General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do I keep losing games?

Why do I keep losing games? in General Discussion
I Give Ladies Anal

    So my stats are pretty good. As a carry player, I have around 3 KDA and around 500 GPM and XPM but my win rate is low. I also usually do good amount of hero and tower damage. Most of the time I get horrible teammates, I don't disregard the fact I sometimes play bad too. But it is obvious that me getting horrible teammates happens more often than me being a bad player to my team. I have been noticing that this is getting worse and worse. I think Valve changed the calibration system that if you aren't winning games then you cannot move to the upper bracket. Sure, people may say that good player will win the games no matter how good they are, but I am not Miracle and this is a 5 man team game. It is like saying that Carmelo Anthony is not a good basketball player because New York Knicks aren't winning. When I play with my friends who are high skill I did fine just like I did normally. But I only played with friends a few times, almost all the time I just played by myself, maybe this is the problem, I solo-ed too much; or maybe I am one of those very few people who are unlucky, in the end of the spectrum, I mean it is all statistics right? Now I am stuck at normal bracket and I was kind of surprised of the average MMR of my first calibration matches too. It is very low. I probably can reach the MMR range that I think I should be in. But that's going to take a lot of time which I don't have. But I am overall very disappointed with DOTA 2 matchmaking system and just the toxicity of some people in this game. In conclusion, the dota 2 matchmaking system is truly broken especially the stages before calibration, for who solo mostly they are going to be at disadvantage being matched with enemy who are in parties, and there's just so much broken stuff; and that you need tons of games to reach your true MMR which is fucking stupid. If you are good then you are good. It is like basketball some played it for years but they still suck at it and some played it for a bit but they are good at it.

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      So my stats are pretty good.


      As a carry player, I have around 3 KDA and around 500 GPM and XPM but my win rate is low.


      Do you even read your own shit?

      I'd kill myself if i had any number below 700 gpm avg on a carry, eapecially in that shit of a bracket

      i am not miracle and this is a 5 man team game

      Low shit dota is not a team game, up to 6k avg you wont have a single team orientated match.

      So get that finger out of your ass and GET GOOD.

      The system is not up agaimst you, you just suffer from the dunning-kruger effect, google it.

      This is my low mmr smurf, this is what a real player does to NS shitters:

      And im not even that good, there are some players like vaxa or bipdongoe who havent lost a game in 1-4k for over 100-200 matches in a row

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        Hey there, I'm a carry player as well and my win rate is at 54%, , average GPM is at least 600 and above, and most of the game I'm contributing the most to player damage and tower damage as well.

        Whenever I play with my team they are very familiar with my style of playing, hence they create space for me to form for about 15 - 20 mins then I will join them in team fights and push.

        But whenever I play solo rank, I always believe that communication is key, during the picking phase I will always ask the team mates that is on the same team with me to check out my stats and allow me to play carry, and most of the solo rank game I play I do get to play my carry role as well, and during the game I always communicate with them on what to do, sometimes I will lose out some farm just to TP to help them in case the opponents dives our tower.

        I also believe that if you don't rage and treat every player with respect they deserve, they will be good team work and communication involve, once you have these, I believe the game is on your advantage, and yes I do agree some games you will get some idiots team mates, but you just have to bear with it.

        Also as a carry player, you should know when to TP to help, when to push and when to gank with your teammates as well, you can't be expecting that you farm alone on the safe lane for 30 minutes and your team run around and fail to gank, eventually you will lose the game.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Smurf, I don't think you are gifted


            In normal bracket you can play whatever you want whenever you want and fail. Fell blessed man...and take your time.

            I Give Ladies Anal

              Well I have seen other people with less KDA, XPM and GPM than me but they moving up in higher bracket. And no I don't have dunning kruger effect. I know what I am good and what I am bad at. I know I am good at strategy based video games. FYI I have seen a lot experienced players not winning that 'shit of bracket' because of their teammates. For instance, when I just started playing dota I was in a party with two friends, one just started also, and one was experienced (yes better than you) and guess what? We didn't win. People are not that brain dead in that 'shit of bracket' although some are. So you're false sir.

              I Give Ladies Anal

                Starboy thanks for the advice man, yeah there were a few games where there were good communication involved, like people using speakers and etc they are rare. But I usually call out when missing and ping when I am about to gank and etc. So what you are saying is basically just play with friends so you can communicate and understand each other better.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  Youre literally the definition of thr dunning kruger.

                  You will never, AND I MEAN NEVER, get out of that bracket.

