General Discussion

General DiscussionRoaming Chaos Knight (aka Chaos DIESEL)

Roaming Chaos Knight (aka Chaos DIESEL) in General Discussion

    Who here plays some roaming Chaos Knight support ?

    What items do ya get, what lane ya start out in? Or where do you go when the game begins ? What are some of your strats or ways you go about your business ?

    I've just started playing roaming supports and am enjoying it, just read about CK roam and thought i'd give it a try. I played one game just now and did awesome and my team DOMINATED and were in their base after 20minutes, but we had a peruvian 3 stack(US East) who absolutely REFUSED to push no matter how many enemies were dead, despite the Aegis...etc was miserable. BUT I loved the roaming CK, I had to start offlane because the peruvians were being peru, but, next time i'll start safelane.

    Any tips/advice would be great, thanks!


      Oov mango windlace? Idk if u shud invest in regen or go for early kills and shrine or smth.


        yeah i did OOV, tangos, 2 clarity pots. Maybe I should get Wind Lace though, last game I got helm of dominator instead of drums. Could I get both ? Or get the drums instead ?

        I went,

        OOV, boots of speed, arcane boots, aethers, helm of dominator, scepter

        I didn't really get a chance to use the scepter because the game was such a disaster by the time I had it. It a must have ?


          Scepter isnt necessary unless u have a good hero for it, im pretty sure like roaming mk and riki u can transition into a semi carry if ur successful. Also having a drums or vlads sounds like a fine idea imo.


            ^if you have an agi carry and/or a stat heavy hero that goes well with illusions(dk comes into mind) then scepter is a good item to go for, otherwise stack auras, or just transition into a core with HoT etc

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Midas just in case

              SHYDAGGER I

                I just had a great game, started out so well that 3 of them ragequit. I ganked bottom, mid then top. All in succession. Caused 3 ragequits.

                OOV + 3 clarities + tangos to start the game. Didn't even use any tangos, got brown boots and bottle real fast off it just ganking the lanes.

                Once the 3 people quit it wasn't real match anymore so couldn't tell how my items did. Went Arcane>Aether>HotD

                not sure if i need a wand, i haven't yet. Or if I need Arcanes, maybe could get phase boots. Aethers is so good though, swap from half the map.

                CK is such a menace early on, 375ms with brown boots, clarities and bottle he is so sustainable roaming and being a menace to all the lanes.

                LOVE IT so far

                need more tips people!


                  Luna plus ck aghs

                  SHYDAGGER I

                    midas at what point ? And is it okay to get drums + helm ? or just one?

                    SHYDAGGER I

                      I actually did scepter on a CK game a couple weeks ago at the end once we had megas, i used it on our PA. My illusions were throwing the dagger and critting for 1k each. seemed silly.

                      Or am i mistaken? Can I use the spells once i scepter a hero ? Maybe it was the actual PA player throwing the dagger? I forget. It seems OP as I type this...makes me question if it happened

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                        Aether seems unecessary. Arcanes is bad imo, bottle and wand/raindrops/shrines shud be good. Plus there is urn, drums, vlads, for sustain, and treads is too much dps on an illusion hero to pass up.

                        SHYDAGGER I

                          next game i'll try skipping the aethers to see if it's needed or not

                          not positive if i need arcane either, think i'd be good without, thinking phase boots..


                            I wud get drums but im a scrub lol. Something like boots bottle wand treads drums/urn/vlads echo sabre bkb HoT.


                              Phase seems bad on ck, u dont need the dmg and u have a shit ton of ms already. He needs mana badly.

                              SHYDAGGER I

                                This is a roaming support. I buy alot of wards etc... I'm not going for echo, bkb.

                                He has tons of mana with aether/arcane


                                  Wand/stick is core on him if you're gone roam, that little bit of hp/mana burst can help you use a 2nd stun/rift or even save you from tower diving.


                                    Ur ck u cant go running around with no carry items and be useful in the late game. U have to eventually transition to a semi carry.

