General Discussion

General DiscussionAny of you guys like Hearthstone?

Any of you guys like Hearthstone? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    You just described every single game ever. Literally- chess, poker, call of duty, dota, warcraft, hearthstone, starcraft, civilization, backgammon, basketball, hockey- all require some kind of analysis to improve.

    And being average at a video game lol, there are so many other endeavors I'd rather be above average at than dota, yes it's good enough and definitely good enough to comment on hearthstone since the op hasn't even played it yet and will most likely be average


      I agree the pro scene on hearthstone is pretty retarded. And the state of the game is detereorating. I basically with everything u said as someone who has played for 2.5 years. It got a tad bit better at the beginning of WotOG, but it got rlly rlly bad at karazhan and has continued till MSoG.


        But its not pay to win. Not to say there isnt rng, but yeah a better player will win more with the same deck. But a better player wont win against a worse player if he has some basic decks. Archetypes are just way too refined.


          It actually got a lot worse on wotg. Game was actually evolving quite a lot right before the patch. Secret paladin wasn't even tier 1 anymore even though for quite a long time people thought it was. They removed a lot of decent design decisions that came with naxx and introduced garbage design like cthun


            @Dire Wolf
            Have you ever heard of zipf's law? Or simply put 80-20 rule? If you can't reach top 20% by putting a very low amount of effort then I have nothing else to say except that giving advice at that level might be more harmful than useful.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              I found the old god patch to be quite fresh cuz people actually played control. At least for a little bit the meta shifted away from aggro, and that was enough for me. After all this garbage secret pally interactions, old god mechanics were good enough for me. Yogg shenanigans were some of the most fun ive ever had. Its just my opinion, but even tho secret pally wasnt tier 1, pub shitters still spammed it. It was a hell of a lot better than finding pirate warriors at rank god damn 19.

              Dire Wolf

                I don't even understand what your point is. In the middle of a thread about hearthstone by someone who has zero experience with it, you start flaming dota players. One has nothing to do with the other and you are a moron. I am extremely qualified to answer the ops question cus I tried hearthstone and hated it and can give a new player perspective which is what the op would be. Your pro experience is actually less relevant than my anecdotal evidence since op will most likely not be pro or aspire to be pro. Again your comments just sound arrogant and moronic. So I say Good day sir enjoy your shitty life as a hearthstone pro player.



                  Imo playing around secret paladin secrets required a decent understanding of the game and the limits of your and your opponent's decks. That's the moment where I actually properly learned how to play miracle rogue. And idk, when I had 50% of the ladder as secret paladins, I just took a deck that had 75% winrate vs them and easily skyrocketed. With pirates nowadays it's just cthun all over again, just on lower curve. Curvestone is literally the worst.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    Thing is at that point i was just being able to contruct metaish decks as i played f2p. Plus my game understanding was limited, and secret pally just abuses people like that. I dont even remember what i was playing. Rn i play control jade shaman with nzoth and hit rank 10 last season, so i feel decent abt my current skill level. After watching good streamers like firebat and savjz play it rlly improved my game sense.


                      Honestly why does blizzard print 1 mana 3/2's with no drawback and act confused when people realize its completely busted? Its actually so dumb.


                        Dude you say you could play secret pally. You say you can play nzoth jade shaman. I don't have that luxury. I never could craft secret pally myself, nor I can play nzoth jade because I don't have aya and I don't have nzoth or white eyes, lmao. I only recently (about 6 days ago) crafted patches.

                        Tbh u shouldn't stop at 10 and push for 5 because rewards of 15->10 and 10->5 are uncomparable but the skill level is about the same.


                          I've being playing the game since the beta, really fun untill recent patches where the meta became too much c*ncer.

                          Warrior has become retarded



                            It doesn't even have to be the control meta. It has to be a meta that isn't all about curving out. You need a few curve decks and then the rest should be following at least some kind of plan. Playing for a win condition is much more fun than just playing cards and curving out. But blizzard doesn't realise that.


                              Is no one gonna call the dude out on randomly claiming to be a professional hearthstone player?lol

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                @Positive attitude player
                                I'm going to prelims and I gave away my twitter in one of my first posts.