                  That i 100% guarantee you, you can deny it all you want but like many shitters with dunnig kruger

                  I Give Ladies Anal

                    Yeah maybe I am not gifted and that's coming from a guy who average lower KDA than me

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      I think what people mean with get good, is get good, keep playing, stress less and you will learn. Maybe check map more often and die a little less(that's what I do wrong , therefore low kda)


                        You just acknowledged difference between solo and team games with you friends, you can't expect to communicate and play the same with your friends and solo game with people who don't even need to like you even if you play good. Your friends in team games can and will carry you if you play bad, in solo games, if you play worse, and can't adapt fast you will lose. Dota is hard to understand fully and it is not easy, changes fast, you just have to stick and play more, get into it and understand. Nothing comes overnight, pay attention to details and learn. If you can't advance through you bracket, means you are lacking somwhere, you need to improve, hell I am in same bracket as you and I feel the same, but I felt changes over time. You won't get better if you play higher bracket and do wrong things. Just be patient. Try be good overall, learn to play all postions good. Maybe core roles get you through faster. Some people say playing 1-2 main heros will help you go through, but for someone who is learning game to it's fullest it is not best thing to do.
                        Just to add this *People who play dota for years do not suck*

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                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          I jungle
                          I solo pick off
                          I rat and take all their toeer alone if they toed I SOLO WIPE THEM!
                          I can even RS ALONE !!!
                          can you do this?

                          I Give Ladies Anal

                            @cookie. Whatever you say man. You don't know me. Thanks for your worthless advice that I am just going to take with a grain of salt. I only have under than 500 hours of game under my belt. I played dota and starcraft and other strategy games before, what I was saying is to get your true MMR you need tons of games;this isn't fair to people who are experienced with strategy games, and before calibrating you need to play at least some games with your friends so at least you can get out of some brackets. I will probably can reach my true MMR if I put in more time and play with friends more. But life is not just about dota.

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                            I Give Ladies Anal

                              @name good advice man. I tried supporting a few times but wasn't really good at it. I play 1 or 2 core roles better. Sure I can always pick a support, but some people in the team might do it way better.


                                haha good shit


                                  Youre so cute, its quite a loveley activity to trash talk on kids like u.

                                  So here i'll tell you exactly why youll NEVER get out of NS.

                                  1. You deny actual evidence, and try to find some excuse around it.
                                  2. You think because you got carried a couple games by your higher friends that u belong there
                                  3. You're the definition od the dunning kruger:
                                  - you think the system is against you
                                  - you think your teammates are against you
                                  - you cant evaluate your own ability
                                  - you cant evaluate the ability of others you play with/against
                                  - you cant compare it to yourself properly.

                                  4. You say you have experiance in strategy games yet you lose 60% of your games, that's quite the opposite of what sgould happen in a stratwgy orientated game like dota

                                  i know an ex-lol pro who got to 5k in 4 months of starting to play, and im pretty sure one of the coaches on gameleap got to 7k in his first year of starting to play
                                  5. You didnt make this thread to find actual answers, you made it to find some other dunning-kruger kids to confirm your mentally challenged beliefs.

                                  But sorry kid, reality hit: you suck shit, and learn to live with it.

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                                  Fox McCloud

                                    Wow cookie is an a*s


                                      Cookie is real, deal with it.

                                      I'll give real advice to those with real questions, these worms with threads like this only deserve to be put in the dirt, where they belong.

                                      Graduated from RIZZ Unive...

                                        @Gifted Midlaner
                                        First of all, very nice name. 2, i'm just a 3k shitstain pleb. 3, i can think of one or two things that you can improve on. If you want to play pos 1 or 2, focus first on farming, lasthitting, denying, stacking, pulling, warding, map positioning, map awareness, how to press advantage, how to play from behind, itemization, item timings, BASICALLY, simply put GAME MECHANICS, before you even brag about your kda or your stats or your "SUPER HIGH" GPM or your cocky attitude each game like "HEY MAN, i'm a lot better than you so I will go carry." LULZ

                                        If you will focus first on the basics, I'm sure you will get better. These are called fundamentals and every sports game out there has their own kind of fundamentals. Period.


                                          Stats don't mean shit
                                          The system is fucked up
                                          People who cheat their way to bracket where they belong will get their ass kicked back down to the abyss
                                          You don't have to rely on teammates or drafting to win on sub 5k
                                          So calm your fucking tits about getting higher skill bracket and try to ask real questions


                                            3 KDA is trash
                                            500 gpm is trash
                                            Try to point your fucking fingers at me but remember, I don't go to this forum babyraging about not being able to win games and brag about my trash KDA and claim that they're good


                                              Dude my main is 1.2k and i am a support player. on my smurf i have better stats and higher winrate then you have.

                                              and i get matches with insanly bad people as well. just look at my matches (last match my slark, ping 200 complains about lag, 0 last hits and thinks getting skadi after SB instead of echo sabre is good)

                                              apart from maybe 1-2 games i lost i did loose because i played worse then normally. (i suck at NP but somehow kept picking him)

                                              The problem is not your team but its you. dont get tilted.

                                              Usually there is at least 1 decent player in my team, i always gank his lane and dont take teamfight unless this guy is with me.

                                              in my last game i had 3 people from iran with 200 ping all saying "lag". guess what i ganked mid 3 times as WK jungle, made the only decent player of my team win his lane and this way we could win.

                                              IMPORTANT: you HAVE to get a mic.
                                              people at NS are mostly clueless about the game. if you get a few kills early they will trust you and listen tow what you say. as a carry you have no time to type, getting a mic increased my game quality by a lot

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                3 KDA as a core = nothing.
                                                500 gpm xpm = nothing.


                                                  oh god. can you tell me why you pick necro as a midlaner?

