General Discussion

General Discussionwhy volvo why?

why volvo why? in General Discussion

    this is soo unfair AF. with this new account, why the fuck im playing vs 7.6K? Why?? but we won. take a look

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Mind explaining who is 7.6k?
      I see none


        The io is 7.6


            we dont give a fuck. It's an unranked match


              nice impact u got there... 5k hd for half an hour game.


                why soo salty? im not talking about hd, or unranked match. ya probably it will be unranked match because its just my new account. fuck you! can't get my fucking point?? MORON!


                  4 hard carries without much early impact and the 7.6k hard support Io that got a 4 minute Bottle... for a moment I wasn't sure if I was going to believe this was anything other than my 2k doto... :D


                    pretty sure that was a thrown game because drow took mid and went 0/21/0

                    i look at the 7.6k mid players games its all completely one-sided stomps using mid heroes such as od or storm.


                      actually, it was a safelane drow but he got rekt by MK. so he intent to feed bcus his team trashtalked him.


                        You make a new account
                        You should expect some inaccuracy in match pairings due to the deviations


                          barely~500 GPM in a stomp
                          ~ SEA delusional strikes again

                          all role player

                            SWORD ART ONLINE IS SHIT


                              you are in very high skill ,, you can get matched with anyone above 3700 . so from 3700 to miracle :D , plus it is unranked , so less priority is given between mmr differences

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