General Discussion

General DiscussionIs learning IO sensible?

Is learning IO sensible? in General Discussion
Oppressive AI Overlord

    Is learning the lil ol' ball of support a smart thing to do? People keep saying the hero isnt worth learning jus wanna know




        He takes a lot of team coordination to pull off, which isn't guaranteed in any pub at any level. It really comes down to if you're up for that. Personally, I think it would be neat to say you can play a hero that people rarely even touch.

        basement :)

          I forgot this hero existed: have not seen him for a while.

          casual gamer

            played with a 6k io picker once and we just shat on the safelaner so ez, id never communicated with this guy in my life and we wrecked shop

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              ^ye but im sure he is extremely experienced at io and im sure that as high mmr players u have at least a basic understanding of what the other person wants to do aka anticipating each other, which doesnt rlly exist in the shit tier.

              casual gamer

                im not an io player but id imagine if u focus on the ability to sit in the back and just save whoever is focused with tether + charge + urn + tranq + mek etc etc u can have very high impact even in low mmr, its just very difficult especially if you are not used to it.

                even if your carry has no clue what he is doing, if he is stunned and they focus him and you heal him 1300 hp + overcharge with urn mek tranq then you will probably win teamfights ez ez especially because 2ks are less likely (i think? idk) to hunt the backline efficiently

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                    only if u are high mmr