General Discussion

General Discussionshadow demon ulti

shadow demon ulti in General Discussion

    How to use shadow demon ultimate most effectively.
    Any tips regarding other spells is appreciated too

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        u can also solo kill certain heroes like sf, even if u got literally no items. Q, then W, then R.


          Can you suggest an elaborate guide so I can improve my gameplay. I tried some games and had good success.
          Btw does it purge svems and Omni's ultimate too?


            svens ultimate is not purgeable at all
            for omni - yeah


              It q has so much utility in saving allies. Necro ultimate and LC duels. Even for creating space for carries.

              It's just that ivent used its ultimate for anything other than kiting heroes

              casual gamer

                or remove ember guard after he commits with 3x remnant

                the cool guy thing to do is solo kill luna with her illusions, just wait for the first volley of spells then walk up and combo her


                  Oh yes I did that. And Luna raged and threw the game


                    I killed her and her team mate with her illusion.
                    Interesting thing is few of the most dreadful heroes in normals kill bracket get countered wo heavily.
                    Axe pudge etc


                      And LC yes LC too


                        i killed feeded sf solo but didnt survive xd


                          Killing necro with his own illusion having heartstopper. Its my dream.


                            Necro is extremly tough. You need him extremly low health and 0 mana. Then he might die. And if he made gg then it's basically impossible to pull it of


                              i heard some rumors that it can root a courier


                                Use on pa when she jump and watch her melt same thing with timber. Its funny how ns player lets timber get 20 stack then ulti him


                                  good against heroes like dk(dragon form), sf, sven(ult), wk, luna (if you survive her ult), but not that good against nukers like timber, necro etc etc