General Discussion

General DiscussionIf Lich Is So Boring to Play...

If Lich Is So Boring to Play... in General Discussion
Ruh Roh

    Then explain this

    Didn't think so, booboo Lich: 1 Boredom: 0


      Nothing more fun than playing
      Ice armour dispensor simulator™


        Good stats bro, can you tell us some basics what do you think is best to go? Laning, builds, mind set, when to pick, etc
        thank you

        Этот комментарий был изменён
        Ruh Roh

          @end indeed :3

          @Pippo It depends on the situation and your team's ability to not suckass. If they have hard hitting magic nukes, then go pipe, if your team needs survivability in fights then go mek. Always buy wards.


            3.22 KDA praise the memes
            Supporting is fun to play in general tbh


              It is one of my most successful hero stil it's a bit boring. There's no denying that


                You only need 3 items to win...



                  You were playing against an AM who went manta into BF tho

                  Giff me Wingman

                    Solo: 3436


                    Ruh Roh

                      @danishblunt that's not even close to my real mmr. I'm 3.8k mm bracket.

                      Ghastly Wail

                        I like Lich too :P


                          i would just buy helm and always have a creep next to me for mana