Game has changed a lot ! No one can give u full detailed answer as it wud be too long ! Play 2-3 games u ll find it on ur own
Its weird af
Ld puts items on himself in ranged form
Ember makes veil
Venge carry is 100% legit, more than ti6 level
Meepo patch
Deathball patch
Teamfight patch
Minus armor patch
Early domination patch
Talents make some heroes stupid
Some new aghs (mostly trash)
Less jungle more action
ok i will try to give a detailed answer
the meta is deathball now and the main reason is the team that reach lvl 10 first gain a devastating advantage from the talents and then snowball hard .
don't focus on your hero lvl 25 talents because you will rarely reach it
don't try to stay in the lane for so long and always try to be active around the map (this cost me couple 100 mmr until i realized it).
don't pick turtle heroes (those who need a good space to farm) like dusa sven am or you will most likely lose.
the meta in general
1st position AKA carry : luna, jugg , lone druid, ls situational: lycan, wk, ursa
2nd position AKA midlaner : invoker , OD , sf , ember situational: sniper , jugg , pa , Qop , storm, magnus , meepo
3rd position AKA offlaner : center , slarder , nyx , clockwork , sandking situational : dark seer , magnus , axe,underlord
4th position AKA roamer (not jungler for god sake) : MK (best scale in the late game) , ogre , venge , earth spirit
5th position AKA ward bitch with brown boot : all of them are viable depending on your team and the enemy
Sven is dead don't try to pick him
if you are playing support try to ward aggressively if your team can gank because i will probably grant you the win , also try to always ward the shrines
be careful of certain heroes talent as some of them are game breaking (for example lone druid get a huge increase in damage and range lvl 10,15)
dont do my mistake and start playing ranked , play normal at least 20 games to get used to the meta
hope this help a little bit
actually in many games the cores at least will make it to level 25. You shouldn't make your 25 talent a huge reason but you will often get to it as a core.
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