General Discussion

General DiscussionI Need Tips playing Tinker :/

I Need Tips playing Tinker :/ in General Discussion

    :/ I need some Friend to playwith :3


      get aether lente

      L A C S Z X C

        Do i really need that aether ? For amplification and range right?


          lens is useless u have talents now.go bloodstone dagon 5 then situational hex / eblade/ shiva

          L A C S Z X C

            What are the best skill build to farm really fast .


              No aghs? @katz


                bkink then blodstone then dagon to colect kils and charges then e blade but for more farm shiva is better than eblade but checj my game 150 k dmg 60 min i had farm with eblade good

                Can't Buy Culture

                  dont listen to "Sad The Katz cat".
                  bots -> blink -> lens -> aghs -> hex/eblade/dagon/shivas (all situational).
                  Lane dominance 4-4-0 (max laser and rockets) downside of this is that you won't farm much, and rely on getting a lot of kills.
                  farming 2-2-4 (maxing march) with this build u always have a backup plan since u can farm lanes and jungle.
                  spam march if enemy wanna push, laser the creep in the front, since it will bounce to all heroes.


                    When do you go aghs Katz? Is it not a compulsory item?


                      @Sad The Katz cat no one cares about your garbage skill game

                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                        dont listen blue star listen 4k scrub with 600 tinker games
                        u are low mmr player u dont need those shits first learn use dagon hex combo( cyclon too)

                        aghanim is nice on tinker but after u get good mana regen
                        also , aether is a waste u allrdy have talent its enough


                          maybe watch a tinker gameplay and copy that lol


                            aghs WutFace
                            if u wanna have more fun just go straight dagon 5 after lens
                            aghs helps u be more useful more easily

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                            L A C S Z X C

                              Guys please tell me if my skill build is bad i preffer to 3-2-3-1 this is my favorite skill build . When i think im gonna lose the mid


                                then max march and get ult when u have BoTs or soul ring if u like going soul ring first
                                but the build isnt the same for every game

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                                casual gamer

                                  224 or 314 or 404

                                  go watch my last game 0 5 tinker in 10 mins xaxaxaxaxaxa


                                    u two bluestars can come here in my work place and suck my cock in front of beautiful co workers here and teach them lesson


                                      The Katz


                                        I don't really use Tinker but isn't Bloodstone useless for him since you are just gonna ult and BoT back to base to regen your mana? so you will only need Soul ring and your good to go, Aether lens is good too your max MP will increase with additional spell cast range and a little increase in spell damage, and the usual builds that I see for him is Blink, AGHS, Hex and Shivas.

                                        i think you should not really think too much about what I answered since I don't really play mid let alone Tinker but yeah this is what I usually see on my bracket.

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                                        casual gamer

                                          im 99.9999% sure if you are a perfect god player u will build aghs hex because it has the highest disable and overall damage of any build.

                                          unlike dagon/shiva/eb or whatever sheep is THE counter to bkb, which is wholly necessary as a followup to agh against good players

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            Well I have a real question.
                                            How do you win games with a tinker?
                                            Just keep blowing people up when they are a swine?
                                            Tbh I don't know. You can win only if your team is not retarded, like you cant carry them.
                                            You can't even destroy towers without creeps or necromicon.
                                            Tell me how do you win games with tinker when your carry is shit?


                                              You shit on them so hard that your carry still becomes fat enough to push towers xd

                                              casual gamer

                                                u kill everyone 1v5 and ping towers furiously

                                                if they try to defend without all 5 heroes you kill them all again

                                                eventually they all are dead for 120 seconds and even if ur team is four crystal maidens they will lose buildings


                                                  So it is possible to 1v5 with tinker? Sounds good. :evilsmileemoji:

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    keep in mind u need to sheep the stunners when u are going, not just the guy u are targeting, combined with blinking into fog they usually cannot gap close in time to avoid dying to laser if u have any contribution from ur team at all


                                                      Tell if my build is ok for that,
                                                      BoT->SoulRing->blink->Bloodstone or Sheep(depends)->Aghs->Situational (dragon, EB, Shivas etc)
                                                      I do think aether is waste of money as tinker has a talent for that.
                                                      Any changes ?

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        i always go aghs first and get aether lol

                                                        1430 range blinks broken af as is longer laser range

                                                        if u like casting 700 range lasers and immediately getting burrowstruck thats ur business

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          i also always go sr before bots

                                                          QTG 幸せ

                                                            Tinker builds are very situational imo. I dont to go into lens straight after blink, i think that ahgs into lens is better in most cases. And sometimes u need dagon to fuck any agility carry to force them to get bkb earlier. And sometimes it is necessary to skip blodstone to get hex.

                                                            In early game i think 3 in marches is ok, and getting 4 levels in rockets is or powerspike cuz u can kill supports in early timfight with 3 rockets or so w/ good pisitioning even w/out blink.

                                                            As ive sad earlier, tinker builds are very situational, u just need experience.


                                                              That Aether's range is soon good on Tinker!! Plus You get some Spell Amps too (plus your talent spell amp)..It isn't that expensive either..good for early-mid game IMO.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                aghs into aether gives u an earlier teamfight powerspike at the cost of less safe farm/short laser range

                                                                agh force ppl for bkb, without buying shit dagon item that cost 180 mana

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  i go dagon in games like this only


                                                                  when i do i get faster l 3 rearm

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    what the fuck jd r u underestimating cm?

                                                                    you see that 50 damage at level 10? retard

                                                                    casual gamer


                                                                      L A C S Z X C

                                                                        Can someone check my recent gameplay playing tinker , am i really fit to play the position 2? Please tell me all words are accepted i am totally desperate to become a Good player.


                                                                          tinker skill build during lvl 6. "2-0-3-1"
                                                                          item build would be soul ring,(bottle if needed),BoT,BLink,dagon,lens and etc...

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                            Have anyone tried right click tinker build xd


                                                                              Feels like you lack presence in teamfight
                                                                              Most tinkers I've played with have like 70% kill participation and helps out on nearly every single kill opportunity post laning stage, and only tries to rat if there is no possible good fight to take
                                                                              Remember, you're not antimage, you're a pos 2 midlaner


                                                                                you have no idea how powerful is a tinker with agh. screws up the enemy during clash. what's more with aether you can keep yourself in range though. sorry my tinker below 50% winrate but i love to play him


                                                                                  Maybe I should try practicing tinker
                                                                                  Failing with QoP and alche but wrecks with tinker :thinking:


                                                                                    ^Try it with your 5/6k account, tinker in 2k bracket is easy af tho

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      man dont go aether before blink thats so painful to look at

                                                                                      what do u do tp to a creep wave and walk away? lol


                                                                                        yeah.... aether before blink...... damn son


                                                                                          with your 5/6k account

                                                                                          Why do people think I'm the real cutnpaste


                                                                                            Aghs ResidentSleeper


                                                                                              What do you get first? Bottle or boots?


                                                                                                Bottle, boots, soul ring, BoT, blink, dagon, bloodstone, hex. Hex before bloodstone is good also.


                                                                                                  Idk, im not a tonker player

                                                                                                  Last time i played tonker was back when i was trollijg with kunkka + tinky winky


                                                                                                    These ppl saying dagon should really try aghs