General Discussion

General DiscussionRyzen destroys intel

Ryzen destroys intel in General Discussion

    Welp.... AMD fucked Intel up their asses.

    Guess it's finally over with overpriced I7 CPUS from intel. About the the redicolous pricing of intel finally stops.

    Эта тема была изменена

      are those(RYZEN,intel,AMD) some kind of heroes in some other games?
      i don't understand


        Intel's i7 prices gonna go down for sure


          Im 1k mmr in pcs, can someone tell me if those work on nvidias gpu? I have an i5 but its from 2014 and its time to change it


            quality dota being discussed

            Dire Wolf

              Wait, seriously? Did you even read the article? First those tests are all cherry picked by amd. Second it's not cheaper than comperable intel cpus. Ryzen 1800x is $500. The 1700 is $330. Compare that to an intel i7-7700k which is $350 and sports a higher base clock.

              This literally only matters if you are doing CAD or video editing and absolutely must have 8 physical cores. Does not apply to gaming one bit.

              What we should've actually been hoping for was budget cpus in the $150-200 range that are 90% of what intel's are. Now that would be something, since 99.9% of games are GPU bound.

              Like literally the only two games I can think of that cpu give you that much performance increase are dota2 and wow and that's when you want to go from like 120 fps to 200 which is unnecessary.

              Best one can hope for really is competition drops prices cus right now nothing's really changed. You can buy an i7 or a ryzen and almost identical price points and almost identical performance for gaming.

              casual gamer

                dont get stabbed


                  @Dire Wolf:
                  Sorry but the 6900K (1.2k USD) lost to the X1800 (500USD) in terms of Sniper Elite.

                  And these were on OEM Mainboards n shit. It all depends on the games, and once games are better optimized Ryzen will outperform intel but a LOT. Not to mention that thanks to the new encoding every streamer would rather opt for an AMD rather than Intel, since AMD handles streaming better.

                  They HAVE to drop prices on current intel CPU's.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    Rofl AMD never fucked up Intel, everyone who follow computers for while know AMD is behind and always be propably, pre orders is good move from them but literally just unexperience ppl and business would go for it.

                    basement :)

                      I just bought a new cpu too . . .

                      Dire Wolf

                        You have no idea what you are talking about. Broadwell is 8 cores, that's it. Clock speed is lower than kaby lake 7700k. The 7700k beats it in gaming benchmarks.


                        Which I said, the only place 8 cores matters is a tiny bit when doing stuff like CAD and video editing or processing. So if you're into that then sure.

                        Ryzen barely beat those intel cpus and it spiked to ~96 fps vs 90 on that one benchmark. Which really makes no difference. No monitor is going to capture that, they're both well past a 60hz refresh rate and well shy of the next steps like 120, 144mhz. My point is I wouldn't fucking buy either of them! Both are overpriced and unnecessary for gaming!

                        The streaming thing is interesting but only applies to a tiny amount of people. Notice how they never did a gaming benchmark between i7 7700k and the ryzen 1700. Cus it'd probably be like identical and they cost within $20 of each other.

                        I hope this does make intel drop prices but I doubt it'll move the needles much maybe $20-40 bucks on some flagship stuff.

                        Honestly I'd still go with an i5 unlocked and just overclock it. It's going to be another 4-5 years before another 4 cores on cpus makes a difference and by then your architecture will be so outdated your extra cores won't matter. It's like trying to compare the old core 2 duos and getting a Qxxx whatever to future proof it. Well you know the initial core i3s were better than those old quad cores despite having less cores.