General Discussion

General DiscussionI get tilted easy. Tilted = lose

I get tilted easy. Tilted = lose in General Discussion

    I think I'm taking dota2 too seriously so when i see someone who does stupid thing i get tilted and flame him and rage and taking the game too seriously just to win when i get tilted I forgot having fun. I think i have Cancer so what's the cure?


      I'm not sure if I'm a right guy to say this "Be disciplined."


        There is no cure known to man... just let the toxins seep in....

        Be one with the tilt


          I can at least calm myself by muting the team and making them mute me i'm afraid of cancer getting worse


            turn in game music to 0. play your own fun music in the background but still have in game sounds


              I sometimes play raining sounds does help tho


                "remember its only a game"

                no need to get super salty.
                Just go watch some documentaries on the universe and dota will seem extremely insignificant... just like our existence..... *cues up some emo music*

                jk about the emo music :)

                actually jk about the jking about emo music.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  When I start games out knowing I am the worst player on the team (or thinking I am), I actually do tons better.
                  I think my mentality shifts from "What can my idiot teammates do to win?" to "What can I do to help my team win?"

                  Playing with 4k's as a 3k has helped create this mentality - and I am a much better player because of it.
                  I'd advise you to do the same. You won't tilt if you admit you are already garbage. No-where to go but up.


                    ^that what my thought too but.. I tried so hard to get this far, in the end, it doesn't even matter~ I always think what do i lack as a support how well can i help them someone losing lane i stack and help them out the lane still... we lose or the enemy is just better? but i don't think so only few enemy whom i acknowledged who's good it's just sometimes i'm stupid and most of the time my team is stupid...


                      get this mentality : after first 10 min you differentiate the player into (true players) and (natural phenomena) , if you have lets say a bad void then you have a natural phenomena that cause the time to stop in area every 90 seconds and you must make the best use out of it without being tilted if it hit you since we cant control phenomena :))

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        You do everything badly and you flame other lul


                          ya hbnn knows it



                            Be one with the tilt

                            May the TILT be with you.


                              No need to argue with braindead retard team just play your own game and carry them


                                go outside more and play dota less. it makes you realize how little the cs missed in your game matters.

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  just upset your parents/fam so much that they stop you from playing dota, until you lose your tendency to want to play dota because you honestly lost some fucks to be given about the game and you turn your life around for the better


                                    wake up


                                      What does tilt have to with lack of discipline


                                        @fx you can't carry if you're the support
                                        and maybe i'd just think of my team as a bot


                                          You can "carry" as a support
                                          Not as in picking a support and goes to farm like a pos 1, but by having huge impact on all lane and win by enabling your team's potential


                                            stop being 12 years old


                                              @bws you mean carry your team not the game that's what i do roam around carrying tp while stacking if i have a chance to harassing lanes i can't blame my team if they suck since we're on the same bracket i probably lack something too


                                                If i were u i just laughed at my failed teammate and conveiently report him if i lose.


                                                  U just have too much salt in your blood. Check your blood pressure. It maybe too high because too much salt. Its not an cancer at all. Just a blood circulation problems...