General Discussion

General DiscussionJakiro mid counter?

Jakiro mid counter? in General Discussion
Von Darkmoor


    Im getting sick of Jakiro mid ive seen it getting more and more popular the last weeks.

    The Jakiro or Jugger but mostly Jakiro + Undying, Viper, Witchdoctor+Axe or another hero just seem impossible to face unless you manage to outdraft it somewhat i dont know how tho.

    Anyways winning mid could possibly stall the game enought for me to win the match otherwise that draft usually win the game rather easily in 10-15 minutes. (yes i would say its even faster than the drow+luna+wd draft.

    Any tips much appreciated on how to mid vs them also a few anti pick tips would be nice aswell.

    Thanks in advance.

    (Jugg extra fountain and ward seems a bit broken vs short range heros/melee and nukers.)
    (jakiro max nuke max orb outrange everything and squishys lose 2/3 hp to just one combo. Then its just fearful fish style for the rest and ez tower for him :S )

    ( Cant rely on ganks from offlane or safelane since most players seem to be so stupid i guess a spiritbreaker is bound to do some work atleast vs a jakiro so cant come up with anyone else, it got to be stupidly easy so randoms get it. Especially if its a eu wester all pick ranked player since they seem to be particulary bad and stupid.)

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      haha faceit shit in pubs

      sniper, ember (kinda)


        I asked a 5k mate of mine a while ago a similar question

        It seems like laning agaisnt "support" mids like jakiro, warlock or skywrath is too hard at one point because they can outharass you super hard

        So usually its better to just get support rotations since these heroes are usually easy to gank, or at least help you get ahead so you can win the lane

        If you're just stuck in a 1v1 I have no idea since some heroes are just so hard to lane agaisnt if the matchup isn't favourable


          ah so it actually is faceit
          thats not just jakiro, its a whole draft with drow/luna/jakiro/pugna/undying/necro/weaver etc.mwhich is used by all the abuser stacks on faceit cz it allows to end the game quick

          it doesnt require a specific counter, just dont fuck up the early game completely
          lc, tinker, sniper are all good against push shit generally, and in the lategame this kind of line ups is way weaker

          Von Darkmoor


            Yeah offlane/ safe rotating to help i agree with should proberly win you the lane but its waay too much all pick eu west players to be able to rely on that to happens its like 33% chance the people do it.

            Well All Pick is shit period.
            Hm... Decent players that stack allways abuse its part of the game also Jakiro and a few few few times Necro is by far the worst the rest is easily manageable.

            "Just dont fuck up the early game completely"

            This would practicly mean giving away every tower until you reach high ground for free since you cant defend it without items once all towers are down they basicly just siege the towers down and starve you to death.
            Sure if you manage to get past 20 or so the table turns but how do i turn it?

            Juggernaut seems manageable with some heros but with some his just as much pest as Jakiro.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              A good brood player will fuck with them trilane is beaten to eash by brood then the jakiro cant do anything. Qop is good vs this type of lineup. The only main counter to this lineup is winning the trilane as solo brood and have an support mid


                Pick heroes that will allow you to comeback later instead.

                Their draft is like push or lose, they don't have a real tank and poor initiation. Just a mash-up of glass damage dealers.

                I'd literally pick something like Treant+Medusa+Tinker+Axe+whateverthefuck and see them go face to face late game against such a draft.

                Tinker+Treant would be enough to halt their pushes tbh.

                Этот комментарий был изменён
                Johnny Rico

                  Jakiro counter = late game

                  casual gamer

                    the issue isnt the strat but the people ur against isnt it?



                      Von Darkmoor

                        Tried Puck utter failure cant get the blink and the snowball going fast enought tho they did gank me 4-5 times that game but still without snowballing Puck becomes too weak :(


                        Not sure how you mean explain further please?

                        @4k Anger Management Practice

                        Yes sure but you must be able to hold on until late game ofc their bad lategame but how do you manage to prolong it that far fuck i saw Alliance vs Cloud9 and they had the same issue im having C9/my enemy could/can simply snowball over my team thanks to kills and tower and we / I dont get the momentum to get things going i dont know how to prolong it one captain gave me clinkz and sure was a lost mid vs Jakiro lane but was able to snipe off kills with inviss and comeback and carry the game later on but this was mostly to them fucking up there must be someway to avoid this issue without relying on the enemy to make misstakes?

                        Not even kotl helps a lot its not spamm able enought nor is Pucks orb :(

                        I suppose a Tinker with marsch can prolong it somewhat but Tinker rely on having the space from towers to rat and split since they push out all towers exept ti3 he wont be able to rely much on that. A tinker is very easy to gank aswell perhaps if you dual lane the mid but thats also a possibly failure due to levels and they can just aswell rotate 2 isstead of 1 to gank or 4 and then you are fucked anyways.


                          They won't be able to push into March + Treant armor.

                          Suppose they gather in 5 against a draft I've suggested.

                          They can't really stand as 5 for long sieges as Axe would jump in into them under marches and missiles with follow up.

                          Thus, they'd have to hit and run with liquid fire/nether blast.

                          However that wouldn't work either, since Tinker would zone them out with Treant's living armor that one hit push would be nullified and the next time they'll try to push the same tower with full HP.

                          Treant can cast armor global, Tinker could instantly be anywhere. No chance to push through that, given Tinker/Axe/Treant aren't complete retards.

                          Or you could draft Enigma instead of Axe and force to either: go as 5 for an aggressive push and inevitably get into a BH under Tinker, which is certain death OR hit towers and run, hoping to take them slowly, but that wouldn't work either, as Treant is a direct counter to such "slow pushes".

                          They'd be stuck in a limbo.
                          Also, Tinker/Treant waste almost no farming/exp time to defend any tower, while they'd waste time to team up, gather and fail a push over and over.

                          Meanwhile you'd have a freefarming Medusa.


                            Tinker. Had such a game where we could not end because of a tinker high ground defense

                            Von Darkmoor

                              @4k Anger Management Practice

                              Thanks for the tip, i will definently try trent/tinker combo if get the possibilty sounds good in theory atleast :)

                              casual gamer


                                hes right just pick a shitton of depush

                                sniper + tinker + tree +lich type shit

                                even if you dont win u will make them want to shoot themselves

                                Von Darkmoor

                                  I suppose

                                  Sniper for hg defs

                                  Treent to heal sustain.

                                  Lich to armor attackslow on towers / sustain

                                  Ogre to buff attackspeed ^^

                                  And Tinker to split and marsch and nuke

                                  Got to try it ^^