General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies for 4 K?

Techies for 4 K? in General Discussion

    11-1 Win-Lose with Techies right now. Good streak imo. Maybe I should spam him until 4 K?

    the realm's delight
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      1-IceTea 🌟

        ^Mods bann you soon!
        Edit it!

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          He dies for science haha best name Eva


            Spamming techies feels good man.

            You really dont have a power spike since you are viable the entire game.

            You can get 1b easily, be a menace in lane, transition to midgame helping gank with items like Euls and Force and be ridiculous late game with HG defense and sealing off jungles and objectives.

            You are however almost 100% dependent on your teammates to finish games off unless you go necrobook and do it yourself.

            I love techies and i dont apologize for it