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                                                    Player 404335202

                                                      I m 14k mmr but i m no trashtalk cuz i m know i m not win by trashtalk i m win by carrying my team ass i m thankyou you dotabuff for making i pro !

                                                      Player 404335202

                                                        Yeah .. Many times my team didnt let me mid cuz they said ur avg gpm is low and u cant play noobshit.. So playing support is officially wrong ! And if u want to change it u are worse .. Kappa


                                                          I shitstomp people by firstpicking AM every game and didnt get any commend
                                                          Delusional ungrateful shitfucks, then they'd babyrage about having trash teammates for the next few games


                                                            C O O K I E G O D H A S S P O K E N
                                                            GG REKT IM OUT GG LET'S GO BOYS


                                                              IMO if you are good you also bring in the good within your team. Solo stats ain't important if you do not win.
                                                              maybe the problem is that you are ROLE Centric, learn to adjust dota is not won by picking cores all the time.
                                                              OR maybe you've reached your limit as a player. Learn to exhaust everything first to git gud then accept no matter what the result is. Do not be so salty bout it.


                                                                here is proof that the draft means literally nothing in low mmr.



                                                                  If you can't solo win games or at least get 600 gpm/xpm in NS most of the time (as a core) then you deserve to be there. The MMR system isn't perfect but it works, if you can't win more games than you lose in your bracket in like 1000 games then you aren't improving. I calibrated 3.6k on this account and got as low as 3.4k but eventually I just accepted everyone in my bracket is shit including myself and focused more on mistakes rather than the good plays I make


                                                                    @bearcat you had the better draft then they had? what does that proof?

                                                                    and yes, ofc drafts in low mmr games matter, not in the classical sense, but still.

                                                                    most games in low skill tale 40 minutes plus, so often 5-core lineups win games because supports fall off late game.
                                                                    and carries that scale well into late game have an advantage.

                                                                    how many times did i loose because i picked supports, won early game, 1k in typcal matter didnt close game and kept farming, suddenly its minute 40 andall 5 cores of enemy team are farmed and you loose

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      Nice wonderful specimen here guys. Behold its beauty.

                                                                      Define being good at the game. Is being good = high kda but can't win, or low kda but win all the time?

                                                                      I don't understand how you can think u are good but u can't win. Then by definition u are not good. Being good is about destroying the ancient not destroying enemies.

                                                                      Maybe in a different game mode friend.


                                                                        Maybe you need a change of pace and perspective, try playing different roles like a POS 3 Initiator or POS 4/5 Support, because its very obvious and very clear that you are try harding and what you are doing right now is not working.


                                                                          There is only one way to gain mmr. Look at YOUR fails. Why? Cause its the only thing thats every game the same. Everygame u get other players and u cant blame the team all the time with new teammates every game. But one thing is in every game the same: You. Maby sometimes ur team is the reason u lost but its still not reliable.




                                                                              Im playing with my feet and i am better than u lul


                                                                                @thanks how is our draft better. we have no scaling carries against a five ranged hero drow lineup that has two scaling cores. It actually took us about thirty minutes to break highground. We won because our players were better and me and the ns shitstomped the drow in lane.

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  winning 5k avg games where my teammates are dramatically worse than me is much easier than winning 7k avg games

                                                                                  good teammates are overrated


                                                                                    normal skill 40% wr smurf, what is this sorcery XD

                                                                                    CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                                                      in low bracket, you generally want to play heroes you know can have a really good impact on the game. dont just play a hero only to counter another especially if you dont even know how to play it. It is up to you to decide what hero you're good at and spam that hero even when there are counters to it unless its like meepo. For example, In on of my matches, i picked storm (a hero I know I'm better at playing) even after a crystal maiden and silencer pick because I know I'm going to be matched up against an invoker because invokers at my level only go exort and underestimate storms small power spike with overload because you essentially have 2 nukes at the cost of 100 mana at level 2. most low skill invokers tend to find a kill at lvl2 with their shit cold snap-sun strike combo and when theydo cold snap you at lvl 2 youcan just walk up to him and kill him. Anyways, I still had good contribution to my team even if I have counters because I am a self-proclaimed good storm player


                                                                                        why would you give any actual advice to someone who is personification of dunning-kruger? he will still say that his team is holding him back

                                                                                        CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                                                          dafuq do u really think you're good at the game?
                                                                                          These are your items as juggernaut in a 37 min game you lost

                                                                                          Road to 1K

                                                                                            You need to learn what item is good for what hero man. your item choices are so bad.
                                                                                            bf for jugger is not good anymore, mirana first item deso is bad, and shadow blade on TA is stupid.
                                                                                            If you want to win dont play core.

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              Arrogant delusional people will do trash with any role so no


                                                                                                coz you were noob




                                                                                                    1v1 mid no riki w/ me pls i'm fresh 1k mmr excdee


                                                                                                      But seriously. U better switch heroes if u lose while spamming or switch role if u just lose at your role. This is works for me. From nuker to support to pusher to autocaster to carry to support to anything...


                                                                                                        OP you're so shit im crying from all the laughing at all the bullshit i read from you