General Discussion

General DiscussionPro Disruptor player?

Pro Disruptor player? in General Discussion

    hi guys, i really love this hero so i want to know to be really good with this hero. I need suggestions guys, hope you'll help. DONT HATE THIS THREAD! HAHAHA

    doc joferlyn simp

      give 1 ward 2 tangas


        Buy cour and upgrade it after 5 mins.

        also jdf8

          at that point ive bought it as mid, dont be stupid


            HAHAHA dont e in the same place then w instantly then q then r then die

            Président® Salted Butter

              *3 minutes, now we're talking


                send people back to base, feels good

                Dire Wolf

                  Disruptor has shit for dmg so you need to know when to pick him. He's a controller hero, all his spells are cc except thunder strike and the cast point on static storm is amazing so you can drop it and stop almost anyone like slarks and weavers from escaping.

                  But he does pretty poor zoning out, considering you don't really want to max lightning early and it costs 130 mana and pushes the lane when you use it. But if you have another hero who can add dmg to your epic glimpse into kinetic field combos you're good to go. I just really don't want to be baby sitting spectre on disruptor if you know what I mean.

                  His skills also make him a pretty good roamer, either with another support nuker like him + sky would be perfect, or maybe ogre, or if ganking for a nuker mid like a tinker or invoker.

                  Other than that he is a skill hero, though not particularly hard. Just get really good at landing all your spells and you'll be fine. I'd probably aim to build greaves on him every game, get a wand, normal supporting stuff, force staff is also really good. Aghs is good but I doubt you'll have money for it.

                  You usually get a point in each and then max glimpse and field second.

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                    I spam disruptor for mmr so heres some tips from me:

                    Dont lvl thunder strike at lvl 1. Kinetic field is much better than your q to zone offlaners. and if u have 2nd sup or carry hit offlane it would be a kill. It's 2.6 secs at 1lvl. And considering that they dont have boots from beginning most of times its easy to hit ur field. and get 2 lvl glimpse at lvl 3


                      how does thunder strike have less damage?

                      you'll be against underlord or centaur or whatever with pms so you deal jackshit damage with autoattacks, also opponent can't juke in trees
                      i dont see how field is better unless you have kill potential on lvl 1


                        If you are ganking mid, and your mid is sf. Let the sf hit his 2razes(far and med) then glimpse and he will hit with the short raze. Anyway stack pull roam

                        J3rk -crvasud

                          Spamers hero


                            If u have jugg-slark-ls or literally someone else u hit ur kinetc field. Noone can escape it with 300 ms. Then ur jugg spins, or ur slark jumps after ur field gone, or ls slow him after field etc.. Even someone like luna or drow can right click offlaner to death at that point. At worst u force them to use shrine.

                            The thing about disruptor is he is good cc hero. Not damage. So let ur carries do damage. Even if u think "your" damage as disruptor in 2.6 secs u'll hit 3-4 times. Then when u chase them u'll prolly hit 1-2 more. And if they go for juke ur field is excellent at this cz it gives vision and its much easier to hit field in trees. And they'll stack in tree lines so ur carry can continue to right click them.

                            Q only gives vision and blink-counter. Mb u can use it for farm to get faster lvls. I would say never use ur q on someone in Kinetic field and/or static storm. Try to use it on blink heroes like axe-cent-slardar before they use their blink. And u wanna have vision on them if they flee so u can glimpse them and get an extra kill.

                            My standart build on him is 0-2-1 at lvl 3, then 1-4-1-1 at 7 and finally 1-4-4-1 at 11. This build usually won my lane even if i dont have 2nd support so u can gank mid at lvl 3 with 2 lvl on glimpse and 1 lvl field. With an invis or haste rune its almost guarantee kill on mid.

                            In items u wanna buy all that cheap early game items like magic stick-tp-boots-raindrop if they had some magic damage. Then u need a defensive item like force-glimmer or maybe ghost if they have carries like pa-ls or even jugg. Jugg and ls is common pick against disruptor cz of spell immunity they have so u may wanna ban them. Ideally ban jugger cz he is like more meta then ls. If they go bkb on their cores then u go 2nd big item as aghs mb. Cz there is no other game changing item u can buy at that moment. Aether lens or mek or 2nd defensive items wouldnt be that usefull and most of times ur offlaner or other support would buy mek. There is blink build for initiate but imo its better to counter initiate their cores. Cz most of times they'll jump on one of ur teammate and u can use ulti and field there. At least u would get 2 big cores most of times in this way or a pos4 slardar+ a core or smthg like that.

                            I think disruptor is a better pos 5 hero than pos4. So u should babysit ur carry until their offlaner abandon lane. At that point dont leach ur carries exp. Tell him to u gonna pull at like 2:53 or 4:53 and farm those creeps to get ur lvl 6 asap and buy wards ofc :) After u get ur lvl 6 u can gank any lane or even have a 3v3 team fight at their safe lane.

                            Hope thats helpful :)


                              1-3-1 skill build, bully the offlane with your 1st skill, gank mid, land godly static storms + kinetic field, ez games

                                Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                Not Saske

                                  Dont lvl thunder strike at lvl 1. Kinetic field is much better than your q to zone offlaners.

                                  Q only gives vision and blink-counter.

                                  i feel sad this statement said by a 5k bluestar race

                                  let's do the math.

                                  lv1 thunder strike :
                                  160 magic damage (before reduction)
                                  130 mana
                                  give vision (when they juke at the side jungle)

                                  lv1 Kinetic Field :
                                  0 damage
                                  duration 2.6sec
                                  lingers effect for 0.5 (if they stay at the end of the barrier)
                                  70 mana
                                  prevents enemies from walking out of or into the area

                                  lv1 disruptor:
                                  right click damage (without any stats item) : 49‒53 (51 avg)

                                  if you up thunder strike first, you can deal 160 magic damage + about 4 or 5 right-click (204 or 255 physical damage)
                                  total damage you can contribute is 364 or 415 (before reduction), as lv 1 disruptor without any help from your carry

                                  if you up Kinetic Field first, you can hold enemies for 2.6sec (if they stay in the edge of the wall, the enemies got 0.5 lingers effect, total 3.1 sec) you can do 4 or 5 right-click (204 or 255 damage)
                                  total damage you can contribute is 204 or 255 physical damage, as lv 1 disruptor without any help from your carry

                                  that is based on my perspective.
                                  and IMHO, up thunder strike first is better to waste offlaner consumable items or shrine, or if he just use tango, you got a better chance to kill him/her when you lv2.

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