General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout micro-management

About micro-management in General Discussion

    This thing is probably the hardest one for me to master and after I try to practice micro managing once using Juggernaut with Manta Style in a bot match, I got some problem while trying to micro manage properly.

    1. 2 units go at the same place even if both are commanded to go different place

    - I command one of illusion to go push the tower while the other to farm jungle camp with me but I end up sending both illusion to go hit tower instead even if I'm certain that both units are assigned to a different location and it throw me off a lot just to get one of them to come back and help me farm jungle creep (I use a group box, 1, 2, 3, 4 stuff to try micro managing.)

    2. Getting lost while switching a unit to control due to panic

    - A teamfight break out at the place where I'm farming, so the teamfight was lost and it's time to run as a sole survivor of the team, it's look like Axe is going to blink call me then off my head and Lion is going to blink hex me too so I had to send a Manta illusion to go hit both of them to keep them from blinking. Tab *click at axe* Tab *click at lion*. It look like I'm gonna make it but then TANG!!!, Wtf why did I go back to be culled by Axe? turn out I pressed Tab too fast that I unknowingly pressed it one more time so I was controlling illusion instead of the real one and I didn't know it until Axe killed me.

    Advice for micro-management and way to fix the problem that I had committed and stated above please.

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      Do you use control groups?

      Edit: I think you do but your English isn't clear.
      Anyway if you do just set the control groups near each other on the keyboard and with muscle memory you'll get the hang of it.
      Jugg is easy micro, play terrorblade to challenge yourself or even meepo or arc if you're feeling brave

      Этот комментарий был изменён
      Small Song

        I don't dare do micro of hard-to-use guys like Meepo (I lie... I do, but do it terribly). I use dumb man's micro. I use control groups one for hero and one for non-hero. This method is quite effective for me for heroes like Warlock, Arc Warden, Visage, etc. Those that use just two groups. (Visage and Warlock can be 3, 4, obviously, but often the other units stick together in my noob style).

        I have found the scroll wheel to be game changing for me, and might be helpful to others who are also terrible with micro skills. So scroll wheel up is hero and scroll wheel down is non-hero. Also, when you scroll wheel it shows the hero/non-hero in center screen.

        I suggest you try it; it was an instant game-changer for me with these kinds of heroes. Also, when you use this method, non-hero control group can be tabbed, so scroll up to have Visage slow them with Q, then scroll wheel down to attack with familiars, hit stun to get first familiar to stun, hit tab to have second familiar stun them after other wears off, scroll back up to hit them with Visage's W at full damage.

        Just something I found helpful for quite a few of them. I don't think this would be as useful for Meepo, Chen, Chaos Knight, Phantom Lancer or others that have an army that must (optimally) all be micro-managed.

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        1-IceTea 🌟

          I am good with Lycan,he is my most played hero hahaha.

          By the way what is macro?
          II always drag my mouse to select all and attack same unit is that mean I am noob?

          Small Song

            ^ Very helpful...

            1-IceTea 🌟

              ^Thanks,I am always ready and glad to be able to help


              btw sometime I misdrag courier together ithe e and it die,try not do that,feed cour is bad

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                its' like riding a bike

                at first you cant even stand on it with extra wheels

                1 year down the line you'll be riding without wheels


                  i dont think you can control group illusions. When spawn fresh illlusions, you will always end up selecting all of them instead of selecting one with control groups. About your second problem, i think that can only be fixed with experience


                    you can control group illusions and control groups only need to be applied once


                      you can't group them individually. Some people are using Cloning method to micro illusion heroes like naga or terrorblade, but i never tried that for manta illusions and i dont think its gonna work.

                      Small Song

                        ^ Cloning method? Explain.


                          just try more harder, i believe u can do it later..
                          i spam arc warden, LD and np to learn macro-skill
                          maybe u can try one of them too


                            Cloning is shit just control group them, relic of a time where you couldn't save illusions control groups across summoning. Micro isn't necessary to be 6k+ and at the rate I'm climbing it shouldn't be necessary for 7k+ either. If you want to practice just spam micro heroes until you are good at it, no real shortcut just hard work and dedication.