                                I got this e-mail 1.5 days ago ;)


                                  damnit you idiots made me curious enough about the game to start downloading it.


                                    Pls don't xd


                                      Srry but i never said i cud play secret pally. Must be a misunderstanding. And the only reason i have aya and white eyes is cuz i disenchanted shifter zerus, millhouse, nozdormu, and knuckles, all of which i unpacked. I crafted nzoth a long time ago dont remember what i did for it.


                                        Nah actually if you want to get into the game play arenas for a few months only to build a collection and learn the mechanics of the game and get to know all the cards


                                          Fuck patches i dont play the cancer deck of the meta. Unless it was karazhan mid shaman, which i used to hit rank 10. The only reason i dont hit rank 5 is because i dont play that often, and with a deck like mine u dont climb fast. I basically run out of time. I hit rank 10 only 2-3 days before end of season.


                                            lel. I misunderstood, sorry. But usually majority of people could play secret pally. I didn't have last naxx wing or their epic for that matter :) And idk the months that I don't play a lot I easily hit rank 5 by playing ranked while having trouble completing quests in time

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              Arena is dumb now, because the individual chance to get almost any specific rare card is so low u cant play around any of em. U basically play around abyssal enforcer and thats it. Because only the most recent good commons r actually common enough in decks to bother playing around. For example, only abt 1/20 decks will have mc tech (something like that), so holding back that 4th minion cud lose u the game 19/20 times, but that 1 time itll fuck you. Same thing with dragon fire potion and shit.


                                                I didnt have challenger, or tirion at the time. I crafted tirion later but that was a mistake cuz paladin isnt a class rn smh


                                                  You have to know when you can afford to play around x and evaluate. That's it. And if you get fucked by variance you just move on.


                                                    See i grind my quests and dont play only ranked. I also play arena and stuff so all my hearthstone time is divided.


                                                      What im saying abt arena is that the variance is too high, and eventually (since cards dont rotate out) itll be some mindless curve fest. I dont think arena can remain good if they never rotate cards, cuz itll make it less predictable, and imo way too random, at least in the long run.


                                                        Nah it's not true what you're saying. It's like you bought into their card rotation bullshit argument for standard play, too. More cards means you actually need to be more competent. And the game is already basically unpredictable due to shit cards like babbling book if you know what I mean (pavelsports xd).
                                                        Damn this game used to be so good... I wish it wasn't in such degenerate state right now.


                                                          Damn, you must actually have spent quite a bit of cash on Yugioh. I had a fairly budget Hazy Flame deck before I quit. Around the time they introduced pendulums it just became too expensive to keep up with the meta.


                                                            I haven't spent a lot. I've spend my childhood on it though. Majority of my cards are from placing high on tournaments and getting a cut of the prize or trading (not ripping people off, but actually doing a lot of smart trades and uptrades). I've been playing budget decks nearly the whole time. The best deck and the most fun I've ever had was Empty Jar.

                                                            In my country this could be regarded as rich kids' game. I was the poor kid compared to those upper class and upper middle class kids that could just buy the cards they wanted. Having great friends helped a ton by getting some cards lent to me and etc. It taught me so much about how free market works and how economy works. Yugioh was literally the best experience in regards to life in general. Sort of a "from rags to riches through dedication and hard work" story.

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                              I dont think thats true. Or can u at least explain to me maybe im missing something. The thing is, even tho those babbling book elements r random, at least you have a smaller pool of cards it cud give when u have less expansions in the mix. I feel like abt standard u dont rlly need rotations, because decks will always become meta, and general deck lists r known, so even tho the card pool is big, the amt of cards actually run in constructed is small ebough that u can play around them and stuff. But in arena, u just get handed the entire card pool and then u have to make a deck out of it, which imo makes it less skill based.


                                                                Cant have been easy to build a complete Lightsworn Deck from Tournament prizes and Trading though. If I remember right cards like BLS and Honest were freaking expensive. In my country it was also pretty much a rich person's game. I know people who spent the equivalent of several hundred US dollars building Dragon Ruler's decks. I came to the party fairly late, I only started halfway through the XYZ era, and quit around the time they introduced pendulums, so I didn't have a lot of time to build up a collection of the more expensive cards. But I definitely know its possible to build up from very little. The friend who introduced me to the game also build most of his decks from tournament prizes and trading (ironically he also mained Lightsworn).
                                                                Its a pity the game turned out the way it did.


