

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            ^not that far bad man lmao


                                              if im playing slark, you need holy bible to survive from me.
                                              140 matches with 60% winrate.


                                                "normal skill"

                                                all role player

                                                  I have 81%wr as slark And I Will say That slark ia bad right now IMO.
                                                  Even Riki supp hard countered u.
                                                  With the nerf s.edge And disability to Push tower u cant 1vs9 as slark. A good turtle enemy make ur live hard. Very situational hero


                                                    he either shitstomps or crashes and burns really hard, and rn he crashes and burns a lot more

                                                    Justin Weaver

                                                      Well maxing dark pact is always helpful, I usually get single point in essence shift and max q then max w, but I think if you lane against some hero like am maxing essence shift will be nice