if you have aegis, if you have bkb, if you have strong counterinitiation, if there is no need for you to immediately kill someone to win the fight
whenever ever they appear on your side of the map and their entire team has not also been missing for more than 30 seconds.
With the massive additions of tps everywhere it is very hard to do anything mid or late other than 5 man.
this meta is so shit its unbelievable, they need to remove the damn tp to altar bullshit, it should be for healing, not a magicla 5 man gangbang orgy clinton isis beheading.
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When should you wait for your safelane / initiator to go in before going in and when should you go in and set up. Sometimes it's good to start a fight and have your team come in, sometimes it better for you to go in later in a fight, can someone give me what heroes you should do this e.g Storm you can initiate, TA can catch backlines when your team goes in etc. I think if you have a centaur / slardar sometimes it's good to go in first, and sometimes it's good to wait for them.