                                                                  Yeah I stopped playing frequently right when dragon rulers came out and stopped playing completely right when they introduced pendulums. And when I see what they have right now I just don't really want to even try playing the game again. Hopefully they stop being degenerate in the future one day.

                                                                  Oh and I have much, much more than just a lightsworn deck :) I have full blackwings, full zombies, full monarchs, full dragunity, empty jar, piper chaos, six samurai and lots more :)

                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                    Damn. That's impressive stuff. My Hazy flame deck was the only full deck I ever completed but I was partyway though building Zombie and Ghostrick decks before I stopped.
                                                                    The current stuff is so ridiculously imbalanced that they actually unbanned Raigeki (its at 1 now) and increased dark hole to 2. The number of new cards that went onto the banlist as will is insane. Its like they don't even try to think of balance when designing new cards anymore.


                                                                      I like Hearthstone but I have quit in-between because it bothers me how much money and/or time you need to invest to play decks you like
                                                                      and I don't like how older decks/cards are useless for ladder grinding.

                                                                      Still, the game is pretty enjoyable


                                                                        Ye it takes a shit load of time to grind decks. The only reason i have nzoth jad shaman is cuz the last 4 legendaries i got were trash useless (millhouse, shifter zerus, nozdormu, and knuckles), so i disenchanted them and with some saved up dust a couple of dumb epics i managed to craft aya and white eyes. Thats what i mean by the new player experience being bad. These people have basic decks and r trying to grind ladder for quests against pirate warrior and shit to make real decks. It takes forever and theyll usually resort to throwing money at the problem.


                                                                          Literally every single decision of game design revolves around milking more money rather than making a better game.


                                                                            Sometimes making a better game is the best way to milk more money 🤔


                                                                              @Positive Attitude Player
                                                                              You forgot to mention in the long run
                                                                              They are so short sighted that you might sometimes think: can they even see their own monitor screens.


                                                                                I think want my dr boom back. I crafted it just before they announce standard and wild. I also want my oil rogue back. Now rogue is not even rogue because they rely on minion not like the old miracle or oil rougue who need to stall. Warrior need to be a control deck and it have been successful for the last year or so but since pirate warrior cones out i think hearthstone just lost the meaning of the game


                                                                                  Just cuz archetypes change doesnt mean the game is bad thats not the point. Aggro warrior can exist but that doesnt mean it shud exist in the state rn where it can kill someone somewhat reliably turn 5-6. Not to mention miracle rogue existed for a long ass time idk what ur talking abt when u say the leeroy archetype doesnt suit rogue when it existed since the beginning of the game.


                                                                                    Also fuck dr boom what a stupid card.

                                                                                    basement :)

                                                                                      I actually ran a bot that farmed 100 gold and quests daily. It takes around 7 month without arena to start having enough cards for 4+ meta decks. I did it for 2 years.

                                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                        You used the bot on your main account or a side account? It ever get banned?


                                                                                          Dear whoever designed Drakonid Operative,

                                                                                          Take your own life.


                                                                                          P.S.) I hope you have two beautiful children and they both die of cancer.

                                                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                            I remember I pulled a dr boom a week before it got rotated out, feels bad man


                                                                                              Read orange_hs twitter feed. Nearly the exact same story happened to me. Except I also travelled abroad. This game sucks and the devs and upkeepers of the esports fucking suck

                                                                                              Clown School Graduate

                                                                                                I play Hearthstone actively. If anybody wants, add me at

                                                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                  Saw this post went 3 pages so I finally went and check what is it,wew it's mini card game.Nice cumback Blizzard xD

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                    What do u mean comeback? Not that hearthstone is gr8 or anything but for now its carrying blizzard on its back. Fuck drakonid operative


                                                                                                      I can see why people care about individual cards in arena, but imo individual cards aren't really worth complaining about for constructed. It's not like dragon priest is insane right now