less afk farming means more teamfights. I might be wrong but i think most people watch dota games to see fights not players farming in their jungle
NO ???
^ well you're not wrong, yeah people would prefer to watch teamfights rather than afk farming, I mean just imagine what would it look like if they only clashed at the last minutes of the game haha that would be boring AF.
agree with op somewhat
this 5 manning has made a lot of heroes that are super interesting to play and watch(storm, qop, clock, puck, ench) barely viable because they're just a bit too slow-paced for the meat grinder meta or weaker than similar heroes who are overtuned. Why would u play those heroes when u can just pick naix slardar luna sd tree pudge or smth and just run into heroes from min 0 and win?
If i want to see fights i can go see ufc or play street fighter
Games a lot less strategic now
Jungle was nerfed also bcause of strong offlane you euro mongrel
Just watch player base dropping in steam charts or sth
If continues on this rate its gonna be a #dedgaem in few years
how is jungle farming strategic? especially in pubs. Now you can still fall back to jungle but the ability to afk jungle has been somewhat nerfed so it's pretty great imo, since you see less junglers and more pos 4 heroes become popular. I also think that if anything having less resources in jungle, four additional runes, and shrine mechanics made the game a little more strategic and created a need for better cooperation. That's just my opinion tho and so far I do enjoy this patch since pre 7.00 started getting a little old.
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Nerfing farming/jungle made the game a lot less enjoyable imo, not just to play but to watch as well
And the talents i feel theyre just throwing shit on the wall to see what sticks, like 0 thought went into them. Absolutely random, just compare lone druids talents to other heroes
Maybe theyll realise that as the playerbase drops and revert some of these changes? (Or at least use their brains to design the talent trees?)