General Discussion

General DiscussionDid I ruin it?

Did I ruin it? in General Discussion


    I started this new account, my first 20 games I played heros that are bad in the current meta (NP and brood) and i also suck with them.

    So i lost too many games. I am not aiming for VHS because I doubt I will stay there.

    But do you think its still possible for me to get HS?

    (Last 3 matches I played heros I actually can play and I carried the games)

    thanks for your time


      Anything is possible if you believe


        In my opinion i intentionally throw games to make the games easier than my main(this is my main btw) and i practice hero like invoker or tinker there. For me thats the purpose of smurfing. Judging from your best hero, you need to learn a lot but i think you can make it to hs.


          Last time I tried that I failed fx
          Because I didn't have the mental strength to feed the 10th game and ended up picking AM


            Also brood is very good and for me its impossible to lose badly with this hero in ns. I just looked at your last game. So thats how brood get low winrate.
            This is the worst 15min for my team and i was only their hope lmao 1 vs 3 lane btw


              Bws hows your lp going bro i cant play today because my goddamn parent keep asking me to go out. Godfuckingdammit


                You think I get farm heaven everytime I play AM? It's almost guaranteed "1v3" lane xd


                  Still 3 left not gonna finish it without at least one friend accompanying me


                    nevur giv up on ur dreams.

                    I can practice heros on my main. I can play a mid hero the first time as supp player and stomp without problem (in most cases). players on my main dont even know what last hits are

                    dont flame me on my brood, i won both games and i said i dont even know how to play her properly haha

                    bws you can add me on my main i will help you out, i'm a holy saint that helps the lost souls to find back into the light

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                      must i remind you kids how easy it is to win games in NS and get to VHS by actually playing the game properly:


                        yeeh i could climb easy but the teammates i get here are already much more enjoyable to play with.


                          must i remind you that you're still in normal skill and you're getting the same rank of teammates

                          better than you

                            No. Calibration seems to enable about 1500 mmr gain. I bought this account with a hidden mmr of 2.2k. Currently, the average game for it is 3.4k.


                              struggling to find games where you carried

                              better than you

                                Still 3 left not gonna finish it without at least one friend accompanying me

                                Licetea actually got lp recently. LOL. He only had to win 3, so he nevers gets it.

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                                  I am 1k and i often get matched with 600mmr or even 300 mmr because there not many people this low on my first account. people dont know what last hits are, dont buy regen and have 0 clue about the game. i get matched with 12 year old cs go players that play dota once a week for fun.

                                  here i get matched with people that have experience.
                                  anyway im enjoying the games more and I can actually coordinate with my team so its already a win for me

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                                    I am willing to help bws but i got no time. I had a lot of fun playing with bws so i dont mind playing lp with him.
                                    Also this is my 1st brood game Just an advice get a soul ring and watch bulldong


                                      Well, good for you


                                        you know that i literally wouldn't need more than 2 fingers to secure a 90%+ winrate in sub 1k


                                          I am not 5.5k maybe on a good day i play like a 3.5k


                                            on a good day you can't leave 1k, you are a 1k

                                            you play like one even if your teammates set you up so that you look like a 3k.

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                                            Player 404335202

                                              ^5k smarty