General Discussion

General DiscussionTried unfair bots

Tried unfair bots in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    I tried unfair bots the other day with anti mage and I got 1k gpm. Why can't I do it in a normal game. Highest I can get around 690 to 700+. What am I doing wrongly?

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    doc joferlyn simp

      this means you have shit farming patterns, whereas in unfair bots (coordinated but decision are retarded, doesnt gank or anything like that in jungle) they allow you to farm to your hearts content

      now in a real game people will at least have a vague idea to pressure you so have to make the most of your available farm, something you apparently cant do

      Mr. Jin

        Ya coupled with teammates pressure also, I got to contest farm from 3 heroes in my lane. sad.


          cuz bots dont farm lanes or jungle like people do in normal games

          Small Song

            I've found unfair bots to be horrible. I've never lost. I'm not good. Its good to practice simple things, but you'll never encounter such risk-averse macro-ignorant players in a real match.


              It's only good for newbies when they just started playing the game imo


                but if you play too aggressive unfair bots will 5 man gank you mid at 7 minuts with perfect chainstun and you will die if you dont go back at the right time. which isnt gonna fuckin happen in a real game.

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                Mr. Jin

                  Do you guys just tp to offlane if the lane is too tough. For example, there is 1 lina and disrupter and ur lane support ignores u to pressure mid.

                  all role player

                    Unfair bots ITS fucking fun tho I got 100+ Kills as pudge And hook my team to forest so they cant get out And lost because enemy chainstun
                    And noone def XD


                      ^ Relatable


                        ^ Relatable


                          I remember going 40-0 with SF against them
                          Check my profile to see how bad my SF is
                          That should tell you something

                          Small Song

                            If you're losing to bots, then you should be playing vs bots.