General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the viability of this team for pub 5 men games?

What's the viability of this team for pub 5 men games? in General Discussion

    First, we don't play captain's mode. We play all pick. So bans are no concern.
    I and my friends, we wanted to try a strategy instead of our comfort picks. We thought of enhancing skills to use.

    Mid; Terrorblade or Sniper
    Safelane; Drow Ranger
    Initiator; Magnus (offlane or jungle depending on farm speed for Blink timing)
    Supports; Vengeful Spirit and Ogre Magi

    We played a few games yet. Not many. I think we won 4 out of 7. So, not great but not bad either.
    What do you guys think about this 5? Any suggestions like if there's a better hero for this kinda thinking?

    Edit: BTW, we are HS players. Not VHS.

    Эта тема была изменена

      If you want to win the most pub games, pick heroes that are very hard to kill and have heals so you can just continuously run at the enemy

      Abbadon, Omni, Necro, Centaur, Wraith King


        If u wanna do a cool strat i was thinking abt try leshrac (support) + sd + mirana (mid) + luna + axe/cent/slardar


          ^coL was running sd and lesh because their early game ganking is dumb. Basically lesh and sd gank a lot, win mirana her lane, which transitions to mirana winning the midgame, and making space for luna. Ur offlaner is variable but i like cent for this as he can create space and solo lane well. This lineup isnt good from behind tho, in this case replace mirana with sniper or tinker, and make sure that ur offlaner isnt too greedy. Cent and underlord work well if u wanna sniper as they can save him.


            Mirana and centaur/underlord give team fight, sd and lesh give gank potential and early pressure, centaur allows u to highground, luna+sd and lesh allow split push and pushing in general. In case of sniper instead of mirana u will need ur offlaner to make more space in stead of mirana, cuz sniper and luna is greedy. But sniper is good at highground pushing and def.


              If meme strats like venge drow abbadon min 0 deathball, pudge DS WW alche LS with agh strat can work in pubs I don't see any reason them being that bad