                                    SHYDAGGER I

                                      with bottle and arcane i havent really needed a wand

                                      SHYDAGGER I

                                        anyone got a link to a high level roaming Chaos game ? id love to see a replay, don't see one


                                          Do u pray for lucky 4 sec stuns?

                                          Arek Akashi

                                            I played both roles,Core Chaos is much stronger

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                            SHYDAGGER I

                                              im watching this match -

                                              its listed as mid support, but he doesn't buy any wards except to start with

                                              anyone know a different replay?


                                                Wards dont define a support, a roaming support usually wants only 1 ward if ur someone who wants oov and wind lace starting.


                                                  I think actually please check me on that one.


                                                    I also think we should rename the hero to chaos diesel


                                                      watch slahser roam ck

                                                      SHYDAGGER I

                                                        Question, in general, when someone says they 'roam' with a certain hero ,or they are a 'roamer', does this automatically mean support ?

                                                        roam = support ?


                                                          Mk can roam, but he usually ends up carrying in a way. Roaming means u r lower on the farm position, but some roamers skill sets place them in a carrying role imo despite their farm position.


                                                            Its like a 4th semi core who is kinda underfarmed.


                                                              If you're roaming it means you don't really care about farm.

                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                hmm....I might try to jungle CK if my team pick cancer luna what you think?

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  Jungle ck is actually so bad. Ck is almost the worst afk farmer in the game.


                                                                    How does ck jungle well at all

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      On the hero that I not familiar at all I do this good shit out,given any hero in my hand I will make him/she/it a jungler

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        The PA throwed 2 daggers because of the new talent and you mistaken it for illu throwing them, I think.
                                                                        You can get Midas if ganks are going real nice, b4 15min. However things hardly go real nice for roaming CK so just drums and aether
                                                                        I like tranquil after aether

                                                                        basement :)

                                                                          It is good because Daddy did not post it.


                                                                            Ck farms heroes, not creeps(can't remember wether I heard that in a stream, a friend told me that or it was a video) so yeah roaming ck is better than jungle ck


                                                                              Specter the tb=fastest tower pusher.i actually wondering if somebody runs ck agh on safe lane carry and the mid is either luna or tb. Ultra cancer if its work

                                                                                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                                                  core ck is pretty broken in normal skill currently.

                                                                                  I think phase is a terrible idea for him whether he is roaming or not. power treads definitely the best choice.

                                                                                  midas also a terrible choice imo. you can get an armlet for almost the same price and armlet is pretty much all he needs to start doing real hurt.

                                                                                  max rift not stun otherwise you'll have to go back to base after every gank and the cd on level 4 rift means you can use it to initiate and chase in the same gank.

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                    Anything you play in normal rank normal games work. You could buy 6 boots and win the game and think it was a good build EleGiggle


                                                                                      that's a retarded comment. just because you could win in NS with any build does not equal a NS player being able to win with any build.


                                                                                        Rocket. True. That's why I recommend ns plebs go refresher aghs on jugg

                                                                                        SHYDAGGER I

                                                                                          yeah i did played it again, haven't gotten midas yet. The roam CK is so good at destroying all of the lanes. If the safelane has any type of stun its free kills all day. Creates so much space for the carry.

                                                                                          2 clarities, tangos, mango, smoke

                                                                                          thats about all i start with, then I get brown boots and bottle.

                                                                                          then aether, drums, and then I began transitioning into a core with heart/armlet/vlads/, whatever the team needs

                                                                                          I've never been behind in gold or levels, haven't gotten midas yet. Maybe it's just being at 2k bracket, but i have been having great success with this so far. CK roaming is just such a menace to all the lanes. We had a Slardar offlane, so I come up there and thats easy kill. In Safelane we had some snares so I come down there and its a kill. Midlane im so fast/tanky I can get a gank off there too even at the tower.

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            roaming ck is good


                                                                                              But meka, isnt wk much slower than ck, and scales worse in general? Like ck can hit people more reliably but wk is so slow. Idk just asking

                                                                                              SHYDAGGER I

                                                                                                WK slow as hell, don't got lockdown like CK